Do dogs need to salt food while cooking?

Often, pet owners wonder if they need to salt a dog’s food. Opinions on this subject may be divided. Many are convinced that salt in a pet’s diet is harmful. Is it so? Let's get it right.

What is salt?

Does the dog need to salt food

Table salt is a combination of sodium and chlorine ions. Sodium particles are responsible for optimizing the rhythm of the heart, as well as for the functioning of muscles and nerve cells. Chlorine performs a function in the formation of hydrochloric acid, which is a component of gastric juice and contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system. By itself, salt in the body is not produced, so it must be added to food.

The advantage of this product is that it retains water in the body, which in turn prevents dehydration. If we talk about whether it is necessary to salt a dog’s food, then, of course, sodium chloride is necessary in small quantities. The main thing in this matter is to observe the measure.

Some inexperienced breeders are sure that dogs are carnivores, therefore, they need to be fed exclusively with meat. However, such a statement is considered fundamentally false. The pet’s stomach is adapted to our food, so meat alone will not be enough for her.

Salt damage

As for table salt, abuse of it can negatively affect the health of the animal and even lead to death. In the course of research, it turned out that the lethal dose of salt for an animal is 3 grams. Salt poisoning can occur in dogs, and dehydration will exacerbate the situation.

Excess salt can also lead to a number of the following diseases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • the formation of kidney stones.

So add salt to dogs? If high-quality feeds were chosen for feeding a pet, then you will have to refuse salt, because this supplement is present in them.

Animals are allowed a third of the portion that is shown to people. For dogs of small breeds, it is 0.15 grams, for large - a maximum of 1.7 g. In this amount, it can be added to natural food (cereals, vegetables, meat).

When salt can harm

It also happens that even a small amount of this white seasoning from a salt shaker can cause serious harm to the animal's body. Do dogs need to salt food when cooking, if there are health problems? It is strictly forbidden to add it to food for those animals who have been diagnosed with one of the following diseases:

  • myocarditis, heart failure;
  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • renal failure, urolithiasis;
  • arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;
  • hepatitis, cholecystitis.

Do I need to salt a dog that is sick? This question must be clarified with the veterinarian.

What salt can be used

If you adhere to the correct dosages, then sodium chloride will not do harm. As you know, salt can be of different types: stone, iodized, sea. Which one to choose for your pet?

Veterinarians recommend adding sea salt to all natural foods, which contains all the valuable trace elements. It is advisable to give iodized product to those dogs that have problems with the thyroid gland. It is also not contraindicated for healthy dogs. The same goes for rock salt. It is advisable to refrain from crushed Extra salt, since during the processing it loses most of the useful microelements.

Adding salt to your dog’s diet: important points

natural food for dogs

If we talk about whether the dog needs to salt food, then it is worth considering several important points:

  1. First of all, you need to think about how often the pet eats food from the master's table, whether store delicacies for animals pass him.
  2. If the animal eats exclusively special food, it is not necessary to give him additional salt.

Do puppies need to salt food

Do I need to salt food for dogs when cooking

Puppies who have been weaned from mother's milk should be transferred to a special feed or natural food. As a "natural" suitable products such as fresh meat, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals, vegetables. If you properly compile a diet, adding salt to these products is not worth it.

Pregnant and lactating

It is necessary to introduce foods that are rich in nutrients into the diet of a pregnant or giving birth to a bitch. Sodium and chlorine, which are rich in salt, take part in the formation of the puppies osseous system. Do dogs need to salt food when cooking in this case? To choose the right nutrition during this period, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian.

Saline glut: key signs

excess salt in dogs

The following signs will indicate an excess of salt:

  1. Violation of the water balance. Sodium is retained in the cells and absorbs water in large quantities. The first signal of an excess of salt is a strong thirst. Regardless of whether it is hot outside or not, the dog will drink very often and a lot.
  2. Frequent urination. In this case, urine will be lighter than usual.
  3. Diarrhea. If there is a lot of salt in the animal’s diet, he will have an upset bowel.
  4. Swelling of the extremities.

After detecting such symptoms, you must definitely show the animal to the veterinarian, who will draw up a diet menu and prescribe treatment.

Salt deficiency

How to understand that the animal body lacks salt? Can dogs be added to food in this case?

An animal that does not have enough salt is stressed. It is less active and more irritable. The dog has digestive problems. To correct the situation, you will need to consult a veterinarian who will tell you how to correctly introduce this food product into the pet's diet.

Preventive measures

dog food

In high-quality feed, the manufacturer calculates the exact dosage of nutrients. In addition, the weight of the dog and the breed are taken into account. For example, if the question is whether it is necessary to salt a dog’s beagle food, then everything depends on what it eats, what is the specificity of this breed. If the animal is prone to kidney problems, then with salt in its menu you need to be careful.

If the dog eats porridges, meat and vegetables, during cooking they can be added with salt. But salty cookies, canned and smoked products and sausages, sausages should be strictly prohibited.

Sodium chloride poisoning

Should dogs be given salt when it comes to poisoning? This remedy can really be used in emergency cases when the animal has eaten something that can lead to sad consequences. To induce vomiting, you need to open the mouth of the dog, fix the tongue and place 0.5 tsp on its root. salt. After such manipulations, an attack of vomiting will follow immediately.


dog at the vet

Salt is an important supplement that the animal needs. To benefit from it, you must be able to handle it. It is imperative to consult with your veterinarian about whether salt can be added to food for dogs during cooking and in what quantities. Before you buy food for your pet, you will have to study its composition.

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