Why do dogs need a mustache and can they be sheared?

On the dog’s face, in addition to wool, one can also see longer, stiffer hair, which the inhabitants, without hesitation, call a mustache - simply because of the external similarity. Some people wonder why dogs mustache. Well, more experienced breeders are tormented by the question - can they be cut or not. Let's deal with these issues in more detail.

Mustache or vibrissa?

First, let's deal with terminology. After all, that organ, which is usually called a dog mustache, is actually a vibrissa. And they have nothing to do with the mustache, except for the approximate location.

The important sensory organ

They are also not wool, although in appearance they are a bit similar. Such a body has a relatively small number of animals - dogs, wolves, raccoons, rats, all kinds of cats and some others.

But still, most dog breeders (especially when it comes to lovers, not professionals), the term "vibrissa" is not too familiar. Therefore, we will not use it in the future, returning to a more familiar word. Now we move on to the next question - why do dogs need a mustache.

What are they needed for

Alas, science still cannot give a definite answer to this question. Some experts believe that the face of the dog is decorated with vibrissa in order to provide a tactile sensory organ. Indeed, in a state of tension, animals protrude their whiskers, pushing them forward and as if feeling a suspicious object or dangerous enemy. However, dogs with the sharpest sense of smell are just unnecessarily - they already get all the important information about animals and any things. Well, sticking your nose in a potentially dangerous place to explore it is not the best decision from the point of view of common sense.

A dog without a mustache - nowhere

Others give a completely different answer when they are asked why dogs need a mustache. They believe that thanks to this sense organ, animals get a more holistic picture of the world. For example, they surprisingly subtly sense the strength and direction of the wind. This is already true. If people get most of the information through their eyesight, then dogs smell first. Being able to smell and at the same time the direction and strength of the wind, they make up a much more accurate picture of the world. This is especially important in the wild, for example, on the hunt or vice versa, in the case when the dog or wolf themselves become the prey of a more dangerous predator.

In such a situation, the nose along with the mustache allow you to recreate the most accurate picture of the world even in complete darkness, reliably tracking down prey or fleeing a more powerful enemy.

Is it possible to cut them

Experienced breeders always answer the question of whether it is possible for a dog to cut a mustache, quite definitely - no!

The fact is that, as mentioned above, it is vibrissae that allow the dog to most fully perceive the picture of the world. If you trim them, the dog will be shocked, survive severe stress. It's like blindfolding a person without warning. The mustache will grow over time, but this process will take several weeks, or even months.

All this time, your pet will behave noticeably inhibited. But also stress can lead to the opposite effect - the dog becomes aggressive, irritable. It’s not worth blaming her - the usual conditions have changed dramatically, the pet just does not understand what happened - he does not see the world as he used to. This creates uncertainty and, as a result, increased willingness to attack anything that could be at least some kind of danger.

Finding a mustache here won't be easy

Therefore, dogs (like cats and other animals) can not be deliberately trimmed vibrissa in any case. This should also be avoided during normal haircuts. In some dogs, the hair on the face is quite thick and long - an inexperienced or just a very hurrying hairdresser may well damage the mustache during grooming, which will lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you need to carefully cut the dog's face in order not to damage the mustache.

Exclusion Breeds

However, there are exceptions to any rule. And when talking about whether a dog must have a mustache, you should definitely mention those.

First of all, this includes some varieties of poodles and Pekingese. Vibrissae in them grow almost constantly, while in other dogs, having reached the desired length, they stop growing. Moreover, a long mustache does not just make the dog's face less attractive. Everything is much worse - in a bent state, they can easily get into your eyes, damage your delicate eyelids, which will lead to inflammation. And this is fraught with serious visual impairment or even complete blindness. So vibrissae also need some care.

Pekingese mustache needs special care

But even in such a situation it is completely impossible to cut them off - only shorten them to a safe and comfortable length. It is advisable that this is done by a professional. But in an extreme case, you can cope with the task at home - the main thing is that the scissors are comfortable and sharp, carefully cut off the mustache without pulling them.


Now you have learned not only why dogs need a mustache, but also about the rules for caring for them. Surely thanks to this, the life of your pet, regardless of breed, will become more comfortable and happy.

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