In the article we will talk about why diarrhea occurs in guinea pigs, we will also consider the causes of this phenomenon. And most importantly, we describe the options for helping the animal.
Note that diarrhea often appears in guinea pigs. It can arise for various reasons - from banal malnutrition and stress to internal diseases. Diarrhea is also dangerous because it causes exhaustion and dehydration. Due to untimely or unskilled assistance, a rodent can die at all.
Causes of Diarrhea
The health of a rodent directly depends on how much time he spent with his mother, eating her milk. Mother's milk is a source of not only nutrients, but also unique bacteria. It is they who in the future will create a healthy microflora in the intestine, will help the body digest and assimilate food. If the baby is taken away too soon, then it will grow weak, will be prone to frequent diseases, including diarrhea.
Why does guinea pig have diarrhea? This occurs due to improper feeding. These rodents have a fairly long intestine. At the same time, the digestion process is arranged so that food only moves through the intestines under the pressure of new ones. For this reason, the rodent needs to constantly eat hay or grass. Note that the animal spends a lot of time digesting food. Irregular nutrition can lead to serious stomach problems.
An abnormal diet also includes a sharp change in diet. New food should be introduced gradually, first in the form of an additive to the usual food. If you change the diet dramatically, it is very likely that the animal will have diarrhea. Sweet, salty foods and fatty foods can also cause diarrhea.
Possible pathologies
There are more serious causes of diarrhea in guinea pigs. These include:
- poisoning;
- liver and kidney disease;
- hepatitis;
- overheat;
- obesity;
- a problem with the teeth;
- viral infections (E. coli, etc.);
- diseases caused by parasites (coccidiosis, hepatic worms and others);
- hypothermia;
- intoxication;
- stress;
- cold.
Symptoms of Diarrhea
Every veterinarian knows what diarrhea looks like in guinea pigs. But not all owners understand when their pet has problems with stools. Now let's try to understand this issue in detail.
Know that if the feces are soft, but formed into small spools, then this is not yet diarrhea in guinea pigs. However, many owners perceive such feces as a dangerous signal. After which they begin to give the rodent medications, resulting in constipation. Soft feces may be due to the fact that in the diet of the beast there is juicy food. Of course, diarrhea can manifest itself differently in each animal.
The symptoms that precede diarrhea in guinea pigs can be different. Consider the most common symptoms:
- frequent and heavy emptying;
- sticky hair in the anus;
- bloating;
- the smell from the animal becomes unpleasant, sharp;
- adhering small pieces of feces on the coat;
- gas formation;
- rumbling is heard when palpating the abdomen.
Types of Diarrhea
The most obvious signs of diarrhea are discoloration and consistency (loose stools) of feces. Sometimes it can be at all like water or foam. Mucus may be present in the feces.
If you see blood in the feces, then immediately go to the doctor. This is a very dangerous symptom. Remember that rodent diarrhea occurs due to intestinal diseases and internal bleeding.
The most dangerous diarrhea is infectious. It can be caused by:
- bacteria of salmonellosis or pseudotuberculosis;
- anaerobic bacteria;
- plague virus.
Salmonellosis is dangerous not only for guinea pigs, but also for humans. And from pseudotuberculosis and plague, a rodent can die within a day. Therefore, it is very important to immediately go to the veterinarian in order to pass tests.
Despite the cause of diarrhea, diarrhea leads to severe exhaustion. Because of this, the work of internal organs, in particular the heart and lungs, can be disrupted. Diarrhea is often accompanied by fever. A similar symptom is an additional burden on a weakened guinea pig. Therefore, in this case, too, do not wait, it is better to immediately show the pet to the doctor. It may be necessary to use probiotics, antibiotics, or several maintenance droppers will be needed.
Diarrhea treatment
How is guinea pig diarrhea treated? I would like to note right away that a sick animal needs to be put off from the rest into another cell. It is necessary to provide the rodent with maximum peace. From the diet you need to remove succulent food, fruits. You can put hay and dry food in the feeder. You can give the rodent enterosorbent to remove toxins and harmful bacteria. For these purposes, you can use ordinary activated carbon.
It is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug: 1 tablet will be required per 1 kg of animal body weight. Before giving the rodent activated carbon, you need to grind it and dissolve it in water. The resulting mixture should be inserted into the mouth of a rodent using a conventional syringe without a needle.
If guinea pig has diarrhea, how can it be treated? A good effect is given by a solution of “Levomycetin” and “Phthalazole” (1/4 tablet 2 times a day). Replace regular water with a weak potassium permanganate solution. Adult animals can be given paste "Enterosgel". It must be injected directly into the rodent's mouth with a syringe. How to use Enterosgel? 1 ml 2-3 times a day. Also, with diarrhea in guinea pig, you can use a drug such as Smecta. How it should be used: dilute 0.5 g of the drug in water (small amount). Inject a rodent into the mouth with a syringe.
Another treatment method. The use of potent drugs
What if the guinea pig does not stop diarrhea after using the above drugs? It is necessary to consult a veterinarian. The doctor should examine the rodent, it may be necessary to conduct additional examinations to identify hidden causes.
If you can’t get to the doctor in any way, you can try using more potent drugs. Such tools include: Imodium and Superilop. The dosage of these drugs is as follows: for 1 kg of animal weight, 0.1 mg of the drug is needed every six hours. 120 minutes after the first dose of the medicine was given, you need to give a probiotic created specifically for rodents, for example, Olin. Note that it should continue to be drunk another week after the rodent's stool is restored.
What to use for dehydration? Folk remedies
If severe diarrhea is observed in guinea pig, then the following drugs should be added;
- glucose 5% (2 ml);
- vitamin C (1 ml);
- saline (3 ml).
These drugs are administered subcutaneously at the withers. The remedies will help the rodent's body cope with dehydration.
If we talk about traditional medicine, then you can brew a rodent decoction of chamomile or oak bark. Also, with diarrhea, it is good to give the animal a decoction of rice, which is rich in starch.
Of course, it’s better to prevent a problem than to solve it. Therefore, in order to exclude the appearance of diarrhea in guinea pigs, the following recommendations should be observed:
- provide daily walks outside the cage;
- Avoid foods that can cause diarrhea
- every three days to clean the rodent in the cage;
- periodically wash the housing of guinea pigs with disinfectants;
- Do not change the fundamentally familiar diet;
- give probiotics periodically;
- Feed the pet with quality feed.
Also in the diet you need to add trace elements and vitamins that ensure the normal functioning of all organs.