Dry cough in a child. How to treat and how

A cough in a baby is a common cause of increased anxiety of parents. Almost always, it is a sign of disease. But do not forget that a healthy child sometimes coughs, freeing his airways from foreign particles. However, usually it is not just that a dry cough appears in a child. What to treat, of course, should be prescribed by a doctor. Parents themselves can help the baby before the doctor arrives. Let's see what helps with coughing depending on the disease.

When to treat and when not to

Do not panic and give your baby a variety of medicines if, in addition to

Dry cough in a child than to treat

this symptom, there are no manifestations of the disease: mood, normal behavior, cough does not interfere with the usual way of life. In addition, there is a normal appetite and sleep. This indicates that, in general, the child's condition is satisfactory. In the event that this symptom is paroxysmal bothersome, strong, it interferes with the sleep of the child, then you should immediately consult a doctor. If, in addition to coughing, symptoms such as lethargy, fever, are added, then this is also a sign that the baby is sick.

Dry cough in a child: how to treat

There is some algorithm of actions that must be applied if you encounter such a symptom. However, it is worthwhile to understand that all activities will be aimed at making it moist, and that the child begins to cough up phlegm.

What helps cough

Whooping cough

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In another way, this disease is called laryngotracheitis, it is accompanied by stenosis (this is a narrowing of the upper respiratory tract). This is a very dangerous condition that requires an immediate emergency call.

What to do with dry cough

If for this reason a dry cough has arisen in a child, the doctor prescribes what to treat. However, before his arrival, it is worth relieving the condition. For this purpose, it is necessary to water the patient plentifully, ventilate the room well, and also pour hot water (boiling water) into the bathtub, take the baby in his arms and go into the bathroom. Close the door into it and breathe in pairs for about 15 minutes. In this case, do not panic and scare the child, because anxiety can increase respiratory failure.

Obstructive bronchitis

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