Premature maturation of the placenta: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Most pregnant women are prone to excessive anxiety and fear for themselves and the baby. That is why, having heard at the next examination the words "premature aging of the placenta", they are horrified. Is it really dangerous? What are the causes and consequences of this condition?

Placenta function

This organ is formed in the body of a woman in the process of fetal development. The placenta is necessary for the baby, as it performs the following functions:

  1. Providing oxygen and nutrition to the fetus. The placenta consists of a large number of blood vessels through which the necessary nutrients are delivered to the baby's body.
    placenta function

  2. The development of the necessary hormones to prepare a woman for childbirth and motherhood, as well as breastfeeding.
  3. Filtration of maternal blood from substances harmful to the baby.
  4. Removal of fetal waste products through the blood stream.

The placenta is a vital organ that ensures the safety of the fetus until the birth, so any changes in its structure should alert and become a reason for contacting a antenatal clinic.

What is premature ripening?

Normally, the degree of maturity of the placenta should correspond to the gestational age. What does premature maturation of the placenta mean? This term refers to the aging process. It does not match the gestational age.

At week 33, premature maturation of the placenta threatens to decrease its functionality, which will significantly hamper the further normal development of the baby in the uterus. Failure to fulfill "duties" leads to a lack of oxygen for the fetus to breathe. As a result of this, hypoxia may occur, early discharge of amniotic fluid, serious pathologies of the child's development will appear.

The degree of maturation of the placenta

The organ develops from the moment of attachment and the beginning of embryo growth and continues to grow until the eighth month of pregnancy. There are several stages of placenta maturation:

  1. From 2 to 30 weeks of pregnancy, the growth and development of the organ occurs.
  2. From 30 to 33 weeks, the 2nd stage of maturation is observed, when the placenta increases in size.
  3. From 34 to 37 weeks of gestation, maturation occurs, during which it is finally formed.
  4. After this period begins the natural aging of the organ and preparation for natural extraction during labor.

Premature maturation of the placenta is diagnosed if the organ is prepared for childbirth much earlier than necessary.

Causes of pathology

The following factors can provoke early aging of the placenta:

  1. The negative effect on the body of a woman of toxic substances, including smoking and drinking alcohol.
    smoking during pregnancy

  2. The presence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and excretory systems.
  3. Violations of the thyroid gland.
  4. Previous difficult birth or abortion.
  5. Improper nutrition during pregnancy.
  6. Gestosis is a condition in which a pregnant woman experiences a state of toxicosis in the later stages.
    toxicosis during pregnancy

  7. Bearing a multiple pregnancy.
  8. The presence of uterine injuries or infectious organ diseases.
  9. The mismatch of the Rh factors of the blood of the mother and child. As a result of this, the parent organism begins to perceive the fetus as a foreign body and reject it in every way.
  10. Too much or insufficient body weight of the mother.

In addition, diabetes mellitus, some kidney diseases, and violations of the structure of the walls of the uterus can also become causes of premature maturation of the placenta.

Pathology diagnostics

Unfortunately, at 34 weeks, premature maturation of the placenta does not have pronounced symptoms by which a woman could determine the pathology. In this case, you should rely on routine examinations during pregnancy, which can identify the problem. The following methods are used to diagnose the condition:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics make it possible to visually determine the presence of a problem. In addition, ultrasound is a relatively inexpensive and safe method for determining pathologies.
    ultrasound diagnostics

  2. After an ultrasound, a cardiotocography procedure can be prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. It consists in studying the activity of the fetus, which makes it clear whether the child receives a sufficient amount of nutrients.

The pathological condition is the premature maturation of the placenta at week 20 and up to 36.

Possible danger

At 32 weeks gestation, premature maturation of the placenta can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. It threatens with the following troubles:

  • the barrier functions of the placenta are reduced, as a result of which the fetus becomes more susceptible to various infections and viruses that can cause malformations;
  • in the early stages (up to 23 weeks of pregnancy), aging of the placenta can lead to a fading of pregnancy due to insufficient intake of oxygen and nutrients;
  • due to insufficient intake of necessary trace elements through blood vessels, the development of the child may slow down.

The greatest danger is that the woman herself does not feel her condition. Only the fact that suddenly the baby has become more or less active in the womb, can alert you, however, many pregnant women find out about their condition only with a planned ultrasound.

Pathology treatment

Unfortunately, at 32 weeks, premature maturation of the placenta is not subject to treatment. However, there is a complex that helps stop the aging process and establish a normal message between the placenta, mother and baby. It includes the following points:

  1. Even at such a late stage of pregnancy, it is not too late to quit smoking, despite the myths that this is a big stress for the fetus. A child is exposed to a much greater negative effect under the influence of harmful substances that enter his body through the placenta. She, in turn, is not able to filter harmful substances from cigarette smoke, so the process of early aging starts.
  2. If you have a history of diabetes mellitus, you should carefully monitor the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, since their excessive amount can cause premature maturation.
  3. If inflammatory processes in the uterus are detected, it is necessary to deal with their treatment in a timely manner.
  4. With late toxicosis or gestosis, a pregnant woman is prescribed drugs that reduce the toxic effect on the tissues of the internal genital organs.

In some cases, medical support for pregnancy is necessary to avoid the threat of miscarriage or fetal freezing:

  • Trental, Actovegin and Curantil, which are used to improve blood circulation.
  • Vitamins A, E, C are necessary to ensure the transport function of the placenta.
  • Drugs to reduce uterine tone, in the absence of contraindications, Ginipral is most often prescribed.
    pathology treatment

When making a diagnosis at 33 weeks of gestation - "premature maturation of the placenta" - it is important not only to prescribe adequate treatment, but also to keep the condition of the woman and the fetus under control. Often, a pregnant woman is placed in a hospital environment to save the child.

Accompanying illnesses

Often, pathological aging of the placenta is accompanied by diseases that also require treatment. Most often this occurs at 20-27 weeks of gestation.

  1. In case of genital infections, the drug "Geviran" is prescribed, which must be taken for 10 days.
  2. Chlamydial affection is treated with Vilprafen.
  3. For the treatment of mycoplasmosis, "Proteflazide" or "Riboxin" is used.
  4. Toxoplasmosis requires daily intake of folic acid, "Daraprima".

These infections can be infected by contact with street and domestic animals, as well as during unprotected sexual intercourse.

pregnant woman with a cat

In the absence of the necessary treatment, they can significantly affect the development of the fetus.

Preventive measures

It is not possible to have 100% certainty that premature placenta aging will not occur. However, if you follow simple recommendations, you can significantly increase the chances of easy bearing and giving birth:

  1. When planning a future pregnancy, a woman must undergo a complete diagnosis and treat existing diseases in advance, which can affect the conception and development of the fetus.
  2. You should abandon such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol in advance of pregnancy.
  3. A woman should have moderate physical activity and a normal daily routine.
  4. During the pregnancy planning period, it is necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist in order to timely detect the pathology.
  5. After consulting a doctor, you can start taking multivitamins, folic acid, which will help saturate a woman's body with the necessary useful substances important for bearing the fetus.
  6. It is necessary to observe a diet and exclude harmful products.
    proper nutrition

  7. During pregnancy, a woman should not ignore the doctor’s prescription and undergo all necessary examinations, including ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound.
  8. Chronic diseases during pregnancy should be monitored more closely.

In most cases, premature aging of the placenta does not pose a great danger, but it requires constant support and monitoring the condition of the pregnant woman.

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