Pregnancy is accompanied not only by pleasant moments, but also by often very uncomfortable phenomena. One of them is swelling of the fingers. They can appear after physical exertion or accompany a woman throughout the day. The severity of the phenomenon may be different. Minor edema, as a rule, does not affect the quality of life of a pregnant woman and does not cause concern. However, in some cases, an unpleasant phenomenon can adversely affect the condition of the future mother. That is why many women care about why their fingers swell during pregnancy, and how to fix the problem.
How to determine
Not notice swelling of the hands is very difficult. Just look at the ring on one of the fingers. If the decoration is not removed, and the skin around it rises, it means that the woman has swelling. Checking for those will help another simple way. It is enough to put on an elastic band on a hand. If the skin is pressed and has not been smoothed for a long time, swelling of the extremities takes place.
In some cases, an unpleasant phenomenon may be accompanied by tingling, as well as a feeling of numbness. Symptoms most often occur while sitting or staying upright for a long time. If a woman has taken an uncomfortable posture, or her arms have been elevated for a long time, the above symptoms may also occur. The feeling of numbness is due to the accumulation of water in the tissues.
There may be many reasons why fingers swell during pregnancy in the morning and at other times of the day. It is worth noting the most common.
1. Failure of the endocrine system. The active production of progesterone helps to slow down the process of removing fluid from a woman's body.
2. An increase in the volume of circulating blood impedes the functioning of the kidneys. That is why excess fluid is excreted much worse and accumulates in the body.
3. If the fingers swell at the 37th week of pregnancy, you should not sound the alarm. Thus, the woman’s body preparing for the upcoming birth, plans to compensate for profuse blood loss, which is implied during the period of natural delivery or cesarean section. Some women report that their fingers swell from the 34th week of pregnancy.
The above reasons are physiological and are explained by the features of the course of pregnancy.
Pathological swelling of the fingers during pregnancy
The causes of the unpleasant phenomenon can not always be physiological. In some cases, edema signals the occurrence of pathological processes in the body of a future mother:
- Gestosis is an unpleasant phenomenon that can accompany a pregnant woman throughout the entire period of expectation of a child. It manifests itself not only swelling of the fingers, but also a number of other symptoms, such as weakness, nausea, dizziness. Late gestosis is very dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby.
- Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Swelling of the extremities may indicate renal failure. This phenomenon is accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the arms, face and neck, lower extremities.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system - a pathological reason explaining the occurrence of swelling of the fingers.
- Deficiency of protein in the body of a pregnant woman can also cause the appearance of swelling not only in the upper limbs, but also in other parts of the body.
In any case, the representative of the fair sex expecting a child should contact a medical institution for qualified assistance regardless of the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.
How to fight
What to do if swollen fingers during pregnancy? This issue is of interest to many women in position. Timely measures taken can prevent the occurrence of serious consequences. That is why women in position need to know what to do with swelling of the hands during pregnancy.
With the appearance of swelling in the region of the upper extremities, it is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also a local therapist. The situation should be supervised by qualified professionals. Not only traditional methods, but also folk remedies will help get rid of edema, the high effectiveness of which has been proven by time.
Traditional methods
If swelling of the fingers during pregnancy is due to physiological reasons, medication is not needed. It is enough to follow the simple recommendations of doctors.
First of all, it is worth abandoning intense physical exertion. Every few hours it is necessary to massage the fingers and hands, to carry out simple physical exercises. At least two liters of liquid should be drunk per day. Preference should be given to water without gas and chemical sweeteners. During pregnancy, it is better to abandon soft drinks and juices purchased in the store.
The nutrition of the future mother should be full and balanced. It is strongly not recommended to consume a large amount of sweet, flour products. It is worth refusing to eat sausages, sausages and other harmful delicacies, the composition of which is by no means safe for the human body.
Doctors strongly recommend consuming multivitamin complexes during the period of gestation. If the swelling of the fingers is caused by any pathological processes, the use of special medications should be added to the above actions.
The use of folk remedies in the fight against swelling of the fingers during pregnancy
In the fight against an unpleasant phenomenon, folk methods will also help, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one generation of women:
- An infusion of lingonberry leaves can not only prevent the occurrence of edema, but also significantly strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother. To prepare it, it is enough to pour boiling water on one tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant.
- If your fingers swell during pregnancy, a fresh cranberry juice with honey will help.
- Flaxseed decoction is an effective way to combat swelling in the area of the hands. To prepare a drink, you need to pour a teaspoon of plant material with one glass of boiling water.
- Pumpkin juice. The drink stimulates the kidneys. As a result, excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman is excreted much faster.
Do not start taking a folk remedy without consulting a doctor.
Physical activity in edema
Exercise during pregnancy should be moderate. In the presence of swelling of the fingers from any active actions, it is best to refuse. Expectant mother needs to relax more and spend time in activities that do not require special energy costs.
It is also better to refuse sports training. However, if a woman wants to maintain her body in order, preference should be given to swimming or yoga. It is worth abandoning classes that require the active work of the upper limbs. “Communication” with a laptop or computer is also better to limit and reduce to a minimum.
Doctors advice
What to do if fingers swell during pregnancy? The opinions of doctors are similar to this question. The vast majority of specialists strongly recommend that the expectant mother minimize physical activity. In the presence of edema, doctors advise to abandon housework and computer classes, requiring active work of the arms and upper limbs in general. Experts recommend that a woman spend more time outdoors. The intake of multivitamin complexes, in their opinion, will also not be superfluous.
Doctors advise expectant mothers to immediately go to the hospital if even minor edema appears. Timely measures taken can prevent the occurrence of serious consequences. It is strictly forbidden to reduce the amount of fluid consumed when swelling occurs. This measure can only aggravate the situation. At least two liters of water should be drunk per day. Doctors advise to devote less time to any problems during pregnancy, and switch to their health and the well-being of the unborn baby.
Many women notice that their fingers swollen during pregnancy. The resulting swelling makes expectant mothers pretty nervous. Indeed, not every representative of the fair sex, who is in position, is able to answer the question of why fingers swell during pregnancy.
The causes of an unpleasant phenomenon can have a physiological and pathological character. In the first case, it’s not worth the alarm. It is enough to follow the simple recommendations of a doctor. If the appearance of edema is associated with pathological conditions of the body of the expectant mother, you may need to take medications. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as gestosis, accompanied by severe edema, can cause significant harm not only to a woman, but also to the health of an unborn baby. In any case, it is not worth ignoring the phenomenon in which the fingers swell during pregnancy. What to do and what measures should be taken, the doctor will tell.