What does the ring on the index finger mean

The ring is a beautiful piece of jewelry worn by both women and men. It's no secret that rings throughout history have been used as some symbols. For example, the ring on the ring finger of the right (in some countries, the left) hand is a symbol of matrimony. But what does the ring on the index finger mean ? Indeed, jewelry is not worn on it very often.

It turns out that in many countries and in many cultures, the ring on the index finger was of particular importance. In astrology there is a special system that talks about certain qualities of a person, taking into account only the fingers on which jewelry is worn. In the ancient world there even existed the so-called “language of rings" - putting a ring on one or another finger, a person informed society about his intentions and preferences. Yes, and modern psychologists say that the habit of wearing a ring on the index finger can say a lot about the nature of a person.

The ancient "language of the rings"

Etiquette in wearing jewelry on the fingers began to arise in ancient states, for example, in Egypt, Rome and Greece. Interestingly, until about the beginning of the twentieth century, the “language of the rings" was used almost unchanged. Now, of course, they attach little importance to this, but still some things are very interesting.

  • The little ring on the little finger meant that the person was ready for a love adventure, but a serious relationship, let alone marriage, did not interest him (her).
  • If the ring finger was decorated with a ring, then this meant that the person had already found his soul mate.
  • The middle finger decorated with a ring characterized its owner as a person knowledgeable in love affairs.
  • The ring on the index finger of the left hand meant that its owner was looking for a spouse. Interestingly, ladies very rarely wore rings on their index fingers for fear of misunderstanding.

In fact, rings have always been perceived as a symbol. You can learn a lot about a person by the shape and size of the ring, the material from which it is made, the presence of precious stones.

Ring on the index finger: the opinion of astrologers

Astrology considers the wearing of the ring on the index finger in a completely different way - no connection with amorous matters can be traced here.

Remember that the index finger to some extent symbolizes the command, instruction, power; it is a kind of “finger of fate”. And the decoration of this finger with the help of rings only emphasizes its significance.

Wearing a ring on the index finger characterizes the owner as a very ambitious and proud person with a strong-willed character. To some extent, the decoration of this particular finger testifies to the authority and self-confidence of a person. The ring on the right hand indicates prudence, but at the same time, and a thirst for power. If the ring is worn on the left hand, then perhaps the person is prone to hysteria. In cases where jewelry is present on the index fingers of both hands at once, we can say that their owner is unlikely to stop at something to achieve the desired.

On the other hand, such people are usually quite shy. And, putting a ring on the index finger, they emphasize their own significance and strength.

In some cultures, a ring is specially worn on this finger. It is believed that the presence of this jewelry significantly increases self-esteem and helps in the implementation of plans and success. By the way, for this purpose it is best to wear rings made of tin or gold.

The ring on the index finger in men has become a kind of historical legend. After all, there are many famous historical figures who decorated the index fingers with rings. Whether they did this on purpose is unknown. These rulers include Julius Caesar, the famous Cardinal Richelieu, and Ivan the Terrible.

Another example of dominance and ambition is the English king Henry VIII Tudor. By the way, this ruler decorated the index fingers of both hands at once with rings.

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