Pregnancy nutrition: sample menu, recommended foods

Doubt, fear, all sorts of forebodings - all this and much more flashes in the head of every woman when she finds out about her pregnancy. At this time, you need to remind yourself of responsibility. Indeed, now the development of the child depends on her. And the entire process of gestation is a serious test, which falls on the share of almost every representative of the fair sex. And here a special role is played by nutrition during pregnancy.

Now, with the birth of a new life, the question of caring for one’s health is even more acute. From what the future mother eats, the full development of the baby depends.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Things to Always Remember

Every pregnant woman needs to remember that not all products are beneficial for the baby. Some of them are contraindicated, since they have a negative effect on the development of the fetus, and adversely affect the condition of his mother.

You should also take into account another feature of a balanced diet during pregnancy - the menu in the early stages differs from the diet at a later stage of gestation. Not everyone will understand where this diversity comes from. In fact, everything is so complicated, and everyone can figure it out.

The fact is that in an embryo fixed on the uterus, important systems begin to form, although the size of the fetus is still very small. In this regard, it is necessary to supply it with useful minerals, vitamins and other necessary nutrients. That is, follow a balanced diet during pregnancy.

The importance of proteins in the body

Proper nutrition allows you to supply your child with all the necessary nutrients, among which protein is at a premium. It is proteins or proteins that are the main building material for any cell of the human body. These elements, in turn, are composed of different amino acids. But the body is not able to produce absolutely everything that we need, so we should replenish them through food intake.

The amino acids themselves act as bricks that connect together in a variety of ways. This creates whole chains of different lengths. And in the end, this or that tissue is formed: skin, hair, bones and so on. Some types of proteins are responsible for transporting substances from one part of the body to another. A striking example is hemoglobin, which is responsible for the transfer of oxygen. Therefore, it is so important that protein is present in the diet of a woman during pregnancy.

Proteins are involved in blood coagulation, the formation of hormones, and protection against infection (wound healing, antibody production). Therefore, the proportion of protein in the daily menu should be at least 10-15%, which is 280-420 kcal or 70-100 grams. Pregnant women need a little more: 85-130 grams per day.

Here, where there is especially a lot of protein:

  • milk products;
  • meat;
  • a fish;
  • legumes;
  • nuts
  • eggs
  • potatoes;
  • cereals.

50-70% of the daily intake of protein should be in animal proteins, which our body is best absorbed. The residue can be made up with vegetable protein.

Proper nutrition is the key to health!

Meals in the first trimester (from 1 to 12 weeks)

The first trimester for a woman is promising and very responsible. She recently found out about her pregnancy and now she is interested in the question of what to do now and what to do? It is better from this moment to think about drawing up a competent menu. But at such an early stage, you do not need to drastically change your eating habits so as not to expose your body to stress, which now has no place.

As noted above, it is at such an early stage of pregnancy that the entire future organism of the child is laid. Therefore, in the diet during pregnancy in the 1st trimester there should be as many vegetables, herbs and fruits as possible. But you won’t be fed up with them alone, so you should also use other healthy foods:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • whole grain or whole grain bread;
  • buckwheat;
  • nuts
  • cereals.

Among the vitamins during this period, folic acid is especially important, which is just a lot in peanuts, liver of chicken, beef, pork. And in order not to overload the kidneys, fatty foods, as well as salty, spicy, sour and fried foods should be excluded from the diet.

Due to the use of coffee, fetal development slows down, but it can also contribute to premature birth. Also, the threat of miscarriage is not excluded. Therefore, it should also be included in the list of prohibited products for the period of bearing the child.

It is important for those mothers who monitor their nutrition during pregnancy during the 1st trimester and count calories, it is important to know the energy value of dishes. The total number of calories per day should not exceed 2400-2700 kcal.

Proper Maternity Cooking

Meals in the II trimester (from 13 to 27 weeks)

At this time, more tight control of the diet is necessary to avoid digestive problems. Here, the number of calories can be increased to 3000 kcal per day. But no more! Only doing this is recommended due to vegetable fats, and not with the help of sweets. Knowledgeable people recommend drinking two tablespoons of oil per day. But from the use of sour cream and cream is better to refuse.

Natural vitamins should not be forgotten either. It:

  • carrot;
  • legumes;
  • fruit;
  • eggs
  • meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • milk.

Such nutrition during pregnancy will provide the baby with the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other useful substances for its full development. This also favorably affects the woman herself. However, protein, by virtue of its peculiarities (this was mentioned closer to the beginning of the article), is in special honor. Only carbohydrates should be consumed carefully, otherwise extra pounds will be added, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Counting on pregnancy nutrition by week, these products need to say a solid no:

  • sausages;
  • fat;
  • fish caviar;
  • various pastries;
  • eggs (more precisely, yolks);
  • butter (vegetable - exception);
  • sour cream;
  • cheeses.

They contain a large amount of cholesterol, which is why the load on the liver increases significantly, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. Pickles, citrus fruits, chocolate should also be excluded from the menu, which will avoid allergies. But low-fat dairy products are even useful, because they contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for mother and child. In addition, women are encouraged to arrange a fasting day once a week. That is, drink kefir more and eat green apples.

Pregnancy Nutrition

Nutrition during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester (from 28 to 40 weeks)

This period is the most difficult for mom, the nutritional requirements are even more stringent. This is due to the fact that the female body is under tremendous strain, preparing for the upcoming birth. Moreover, most of it falls on the liver and kidneys. As for the menu, it must be radically changed:

  • The number of calories should be as low as possible.
  • Eat at least 5-7 times a day.
  • Limit fluid intake to 1 liter per day.
  • Food should be under salted.
  • The amount of salt should not exceed 4-5 grams per day.
  • Cooking should be done in vegetable oil only.

In addition, it is necessary to completely refrain from meat, mushroom, and chicken broths and gravy. The same goes for animal fats. The basis of nutrition during pregnancy by weeks should be vegetarian food, dairy products, low-fat meats and fish only in boiled form.

Grapefruit and pomegranate will be good substitutes for sugar and grapes. Here you should already closely monitor your weight, since the course of the birth itself will depend on this.

nutrition of the second trimester of pregnancy

Features of nutrition for constipation

If a woman suffers from constipation, this clearly indicates a disrupted digestive tract. Some of the products are not digested properly. According to experts, this happens with low fiber intake. In this connection, you should look at products such as:

  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers
  • zucchini;
  • Tomatoes
  • Rye bread.

But most fiber is found in bran. They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, contributing to the unhindered excretion of feces and the normalization of stool. They can be consumed both in pure form and added to food.

In addition to vegetable nutrition, more fruits should be consumed during constipation. Most women in the position to deal with constipation helps kiwi. You just need to be careful, as this fruit may be allergic.

Dried fruits - prunes, figs, dried apricots are highly effective in combating constipation. You can make infusion or compote from them. As knowledgeable people recommend, it is better to soak prunes in the water at night, and wake up in the morning to eat berries before breakfast. Beetroot also contains a large amount of fiber, but besides it, this vegetable contains organic acids, which together also favorably affect the metabolism and peristalsis of the intestine.

Now it is worth mentioning that which is impossible in such a period. For the most part, this applies to white bread, chocolate, semolina, strong tea and other products that cause intestinal discomfort.

Fiber-rich foods

Nutrition for edema during pregnancy

However, constipation is far from the only problem that awaits almost every woman in an “interesting position”, and only 20% of pregnant women manage to avoid this. It's about swelling. This word refers to excess fluid in the tissues, and during the period of bearing a child a woman has two more. This is amniotic fluid, and it is also present in the placenta. Moreover, in its composition there is a change in the water-salt balance, the cause of which is the accumulation of sodium in the blood vessels.

As a result, fluid excretion is delayed. In addition, a constantly increasing uterus presses on the internal organs and blood vessels, which slows down blood circulation, which also serves as a reason for fluid retention.

Edema can cause serious complications, so to avoid trouble, you should limit the amount of salt. And it’s better to completely abandon it, at least for the period of pregnancy. Home preservation should also be excluded from nutrition during pregnancy. The same goes for fried and smoked foods.

Meat with vegetables must be steamed, boiled or baked. Dishes should be rich in protein. The diet should include low-fat broths, cereals, fruits and vegetables, and they must be consumed regularly. Fasting days will serve as a good prophylaxis, but you should not get carried away with it - once a week is enough. In addition, you must definitely coordinate this with your doctor.

As the studies show, the amount of fluid in no way affects the formation of edema. It is advisable to drink it up to 1 liter per day, but not less. No need to heed the advice of "special specialists" who state the opposite.

Weight gain

It is sometimes difficult for pregnant women to resist and then they begin to sweep everything off the table. It seems like you need it for two and almost all caring relatives agree with this opinion. However, such nutrition during pregnancy and overweight will lead to obesity, which is undesirable.

For any person, overweight negatively affects his health, especially for pregnant women. Significantly increases the load on the spine and internal organs. As a result, by the end of the term, the expectant mother may have a whole bunch of various diseases: hypertension, diabetes, preeclampsia and so on.

Of course, a woman, being in a position, in any case is gaining additional kilograms. But if everything is within the norm, then nothing serious threatens. For the entire duration of pregnancy, weight gain should vary from 6 to 15 kg, depending on the initial body weight. Actually, where do these extra kilos come from:

  • amniotic fluid - 0.5-0.6 kg;
  • uterus - 1 kg;
  • fetus - 2.5-4 kg;
  • breast enlargement - 0.5 kg;
  • increase in circulating blood - up to 1.5 kg;
  • placenta - 0.4-0.6 kg.

Weight is approximate, in addition, my mother is gaining another 3-4 kg of fat. Until the 20th week of pregnancy, the increase should be no more than 40%, while the remaining 60% is in the second half of the entire period.

But in case of excess - more than 15 kg, this serves as a serious cause for concern.

The natural wealth of the vitanim

Overweight Prevention

Simple rules that will allow you to form the right nutrition during pregnancy, so as not to gain excess weight:

  • The most important thing in the menu is not the quantity of consumed products, but their quality and variety.
  • A sharp change in diet is contraindicated, your body must be introduced to proper nutrition gradually.
  • Faithful advisers are not friends, but their own inner voice and the recommendations of doctors.
  • As much as possible to use those products that normalize the intestines - oatmeal, barley, carrots, apples.
  • Eat only at home, but it's better to forget about trips to cafes, restaurants and dining rooms. Otherwise, it threatens to overeat and gain weight. In addition, not all products of such establishments are useful for a pregnant woman.
  • Breakfast must be included in the diet, as this avoids severe hunger throughout the day.
  • As for dinner, it should be light, and it is better to leave heavy meals for lunch. In the evenings it is worth consuming dairy products and cereals, which will also help to avoid gaining extra pounds.

In addition to observing such a diet during pregnancy, it is worth accepting for another important rule - you should take food 5-7 times a day. You can eat in the evening, but 2 hours before bedtime, no later. As for the heat treatment of products, frying using oil is the method that experts recommend avoiding because of its harmfulness. The calorie content of dishes increases 2 times, which inevitably leads to obesity. Therefore, this processing method cannot be applied.

How then to cook dishes? Actually, there is a choice:

  • Steam or in water.
  • Stew by adding water, sauces, broths and quite a bit of oil.
  • Bake - this is usually done in the oven. Just avoid adding fatty sauces and hard cheese, as they also increase calories.

In addition, sharp spices should be abandoned, instead of them, to improve the taste of the prepared dishes, it is worth using paprika, cinnamon and laurel. Sesame seeds and fresh herbs will also be beneficial.

Daily Menu Example

Consider, for example, what might be the daily menu in nutrition during pregnancy, designed for 6 meals:

  1. A toast made from black bread, a little butter on top, one chicken egg and all this is washed down with one glass of kefir.
  2. Salad of greens, a glass of aromatic tea.
  3. You can cook chicken and boil potatoes, and for dessert serve pear, kefir or drinking yogurt.
  4. Have a toast, on top of which you can put butter or jam and drink a glass of juice.
  5. Eating brown rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad and tea.
  6. Drink a glass of kefir or eat a medium-sized fruit.

Adhering to such a diet, you can be sure of a successful pregnancy. The body will not be overloaded, in addition, many complications such as problems with the digestive tract and other ailments can be avoided.

If a woman has signs of anemia, then you should include as many foods as possible rich in iron, which are abundant in apricots, peas, pomegranate, buckwheat, mushrooms, oatmeal, dried apricots.

Also, this element needs to be helped to be well absorbed in the body, which dairy products do well. But, in addition to proper nutrition during pregnancy, in this case it is advisable to carry out drug treatment, for which a consultation with the attending physician is necessary. He can choose the optimal diet.

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