Many couples want to regulate the birth rate in their family, so women resort to such a means as a spiral from pregnancy. This method of contraception is quite effective, therefore it is widely popular. Its advantages are that by installing the spiral once, a woman can protect herself from an unwanted pregnancy for a rather large period - from 4 to 10 years.
The spiral from pregnancy is recommended for women who have already given birth, and also have contraindications for the use of hormonal contraception. When using this method, the maturation of the egg is not disturbed, as well as the hormonal background of the whole organism. The advantages also include the possibility of establishing an IUD immediately after childbirth or an abortion. A plus is the fact that the spiral can be removed at any time if a woman wants to have a baby.
A lady who has decided to put a spiral on her pregnancy should also know that, in addition to the positive aspects, this method has its drawbacks. These include the occurrence of side effects:
- painful and heavy menstruation;
- the possibility of loss or shift of the spiral from place, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy.
It must be said that there are a number of contraindications for using this method of contraception. It is not recommended for women with inflammatory processes, cancer or severe bleeding. Doctors may also include allergies and blood diseases as contraindications. The spiral from pregnancy may also not be recommended for women who have previously had an ectopic pregnancy or who have more than one permanent partner.
The last contraindication is due to the fact that the spiral installed in the uterine cavity leaves it slightly ajar, which makes it more vulnerable to infections. Having established a spiral against pregnancy, we must not forget that it is impossible to wear it for more than the specified period, otherwise it can grow into the body of the uterus. It is also necessary to make preventive visits to the doctor once a year. The first visit to the gynecologist after the establishment of the IUD should be no later than a month later. If you feel uncomfortable, you need to consult a doctor.
Many couples wonder how soon pregnancy will begin after the spiral? It depends on the physiological characteristics of the woman and many other factors that are completely irrelevant to the IUD. As already mentioned above, in some cases, a woman can become pregnant with a spiral, if it has budged. In this case, you need to remove the IUD, if there are preconditions that it can damage the fetus, and the woman intends to save it.
How do spirals work against pregnancy and what are they? There are different types of spirals, but, figuratively speaking, this is a device that blocks the entry of a fertilized egg directly into the uterus. There are spirals that secrete hormones that interfere with the fertilization of the egg. The materials from which the Navy is made are also different. In expensive options, it can be copper, silver or gold. These metals have anti-inflammatory effects.
Also, for example, with a small fibroid, a hormonal spiral may be recommended , given its ability to inhibit tumor growth. The choice of the IUD is now quite large, but it is selected individually for each woman, installed and removed by the doctor directly in the medical institution, after conducting the necessary examinations. If there are no contraindications, then the spiral is established in the last days of menstruation. After this, small spotting can be observed, as well as a feeling of discomfort, which usually disappears after a few days. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor.