Runny nose in a baby: what should parents do?

Acute rhinitis, or a runny nose, is one of the symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection, which is accompanied by high body temperature, decreased appetite and coughing. It is especially difficult to tolerate in infants, who behave uneasily, eat poorly and often wake up.

runny nose in infants

The first sign of rhinitis is the appearance in the sinuses of a liquid and transparent substance - serous, then mucous, and after the spread of a bacterial infection - mucopurulent. A runny nose in a baby is more difficult because the nasal passages are small and clog faster than in adults. It is difficult for a child to suckle with a stuffy nose, and sometimes it is almost impossible. In addition, the baby cannot blow his nose himself, and therefore parents must help him cope with the disease.

So, a runny nose in an infant. What to do?

1. Cleaning the nasal passages with cotton buds with limiters (they are specially produced for children). Carefully collect the mucus and dried crusts. Do not damage the delicate skin, ask another person to hold the child - he can shake his head and toss and turn.

2. Moisturizing the nasal mucosa. This can be done by instilling a regular mineral water or special means based on sea water (Salin, Aqua Maris). They are convenient to use and safe for infants. After moisturizing, the crusts are removed more easily.

runny nose in a baby what to do

3. Use of nasal aspirators. The simplest is a rubber bulb or spray can with a nose tip. If the baby has a runny nose, select a soft nozzle. Press the bottle or bulb, releasing all the air, hold the tip to the nostril, and hold the other. When slowly squeezing a pear or balloon, the mucus will be absorbed. Aspirator ENT doctors recommend using only with severe nasal congestion, when the above methods do not help. If you use this device too often and unjustifiably, there is a risk of infections and the development of otitis media. An electric aspirator is safer, but rather expensive.

4. Vasoconstrictive nasal drops can be used only on the advice of a doctor! They contain alpha-adrenergic agonists (drugs "Nazivin", "Otrivin") or sympathomimetics (agent "Nazol Baby"). Under the action of these substances, the vessels narrow, less blood rushes to the nasal mucosa, edema subsides, while breathing is much easier.

runny nose in a baby teeth

Means "Nazivin", according to the instructions, children from month to year are prescribed 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day, for newborns - 1 drop. Do not use any vasoconstrictor drugs for more than 5 days, with prolonged use, a runny nose may intensify. Observe the dosage and use special drops for children (where the concentration of the active substance in the solution is lower), since in high concentrations they can cause disturbances in the heart. Remember the signs of vasoconstrictor poisoning: heart rate, lethargy, and drowsiness.

Sometimes they cause a runny nose in the baby's teeth, which are about to appear. A distinctive feature of such rhinitis is that it lasts no more than 4-5 days and the discharge is watery, transparent.

The choice of funds to cure a runny nose in an infant is huge today. But when using them, you should be careful and attentive, act on the recommendation of a doctor. Get medical attention on time. Be healthy!

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