How to train a cat to a scratching post: rules and recommendations

how to train a cat to a scratching post

Claw sharpening is a natural need for any feline. Bringing a pet home, it is imperative to take this fact into account. Let's talk about how to train a cat to a scratching post, that is, to instill a desire to conduct daily procedures in the same place convenient for you.

To do this, do not take the animal from the mother for as long as possible. It will take at least two months for your future family member to understand all the rules of social behavior. Do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the furniture and corners in the apartment of the owners of the kitten, because if his mother does not have this knowledge, she will not be able to transfer it. In this case, the question of how to train a cat to a scratching post will become very relevant.

Before you bring a pet into the house, arrange for it at least one place for sharpening claws. It is desirable that it be as similar as possible to that which was in the previous dwelling. Ideally, if the apartment will be equipped with one specialized complex in each room.

cat scratching post complexes

The animal should be protected from walking throughout the house during the first week of residence in your territory. This will not only give him the opportunity to adapt to a new place, but will also help you in how to accustom a cat to a scratching post in the shortest possible time. It is advisable if during this period you spend as much time as possible next to the animal, trying to stop all creeps into the wrong place.

The easiest way to explain the rules to the animal is to use a spray bottle with clean water. As soon as your pet decides to do a dirty trick, sprinkle it. Water and hissing sound scare the little kitten. You just have to regret it and take it to the right place. Screaming and scolding him is not worth it.

Also, in solving the question of how to accustom a cat to a scratching post, an elementary thing will help. Every time you need a pet to wake up, you need to take it to an equipped place and remind what is forgotten by bringing its paws to a special complex. It is necessary to show that it is necessary to sharpen claws here.

After a while, nothing will be required of you, as cats are smart enough and easily trained. The main thing is to show maximum tolerance in the first few weeks of the baby's stay in your home.

which cat claw is better

Now let's talk about which clawclaw for cats is better and how often it is worth changing them. You will need to replace one with another only if unsuitable. As such, they do not have expiration dates. On average, one column is enough for a year. During this time, he will be very frayed and wrapped around the claws of the animal.

You don’t have to buy huge cat-clawing complexes for cats, you can get by with small ones made of cardboard. But in fairness it’s worth saying that there is nothing better for an animal from the cat family than to climb the branches of an impromptu tree. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, then, of course, get such a horizontal bar for your ward. If you are limited in space and means, then the most basic devices will deliver the kitten no less than joy and happiness.

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