Can I drink Mezim while breastfeeding?

Mezim is used to improve the digestive system. The main component is pancreatin, and it gives a positive effect. Studying the instructions, you may find that Mezim is not recommended for breastfeeding . However, recent studies of the drug have confirmed that the Mezima components do not harm the baby. Before taking, mom should study the indications, side effects, assess the importance of using the drug. To understand whether you need Mezim, first you need to study its mechanism of action.

mezim for breastfeeding

Mezim (tablets), instructions: composition of the drug

The basis of the Mezim drug are enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of fats and proteins, they are of animal origin. The main component is pancreatin. Depending on the manufacturer, some excipients are added to the drug. Pancreatin begins to act directly only in the intestine, the release of enzymes occurs in the necessary sections of the digestive tract. Mezim does not have any particular restrictions on breastfeeding , but you should still consult your doctor before taking it.

To prevent the active components from being destroyed in the aggressive environment of the stomach, the tablets are coated with a special shell, this allows the enzymes to reach the small intestine. Here their action begins, at least half an hour passes from the moment of reception.

Drug action

Mezim tablets provide timely digestion of food. The composition of the drug includes enzymes that the pancreas can normally produce. With the abuse of heavy food, with a lack of enzyme production, medication comes to the rescue. Mezim has the following actions:

  • Ammolytic. There is an accelerated breakdown of carbohydrates.
  • Proteolytic. Protein digestion improves.
  • Lipolytic. Help break down fats.

Thanks to the additional enzymes obtained, the splitting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the duodenum occurs much faster. At the same time, the digestion process is restored, the split elements go further along the desired path, the body normally receives all the substances.

Mezim tablets

Mezim tablets: application

If the doctor finds a malfunction, problems in the digestive system caused by a lack of enzymes are assigned to their additional sources. Doctors recommend the use of Mezim tablets in the following cases:

  • With pancreatitis, which has a chronic form.
  • Inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, bile, and liver.
  • After surgery or resection of the stomach.
  • After irradiation of internal organs, when a strong gas formation and diarrhea appeared against the background of the intervention.
  • With violations of the diet.
  • When consuming a large amount of fat.
  • With a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Preparation for abdominal x-ray.

In some cases, Mezim Forte can cause side effects when breastfeeding , both in the mother and in the baby, so it is better to consult a doctor.

is it possible to mezim with breastfeeding

Features of breastfeeding

During pregnancy, and after childbirth, all women in the body have hormonal jumps. This happens under the influence of stress, stress, nutritional needs can change. Often there are problems associated with digestion. In such cases, let’s say Mezim for breastfeeding. The instruction does not highlight any special side effects associated with lactation.

At the consultation, the doctor will determine the possible risks and benefits of the drug and make a final decision on the advisability of taking Mezima. When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the sensations of the body, as well as take a closer look at the baby's reaction. If there are any suspicious symptoms, it is better to limit the use of the drug, and in some cases, stop completely.

When using Mezim during breastfeeding, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  • Take the medicine immediately after feeding.
  • Before feeding, it is necessary to express the front milk.
  • Without the appointment of a doctor, the drug is allowed to receive no more than once.
  • Course reception and dosage is determined only by the doctor.
  • Closely monitor the child's reaction.
  • If you notice an allergic reaction, you must stop using Mezima, tell your doctor about it.
  • The food must include the right foods. It is necessary to eat rice, bread, pomegranate.

How to take Mezim

In order not to harm the baby, Mezim should be consumed only with meals. It is permissible to drink a small amount of water. Using other fluids is not recommended, as they can neutralize the correct effect of the drug. Do not take a horizontal position immediately after taking the medicine, since the digestion process will begin already in the esophagus.

The number of tablets required for consumption depends on the general condition of the patient. As a rule, you should not take more than two tablets once. If the nursing mother uses some other medicines, then Mezim should not be taken simultaneously with them, but only after fifteen minutes.

Mezim Forte while breastfeeding

Side effects

Usually, Mezim during breastfeeding does not cause side effects and is easily tolerated by the body. Often negative consequences can occur with dosage violations or individual intolerance to any components of the drug. The following reactions are possible from the digestive tract:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • unpleasant symptoms "under the pit of the stomach" (epigastric region);
  • anus irritation;
  • intestinal obstruction.

If pancreatin is used for too long, this can trigger the development of anemia. The drug is able to affect the body's absorption of folic acid and iron. You should monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood and red blood cells.

The effect of pancreatin may be reduced while taking with tannins, antacids, alcoholic drugs.

In case of adverse reactions from the body, it is worth stopping the use of the Mezim preparation and undergoing symptomatic treatment.

Combination with other means

Some are interested in the question: is it possible to combine Mezim during breastfeeding with the use of iron-containing preparations (Sorbifer, iron sulfate). Mezim reduces the amount of iron that the body absorbs. The risk of anemia is increased. This disease manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • persistent weakness throughout the body;
  • hair falls out and nails become very fragile;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • constant fatigue;
  • feet, heels are covered with cracks.

If these symptoms occur during breastfeeding, then the reception of Mezima must be stopped and replaced with some kind of analogue.

The effectiveness of the drug is reduced while taking antacids. This happens as a result of a large accumulation of magnesium and calcium in the body. This negative effect is neutralized by increasing the dose of enzymes.

Is it possible to drink mezim while breastfeeding


If the volume of the enzyme fluid is not produced in sufficient quantity, violations of the digestive tract occur. Answering the question: is it possible to drink Mezim while breastfeeding, doctors say that this is permissible. It can also be used for lactation "Creon", "Festal". "Almagel" and "Maalox" are not absorbed into breast milk. Pancreatinum - the main component of "Mezima", is allocated from animal organs. Similar enzymes are also included in other drugs: Pangrol, Festal, Hermitage.

Drug selection

If you have to choose an inexpensive analogue, you can give preference to Pancreatin. Side effects when used are extremely rare, in exceptional cases. The effect of the drug is quite mild, harmless. Therefore, if the doctor prescribed Mezim during breastfeeding, whether or not to replace it with a simpler analogue is understandable. Choose Pancreatin.

The drug "Festal" in the composition has not only pancreatin. Here bile and hemicellulose are added, they give an additional therapeutic effect. Not recommended for use by people with gallstones.

The composition of Creon is similar. Its total concentration of pancreatin is distinguished. The drug is available in the form of capsules, which makes it convenient to use. Inside the capsules are the smallest microspheres, which are evenly distributed in the stomach. This allows you to quickly normalize its work. “Creon” has its drawbacks - this is a high content of enzymes. Their constant impact negatively begins to affect the intestinal microflora. With a constant supply of enzymes, the body ceases to independently produce them.

During breastfeeding, many doctors still recommend using Mezim, it is more gently absorbed by the mother and baby.

mezim during breastfeeding is possible or not

Natural Digestion Recovery Measures

There are times when a nursing mother is forced to limit herself in the use of drugs for one reason or another. To restore your own digestive processes and normalize the nutrition system, you have to resort to natural methods.

In such cases, healthcare providers provide the following recommendations:

  • Increase the amount of fluid consumed daily.
  • Reduce indigestible and fatty foods, salty, spicy dishes, as well as sweets to the maximum standards in the diet.
  • If the body tolerates fermented milk products well, enter them in the diet in sufficient quantities.
  • To improve the gastrointestinal tract with pancreatitis, it is recommended to take oatmeal, flax decoction, liquid cereals and jelly.
  • It is useful to take milk thistle seeds in the morning. Chew a tablespoon of seeds thoroughly and drink with water. For convenience, you can grind raw materials on a coffee grinder.
  • It is allowed to use various folk remedies, medicinal herbs, which are acceptable for breastfeeding.

mezim for breastfeeding instructions

Healthy lifestyle

A huge role in the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is played by a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to be more in the fresh air, to walk with the baby - this is useful not only for the child, but also for mom. Move more actively, do not sit in a passive pose. While the baby is sleeping, do the simplest physical exercises.

Stress and nervous tension negatively affect the state of the whole organism. For nursing mothers, this is especially dangerous. With negative emotions, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, milk production is reduced. In cases of severe stress, breast milk may disappear.

If you decide to use any folk remedies, recipes, then it is better to consult a doctor if they are suitable for your body.

The use of Mezima during lactation is generally considered by doctors to be justified and harmless, but still do not forget that it is a drug, and its thoughtless use, dosage violation in some cases can be harmful.

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