Currently, Labradors-Retriever, or Labradors, are among the top five most beloved and popular dog breeds. This pet with an active, devoted and affectionate character immediately becomes a universal favorite.
Reviews from Labrador owners say this dog is the perfect four-legged friend for the family. What qualities so captivate the hearts of the owners?
The history of the breed has several versions based on legends. It is believed that it originates on the island of Newfoundland (now this area belongs to Canada). One part of the scientific community recognizes the version that initially the labradors were only black in color, therefore they were named because of the similarity of the shade to the stone labradorite. Other experts suggest that the breed was bred on the Labrador Peninsula.
In the XIX-XX centuries, interest in this breed was great among English aristocrats. The reviews of the owners of the labradors of that time made her a fashionable hunting dog, distinguished by a special nobility. Influential people created nurseries in their possessions, kept genealogical books, and organized demonstration competitions.
The fame of this extraordinary pet has spread throughout the world. Every day he wins the hearts of new dog breeders.
Most of all, Labradors like active events and the attention of their owner. They are patient enough, always happy to go for a walk. At home, these pets joyfully play with their children. However, you should be careful when playing with the baby. A Labrador will never intentionally harm a small family member, but in a fit of puppy rapture, he might accidentally knock over or scratch.
These dogs get along well and are friends with other animals, but sometimes birds can become an exception, since representatives of this breed are hunters by nature.
Optimism of life, good nature and energy that is in full swing - all these qualities are characteristic and normal for such a breed as the Labrador Retriever. Customer reviews describe cases when these pets frolic so infectiously that even adult owners were drawn into their fun. The whole character of the Labrador is reflected in his clever, devoted and good-natured look.
Loneliness is bad for these pets. They yearn for being locked up for a long time.
Key Standards and Features
The FCI international standard indicates that the average life expectancy of labradors is 10–13 years. Height or height in the area of the withers of the male - 55-62 cm, bitches - 53-59 cm; body weight - 25-32 kg (for females), 28-36 kg (for males) - such standards have a Labrador Retriever. Characteristics and reviews of the owners give such pedigree descriptions:
- a pet with a strong chest, a straight back, a powerful neck and strong, well-developed paws gives the impression of a solid-build dog;
- the head looks powerful because of a large skull wide, non-pointed, with a wide nose, the muzzle has a pronounced transition from the forehead;
- brown or hazel eyes look benevolent and smart;
- far-set and drooping ears with their mobility convey the mood of the pet;
- thick at the base and narrow at the tip of the tail has an average length and stiff hair, resembling the tail of an otter;
- movements are characterized by a free swing.
A modern dog, according to breed standards, can be of three varieties in color: brown, completely black or fawn. The latter look means all options, ranging from a light cream shade to a red one.
Optimal living conditions
From the description of the character it is clear that these four-legged friends are characterized by a lively temperament and energy. An ideal place to live is a country house with a plot where you can frolic for a long time. However, the responses of the owners of the Labradors claim that she is happy in the apartment, if the dog breeder has time for regular walks in the park area, outings on nature and constant training. The main thing for a pet is not the number of square meters, but the duration of outdoor games and active entertainment. Unspent energy can lead not only to apathy and anguish of the animal, but also to destructive behavior and unpleasant actions.
A pet may become accustomed to whining or barking for no reason, and in an attempt to find a hobby, it will destroy or damage property in the house, for example, tear shoes into pieces, gnaw something from furniture. Of course, in most cases this is characteristic only of dogs that are deprived of attention and spend the lion's share of their time in absolute solitude in a confined space.
This four-legged friend is perfect even for an inexperienced dog breeder. Natural mind, patience and quick wit are qualities that help to easily train a pet of a breed such as Labrador. Owner reviews claim that the dog is great at training, and lessons with it bring only joy. The pet is trying to please its owner in everything. The only thing that can be a small learning disability is the playful character. The dog can be distracted by activities in which she would like to participate, especially in her early life. Youth in representatives of this breed lasts about three years. Even at an older age, they do not want to change their puppy habits and prefer to frolic when dogs of other breeds already become serious at this time.
Where can it come in handy?
The dog of this breed is very versatile. It can become just a pet, or be used as a lifeguard, guide, hunter or police officer. Initially, the breed was bred as a working dog, so it is characterized by strength and endurance.
Currently, these dogs are successfully used in rescue operations. The responses of the owners of the Labradors in most cases indicate that their four-legged friend is a born swimmer. He not only swims remarkably, but is also capable of working in ice water thanks to the waterproofness of his coat.
Quite often you can see the Labrador as a policeman. You should know that the smell of this pet is 25% better and better than that of the German Shepherd. Thanks to his balance and intelligence, he copes with tasks perfectly. At the same time, his motivation is loyalty and loyalty to people, and not a natural malice, like some other dog breeds. For example, in the UK, a Labrador named Yoga was awarded the Knight's Gold Medal for discovering 490 drug-containing shipments.
There are cases when these dogs helped patients with epilepsy, warning the owner about another attack.
But to use this pet as an evil guard is unlikely to succeed. He is too friendly and completely non-aggressive to scare strangers and guard the facility.
Activity, dedication, friendliness and good appetite - this is how the owners of labradors describe their favorites. Your reviews about the breed will most likely also note these qualities if it is decided to take this dog to your family. By nature, it suits absolutely everyone and perfectly survives in families with children. Many reviews suggest that the pet has strengthened friendly relations in the family with its vitality and kindness. Apparently, it is not in vain that this breed is considered a symbol of family well-being and happiness.
Having reviewed all the opinions and cases from the lives of pets described by the owners, you can only find the positive. This four-legged friend will win the heart of every dog breeder.
Memo to the owner of a Labrador puppy
A puppy is a fragile creature with weak ligaments and muscles. It is important without the need not to take it or do it right, that is, hold it tight so as not to miss. You need to raise the baby with both hands under the chest and seat at the same time, but not under the tummy.
The puppy's habitat should be spacious and soft, away from drafts. In the room you need to remove small objects, wires and other dangers.
All hygiene procedures described in the Care section of this article must be followed. Feeding is described in the Nutrition section.
What can not be done:
- feed with sharp bones, as there is a risk of internal bleeding;
- pull items from the mouth for up to 8 months so as not to spoil the bite;
- give sweets, pastries, fatty and fried (this applies to adult dogs);
- offer hot or cold (from the refrigerator) food;
- often bathe;
- pat on the ears;
- lower the baby up the stairs before 4 months;
- long walk after eating;
- Swing or hit during punishment;
- drive a puppy on a harness.
The main activities are based on the tendency of this dog to be overweight and its hyperactivity. Regular long walks and loads, as well as nutrition control are required. The city dog living in the apartment must walk in the morning and evening, for a total of at least three hours.
Thick, short and hard-to-touch hair - this is how the coat of labrador pets looks. Owner reviews confirm that the dog only moderately sheds in the spring and requires minimal grooming. You just need to comb it regularly with a rubber brush.
You need to bathe your pet in clean water as necessary. Sometimes you can use shampoo for dogs with a mild formula.
This pet needs periodic examination of the eyes, claws and teeth, which should be cleaned as necessary independently or by a specialist (depending on the problem). Particular attention should be paid to the ears. Since they are hanging, they are more susceptible to infections and parasitic diseases.
You should remember about timely vaccination and taking anthelmintic drugs.
You can feed as a special food (better than the class of "super-premium"), and natural food. Meat products (lamb, veal, turkey or beef) should be half the diet of a representative of the Labrador Retriever breed. Responses of the owners note that these dogs are very voracious, so the food should be proper and balanced. The second half of the diet should consist of cereals (rice, buckwheat, wheat), vegetables and dairy products with low fat content. With excess weight, barley porridge is good. Vegetable dishes are better to boil. Vegetables should be preferred zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, herbs and cabbage.
Vitamins should be prescribed by a veterinarian, having studied the individual characteristics of the pet. This dog breed is often given not only vitamin and mineral complexes, but also special medications that reduce appetite and slow down the conversion of carbohydrates to fat.
A smart, lively and kind dog that requires regular physical exertion - this is how scientists describe the Labrador breed. Owner reviews of dogs of this breed confirm what was said. This pet should not be left in prolonged solitude and inaction. This will lead to obesity, depression and poor behavior. The Labrador will become a true friend to each owner, who will have the opportunity to walk with him daily and pay attention to his pet.