How to prepare for pregnancy: acting right

Of course, the appearance of the baby in the family is a great joy and great happiness. But in order to rationally approach the conception and bearing of a child, and subsequently his upbringing, parents need to be mentally prepared. After all, from the very moment of conception, the couple needs to feel one hundred percent parents and feel all the responsibility that is already assigned to them.

If the family council decided to conceive a child, then the time has come for a very important and interesting period in the life of the couple. It is not enough for a woman and a man to simply understand that they are ready for such a serious step, it is necessary to know how to prepare for pregnancy.

First of all, you should pay attention to all addictions. They will have to be abandoned once and for all. Now it is not a secret for anyone that the fact that alcohol and smoking extremely negatively affects both the development of the fetus in the womb and its health in the future. And get rid of this kind of addiction will have not only the expectant mother, but also the father. In order to conceive a healthy baby, a young dad should prepare his body by giving up alcohol and cigarettes 3 months before conception.

It is best to consult your doctor who can give qualified recommendations on how to prepare the body for pregnancy. A specialist will prescribe a proper diet for a woman to cleanse her body in advance. Many women, reading opinions on forums on the Internet, try to follow new-fangled diets, which supposedly help to conceive a child of a certain gender. At the moment, scientists have not proven the effect of such measures, and some products can do harm, so you should not risk it for the sake of a ghostly, unfounded hope. It’s best to try to eat only wholesome and natural foods. At the same time, coffee and strong tea are not recommended, but you can experiment with herbal and fruit teas.

About how to prepare for pregnancy, can tell special literary publications in detail. The main thing is to buy books by trusted authors, and not dubious little-known proposals. Of course, a complete examination of the body for the presence of any disease cannot be ruled out. Remember that during pregnancy all existing diseases are activated and aggravated, and it will be much more difficult to treat them, because a lot of things can harm a baby. A visit to the dental office is very important, since during pregnancy the teeth can become very bad, therefore they should also be prepared.

Most couples do not even think about how a pregnant woman is affected by pets. Of course, beloved pets often become an integral part of the family, but at the same time they can become carriers of many dangerous diseases that the weakened immunity of the pregnant woman can not resist. It is necessary to regularly show the pet to the veterinarian, and also do not feed him meat and cheese.

Preparing for pregnancy - exercises.

The physical form of the future mother largely determines how easy the delivery will be. Therefore, sports and active recreation should come to replace addictions. The main exercise for the future mother should be the press, since the harmony of the figure after birth also depends on the muscles of the abdomen.

If the intention to become parents only grows stronger, but one of the partners takes medications that affect the fetus and the body as a whole, the doctor can not only tell how to prepare for pregnancy correctly, but also replace the treatment. As a rule, no less effective, but less toxic drugs are prescribed.

Well, the last step in our list, which tells you how to prepare for pregnancy, is to refuse contraception. When both partners are ready both morally and physically, you can begin a pleasant process of conception.

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