Sarcoma in cats: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Sarcoma (cancer) in cats is diagnosed, unfortunately, quite often. Animals can get sick with it, just like humans. Oncological diseases bring a lot of suffering to pets and their owners, as in most cases they are incurable. Despite the fact that scientists all over the world are looking for effective ways to fight cancerous tumors, at the moment they are still not found. Drugs that are prescribed for treatment have a rather negative effect on the body as a whole, poisoning not only malignant formations, but also vital organs.

If we talk about cancer in general, it is worth noting that there are several varieties. One of the most aggressive is sarcoma. Let’s talk about it in this article.

how does sarcoma manifest in cats

Sarcoma (cancer) - what is it?

Sarcoma (cancer) in cats is an insidious disease. It is characterized by the formation of malignant tumors. They consist mainly of connective tissue.

A feature of sarcoma is aggressiveness. With this form, metastases affect neighboring organs in a short period of time. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine the development of the disease in the early stages, since it proceeds without visible symptoms.

Soft tissue sarcoma in cats and other types of ailments are most often fatal. The main reason for such serious consequences is late diagnosis. As a rule, surgical intervention no longer brings positive results.

Currently, many types of sarcoma are known. They are studied by scientists. In their opinion, the most dangerous are the following:

  • fibrosarcoma;
  • liposarcoma;
  • myxosarcoma.

Altered cells nucleate in the synovial tissue. Due to their rapid growth in the shortest possible time, a connective lesion occurs. Malignant tumors can affect both tissue and animal bones. As a rule, they arise suddenly, localizing in any place without exception.

cancer in cats


Sarcoma in cats is divided into two groups at the site of localization, affecting either soft tissue or hard.

Also, this disease can be classified by other parameters. Depending on them, these types are distinguished:

  • Postinjection - a tumor forms in the withers.
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma - striated muscle tissue is affected.
  • Liposarcoma is a cancer of the fatty layer that often causes bumps on the cat’s stomach.
  • Fibrosarcoma is a lesion of fibrous tissue.
  • Osteosarcoma - a malignant process occurs in the bones.

In veterinary practice, in 80% of cases, it is the latter species that is found, therefore it is considered the most common. With the growth of metastases, any organs and lymph nodes can be affected.


Like any oncological disease, sarcoma in cats has four stages of development. They directly affect the choice of treatment and the prognosis:

  • First stage. The disease proceeds without symptoms. It is already possible to probe the formations, but they are quite small in size - up to 5 cm. Tumors have clear boundaries. Metastases are not yet formed. When diagnosing a disease at this stage, most animals have every chance of recovery. Veterinarians believe that the tumor will respond well to treatment.
  • Second stage. Tumors (lumps) on a cat’s stomach or elsewhere reach sizes greater than five centimeters. They lose the clarity of boundaries. There is a tendency to increase rapidly, but metastases are not yet formed.
  • Third stage. It differs from the first two by lesions of adjacent lymph nodes with metastases.
  • The fourth stage is the last and most dangerous. With it, metastases already spread to all organs. Therapy is selected in such a way as to simply alleviate the condition of the cat. The forecast is unfavorable. If the disease is diagnosed at this stage, it is recommended to euthanize the animal, since the chances of recovery are zero.
bumps on the cat’s stomach


Why does sarcoma appear in cats? Unfortunately, scientists cannot yet specifically answer this question. It is believed that the following factors can provoke the disease:

  • action of carcinogens;
  • viral infections.

Also, the hereditary factor cannot be ruled out. Many doctors agree that if the family had oncology, then in 60-70% it can develop in the young generation of animals.

Clinical manifestations

It is helpful for all owners to know how sarcoma appears in cats. This will help to detect the disease at an early stage. The main thing, even at the slightest suspicion, is to immediately contact a veterinary clinic for an examination.

So, let's look at the signs of sarcoma:

  • Mobility problems, often limp.
  • Decreased activity.
  • The appearance of tumors, after a certain time they increase.
  • Fracture of limbs.
  • Decreased appetite or a complete rejection of food, as a result of which anorexia develops.
  • Severe painful cramps, due to which the behavior of the animal changes dramatically. Be sure to take painkillers, as the pet may die from pain shock.
x-ray cat

Post-vaccination complications

Post-vaccine sarcoma in cats is a type of cancer in which a malignant tumor forms in the places where the vaccinations were given. The area of ​​localization is the withers. Why is this happening? Doctors still cannot give an intelligible answer to this question. There is a version that mutated cells begin to grow due to inflammation of the injection site. It is manifested by the formation of a rather large cone. She will have an irregular shape. The tumor grows into neighboring tissues. The touch will be quite solid and may increase to large sizes. This type of sarcoma infects neighboring tissues in just a few weeks. The animal during this time is greatly tormented and quickly dies.


The first symptoms and changes in the behavior of the pet can be noticed only by the owner. But the diagnosis and the appointment of treatment should be handled by a qualified specialist. When contacting the clinic, a blood test is prescribed. An examination of the animal and palpation of the formations is also carried out. You can determine their nature after a biopsy. For this, cells are taken from the tumor for examination. You can determine the degree of organ damage by x-raying the cat.

Based on the results, the doctor prescribes treatment. What will be the therapy depends on the stage of the sarcoma.

post-vaccination sarcoma in cats


Most cancers are poorly treated. The fact is that the effect on the tumors is provided by strong chemical preparations, which significantly worsen the general condition of the animal. In some cases (with stage 4 sarcoma), frank doctors tell the owners that the treatment will not bring the desired effect, therefore it is recommended to euthanize the animal. With this development, this is the only humane way that will free the pet from torment.

Sarcoma in cats is also treated by surgery. However, this method is possible only if the formation did not manage to give metastases.

It is worth noting that in the initial stages, correctly selected drug therapy and surgical intervention give a positive result.

If a single type formation is detected, it is recommended to remove it. All affected areas are also excised. If the tumor appeared on the paw, then the limb is amputated.

cat operation

With post-vaccine sarcoma, it is recommended not only to remove the neoplasm surgically, but also the mandatory drug treatment. It is taken before and after surgery, even if the presence of metastasis has not shown an x-ray.

In a cat, a doctor can also diagnose unresectable sarcoma. In this case, the animal is prescribed a course of chemotherapy.

It is worth noting that surgical intervention will significantly worsen the quality of life of the animal, but save it. This is the only way in the early stages to completely defeat cancer. As for chemotherapy, everything will depend on the general health of the pet. Young individuals, although difficult, still tolerate such treatment. But cats that are already over 10 years old rarely survive.

Preventative measures

There are no specific preventive measures. The only thing that can be recommended to owners is to limit the exposure to carcinogens as much as possible. Also, do not forget about strengthening immunity. Currently, a variety of vitamins and complex supplements are sold in stores, with the help of which the pet's diet will become full. You should not refuse vaccination, because injections can be given intramuscularly.

soft tissue sarcoma in cats

It is important to understand that sarcoma is not treated at home. And even more so, there are no effective folk methods to combat it. The owner will only lose precious time, but will not save the life of his pet.

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