The child turns his head in one direction: causes, symptoms, possible pathologies, torticollis, treatment correction and recommendations of pediatricians

The birth of a child is the most important event in the family. But often parents face some problems in the development of their baby. Sometimes a mother may notice that the child often turns his head in one direction. Moreover, if you try to change the position, after a while the baby will turn back. What this is, and why this happens, can be found further.


More than half of parents notice that their child turns his head in one direction. Moreover, at the same time, the chin is directed in the opposite. This condition is called torticollis. It is congenital and acquired.

Causes of torticollis

Often, due to the baby being in one position, the head becomes flattened. Deformation occurs on the side on which the child most often lies. Without treatment, torticollis can lead to visual impairment, strabismus. Often, the disease is combined with other disorders, such as hip dysplasia. Of critical importance in the treatment of such conditions is early diagnosis.


There are many factors due to which the baby turns her head in one direction. The most common causes of muscle torticollis are:

  • birth trauma (use of vacuum extraction, forceps, improper stretching of the baby during childbirth, use of force, physical effect on the uterus);
  • improper intrauterine formation of the spine;
  • congenital muscle abnormalities in development;
  • intrauterine problems (excess uterine tissue can cause muscle shortening);
  • buttock (pelvic) presentation of the baby.

In rare cases, torticollis may develop due to oblique paralysis or abnormalities of the cervical spine. In this case, the disease may be a symptom of genetic abnormalities.

Acquired forms of a condition when a child turns his head in one direction can occur for the following reasons:

  • strabismus;
  • hearing impairment;
  • tonsillitis;
  • tumor;
  • burn;
  • injury;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • prolonged position in a car seat, stroller, etc.,
  • severe gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • scoliosis.

Symptoms in infants

A classic sign of torticollis is that the child constantly turns his head in one direction. However, parents may notice other symptoms. These include:

  1. The child always turns his head in one direction. For example, if the baby has a right-handed torticollis (head tilted to the right), then he will always move his head to the left. If he needs to look to the right, then the child will turn his whole body in this direction.
    Symptoms of torticollis

  2. The baby's head can be thrown back.
  3. The baby prefers one breast during feeding. Since torticollis causes a limited range of head movement, the baby may have problems with fixation on the chest. In such cases, the child turns his head in one direction, with which it is more convenient for him to complete the feeding process. Specific changes in behavior, such as vanity or crying, may not be present.
  4. Engorgement of the neck muscles. If the child had a muscle injury, then parents can find a small lump on a pea-sized muscle. The presence of such a bump indicates the formation of scar tissue.
  5. Asymmetry of the face. One side may be skewed, eyes narrowed.
  6. Wrong body position. The shoulders can be at different levels.
  7. Curvature of the occipital part of the head.

Signs in adults

In cases where torticollis appears at an older age, the appearance of the following symptoms can be noted:

  • head tilt;
  • pain in the neck;
  • cramping of the neck muscles;
  • stiffness of the head;
  • distortion of posture;
  • incorrect position of the shoulders;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • disorders of the nervous system.


To make a diagnosis and assess the condition in which the baby turns his head in one direction, you may need to undergo the following studies:

  1. Visual and physical examination. This is the easiest way to determine torticollis when examining a child. The doctor may feel some resistance while turning the baby’s head. If the child’s cervical muscle was injured during childbirth, the doctor will look for any external signs of scar tissue formation. Examination of the baby immediately after birth and after a few days can help to detect torticollis at an early stage. In the case of an acquired form of the disease, doctors look for symptoms of other abnormalities that caused torticollis.
  2. X-ray Examination gives a clear idea of ​​the structure of bones. Using X-rays, you can detect the presence of torticollis or any other problem associated with the skeleton of the baby.
  3. Ultrasound Ultrasound examination is done using high-frequency sound waves, with the help of which accurate images of muscles and blood vessels are created. Assessing the resulting picture, the doctor can accurately say whether the muscles suffer from torticollis.

Screening babies

A series of tests in cases when a newborn turns his head in one direction can be carried out to diagnose infant torticollis, including:

  • CT neck of the child;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • EMG to determine which muscles in the neck are affected.

Physical examination is aimed at finding signs of shortening of the muscles of the neck, as well as monitoring the behavior of the child. Usually, with a crank, the baby turns its head in one direction, and the chin indicates the opposite.


With regular examination and early detection, the disease is quite treatable. If the baby turns his head in one direction, a complex massage and physiotherapy are usually prescribed to correct this condition. This treatment allows you to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the neck.

Regular physiotherapeutic exercises help the child move different sides of the head, and not just one, thereby creating balance. In most cases, with the help of therapy, the condition in children can improve within a few weeks or months. Also, to consolidate, it is recommended to do daily exercises at home.


For adults and older children, the following treatment may be recommended:

  • physiotherapy exercises (LFK);
  • physiotherapy;
  • drug therapy;
  • operation to excise affected muscles;
  • wearing a collar;
  • physiotherapy,
  • sleep on orthopedic pillows and mattresses.


In cases when, by the age of 10-11 months, the child turns his head in one direction, but there is no positive dynamics, the next stage of treatment is surgery. Depending on the degree of curvature, two types of operations can be performed: dissection of the sternocleidomastoid muscle or its plastic lengthening.

Other pathologies

If the baby has a moderate or severe degree of torticollis, parents may notice significant changes in the shape of his head. When the child turns his head in one direction more, you can notice some flattening of the skull.

Changing the shape of the head

In this case, it is recommended to monitor the position of the baby more carefully. It is necessary to turn the child in the crib during sleep, put the roller under the back, and also hang bright toys from the "unloved" affected side. You can also put the child to sleep facing the wall, thereby creating an incentive to turn his head in the right direction.

It is worth noting that in addition to torticollis, tilting the head to one side can indicate other diseases and deviations, for example:

  • Klippel-Feil Syndrome. This is a hereditary autoimmune disease in which there is a malformation of the cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, which is expressed by the presence of a short and inactive neck in the patient.
  • The pterygoid neck is an anomaly of development associated with the presence of skin folds on the lateral surfaces of the neck.
  • wedge-shaped vertebrae and half-vertebrae are a congenital anomaly of development, less often formed due to injuries, tumors, granulomatous and infectious diseases.
  • Cervical rib syndrome and costoclavicular syndrome. This congenital abnormality is characterized by the presence of additional ribs on both sides of the cervical spine.
  • Grisel's disease is a persistent contracture of the muscles attached to the first cervical vertebra, caused by inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal lymph nodes. The disease is manifested by the forced position of the head with an inclination in one direction and a turn in the opposite.


How to prevent and correct the condition in which the child turns his head in one direction? To do this, it is recommended to follow some preventive and correction measures.

  1. It is necessary to alternate the position of the child during day and night sleep. After each feeding, it is recommended to lay the baby on the other side. As they grow older, babies begin to turn their heads to light, bright objects, or to find their mother's gaze. Consequently, with a constant alternation of position, the child will turn equally in both directions.
    Bright toy opposite the affected side

  2. During wakefulness, it is necessary to lay the baby on the tummy. This position helps relieve stress. And also it will help strengthen the muscles of the neck, arms, upper body. Thus, as the child develops, he will learn to roll over, sit and crawl. First, you need to lay the baby on the tummy several times for a short period of time. Then the intervals should be reduced, and the duration of the exercises should be increased. Opposite the baby, put a bright rattle, thereby creating an incentive to raise the head. The best time for laying on the stomach is before or one hour after feeding, after changing the diaper, as well as taking water procedures. You can also lie on your back, and put the baby on her tummy down. The head should be on the chest. Hearing a conversation, singing, the child will want to raise his head and see what happens.
    Laying on the tummy

  3. It is not recommended to leave the baby in a car seat, kangaroo or swing for a long time. During a long stay in one position, tension is created not only in the cervical muscles, but throughout the body. The child needs to move: turn his head in different directions, stretch and move his arms or legs.
  4. It is necessary to begin each new feeding with a different breast. In cases of artificial feeding, it is recommended to change the position of the baby, alternately turning to itself either side or the other. Thus, the neck muscles of the baby will train in both directions equally.

Following the above recommendations, you can avoid and adjust the condition of the torticollis in a child.


The sooner you detect and begin to treat a condition in which the baby is turning his head in one direction, the faster you can achieve success and prevent the occurrence of serious complications. Experts say that babies are much easier to treat than adults. In cases where the above treatments are not effective, the child may develop prolonged tingling and numbness in the affected area. In addition, chronic edema of the muscles due to constant pressure may be observed. In severe cases, the child may develop scoliosis.

It is worth noting that most cases of children's torticollis are successfully treated. According to studies, 97% of babies benefit from regular exercise, massage, and prevention.

Physical exercise


During the first few months of a child’s life, parents are advised to observe the shape of the head, the position of the neck, and the symmetry of the eyes and ears. In case of any concerns, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for further examination and treatment. It is worth noting that most changes in the shape of the head will not be noticeable by school age, when the child grows more hair.

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