The formation and emergence of a new human life is always a momentous event.
One of the many sperm cells, the fastest, who wanted to become a rational creature, got to the female egg and a new life began to develop. One of the great miracles happened - conception!
After about a week, the fertilized egg, moving through the tubes, reaches the uterus and attaches to its walls. Currently, with the help of modern technologies, a new life, which has just begun to develop, can be seen almost immediately after conception.
After the fertilization process has taken place, about a day later, the egg is divided into two halves, and after a while, the genome of the mother and father are combined into one. Since that time, the assembly of cells that has appeared can rightfully be called a fetus.
Very often, the sensations in the first days of pregnancy in a woman are so insignificant that she continues to live an ordinary life, almost noticing anything.
If some suspicions have arisen, then you can check them using a test or a specially conducted examination. Sensations in the first days of pregnancy can often be limited only by joy and simultaneous anxiety from a positive test result. But those women who are more attentive to their body can immediately feel the changes that have occurred.
For example, rounding of the chest may be felt, minor painful sensations in this area will appear. Although the period is still characterized as the beginning of pregnancy, the sensations may be more significant, for example, you will begin to grow fat at the waist, the buttons on the clothes will no longer fasten.
The most characteristic sensations in the early stages of pregnancy are nausea and vomiting. The poor health of a woman is caused by the fact that various kinds of toxins are being withdrawn incorrectly. Toxicosis disappears as soon as the system is established in the fetus, which is responsible for the removal of waste products.
Also, sensations in the first days of pregnancy can be characterized by an exacerbation of some diseases present. Once all of the above symptoms and sensations have arisen, you should visit a doctor so that he prescribes safer drugs for the treatment of exacerbations. You need to know that any medication during pregnancy is better coordinated with a specialist, even the most harmless vitamins can harm the female body, which is so vulnerable during gestation.
In addition to all of the above, sensitivity to odors often increases, some preferences may change. For example, there will be a desire to eat something that was not wanted before, but what was once so beloved can cause nausea.
As a rule, even if a woman knows about pregnancy, she does not think of an unborn baby as a real creature. Most likely, this is a psychological defense in the event that for some reason a miscarriage occurs, especially since it is in the early term that it is most likely. Such problems occur due to the fact that the mother’s body, which has a strong immunity, can perceive the embryo as something foreign and reject it in the struggle. This is unpleasant, but you should not be afraid, nature has some wisdom, and in most cases the body can independently suppress such excessive immunity activity.
In conclusion, we can say that pregnancy is not a disease, but the most remarkable period in a woman’s life. You need to walk a lot, consume large quantities of vegetables and fruits, enjoy the changes that are taking place and discover new sensations in the first days of pregnancy.