The problems of cheating in computer games are now extremely relevant, since multi-player projects are gaining immense popularity. The fact is that the use of cheats in a single player game only affects your game and does not involve other participants. But if codes and third-party programs are used in a multiplayer game, then they put a specific gamer higher than all the others, which makes the confrontation dishonest. Therefore, the use of cheats in network projects is very tightly controlled and punished. In each project, of course, the situation is different, therefore it is impossible to judge the problem in general. Therefore, we will now consider a specific example - the popular game "Warface". The choice fell on her for the reason that there is a very cruel ban system, which, unfortunately, does not work very well.But first you need to consider the concept of "cheater". Who is he? What is he doing? What is dangerous?
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