PHP suggests using various options for finding strings in other strings. There are the usual features. It is possible to use regular expressions. The developer can develop his own version of the search for information subject to the rules of syntax.
String search is not limited to confirming the presence of the desired character or string in the right place. An object can be a string - this is a more capacious information concept than just a string. The search is especially effective when the moment of detection is accompanied by an immediate decision, and does not require additional processing.
Key Search Functionality
PHP - strpos(). - , ( ) ( ) ( ). , .
PHP- . . PHP , .
, . , , .
iconv_strpos(), strpos(). PHP : .
PHP : , . , . 0 - false.
JavaScript, PHP , - . - : strpos , .
, :
, JavaScript «» . . «» , " " PHP , , , .
"" . , , PHP strpos, . , strpos.
(): , , , . , , , .
PHP trim, str_replace . explode/implode .
If you use all the functionality of PHP, search in the string easily acquires semantics, goes beyond the usual syntax and becomes the reason for gaining real meaning. Manipulation with meaning is more common for a person, safer for an algorithm, and the transformation of strings into objects is like a transition from machine codes to the world of modern programming languages.