We can say that the digestive system in humans and cats has an almost identical structure. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can find in pets the diseases that are inherent in humans. A genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases or an improper diet can lead to various pathologies. One of them is colitis in cats. Symptoms and treatment of this disease are two important topics that we will examine in detail in the article. We will also talk about the forms of the disease and about preventive measures.
By colitis in veterinary medicine is meant an inflammatory process. It occurs in the large intestine. Due to the peculiarities of localization, this ailment is one of the most dangerous diseases associated with the digestive system. And this is not at all accidental, since it is the colon that is responsible for the fermentation of fiber and the absorption of water. In this body, already digested food is transformed into a defecation product.
In the colon there is a mucous membrane. Thanks to it, feces can move to the rectum without any obstacles for further emptying. If there is an inflammatory process, then the normal operation of the large intestine is difficult. As a result, the formation of food gruel is difficult, and the process of sucking water out of it slows down. Because of this, a cat develops problems such as constipation and diarrhea. If you do not pay due attention to this and do not prescribe suitable treatment, then in the future such cats may develop ulcers and cancers.
Classification of the course of the disease
Specialists distinguish three groups of ailment. They are divided according to where the focus of inflammation is localized, according to the course of the disease and origin. Let's take a separate look at each group in detail.
In the course of colitis, it happens:
- Acute. Inflammation occurs suddenly. It does not last long. A small kitten may appear due to intolerance to dairy products or due to the influence of parasites. In an adult animal, a similar ailment can occur as a result of the use of toxic substances, a dead mouse or spoiled foods
- Chronic colitis in cats. An extensive lesion of the esophagus occurs. The disease is characterized by frequent relapses and long treatment.
Classification by origin of the disease
By origin colitis happens:
- Ulcerative. It occurs due to the development of ulcers inside the digestive tract.
- Viral. The inflammatory process provokes an infection that enters the intestines.
- Bacterial. Pathological reactions provoke bacteria that enter the colon. Bacteria can be Yersinia and Salmonella.
- Toxic. It occurs due to the fact that the cat eats poison or chemicals. The latter and cause poisoning.
- Ischemic. Colitis occurs due to inflammation of the animal’s abdominal aorta.
Classification of localization of inflammation
According to the localization of the inflammatory focus:
- Pankolite. This is an extensive lesion of the entire large intestine.
- Proctitis. The rectal mucosa becomes inflamed.
- Typhlitis. This type of colitis occurs due to irritation of the mucosa of the cecum.
Experts believe that the most common in cats is chronic or acute pancolitis. Such ailments lead to general weakness and diarrhea.
The cause of the ailment
For completely different reasons, cats may experience colitis (we will discuss further the symptoms and treatment of this disease). Therefore, the exact etiology of the disease remains unclear. Let's look at the main causes of the disease. These include:
- allergic reaction;
- the presence of parasites (worms);
- improper (meager) nutrition;
- mechanical injuries of the intestine resulting from the ingress of foreign bodies into it. For example, it came from poorly digested wool or accidentally swallowed bones;
- frequent stressful shocks;
- decreased immunity;
- long-term antibiotic therapy;
- inflammatory processes that are caused by viruses;
- bacteria and fungi that cause pathological processes.
The above factors can cause damage to the inner lining of the intestinal tract. In this case, the affected areas will be filled with destroyed cells, lymph. This contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora.
Microbes and bacteria that secrete toxic waste products further disrupt the digestive system. As a result, there is more mucous discharge from the colon. But this, unfortunately, is not enough. For this reason, it is required to immediately begin treatment at the first symptoms of the disease.
What should the owner pay attention to?
Note that the first sign of the onset of pathological processes is colonic diarrhea. In the tray, the owner can see the unpleasantly smelling products of defecation of the animal. They certainly differ from ordinary feces. They have a lot of mucus, the appearance of bloody inclusions is not excluded. Emptying is extremely irregular. The pet often runs to the tray, feces come out in small portions. Often emptying is accompanied by pain. For this reason, the cat can meow loudly and plaintively.
The attentive owner can hear a rumbling in the cat’s stomach. In addition, the stomach itself may be swollen. Gases and flatulence can sometimes occur. Typically, with colitis in cats, the appetite remains the same, the pet does not lose weight, that is, it looks completely healthy.
To make a diagnosis at home, the owner must gently feel the stomach. If such actions cause a pet's pain, it means that there is a reason to go to the veterinarian.
With colitis, all the substances that enter the intestine are poorly absorbed. Therefore, the body quickly tries to get rid of them. This leads to diarrhea. In a particularly acute form of the disease, vomiting may occur, and the temperature may rise. Significant weight loss is also observed.
We examined the symptoms of colitis in cats, and treatment in this case should be provided as soon as possible after diagnosis. Only the quick reaction of the owners and qualified medical assistance will help shorten the treatment process. And in a neglected form, medical treatment is ineffective. As a result, the death of the pet occurs.
How is colitis diagnosed in cats? Now let's figure it out. Before you go to the veterinary clinic, you need to independently carry out the stool sampling. He, like a cat, should be taken to a hospital. There, a veterinarian will analyze feces for the presence of parasites in it. The following procedures may also be required:
- biopsy;
- colonoscopy (examination of the colon, which is carried out by a special probe);
- analysis of blood and urine;
- Ultrasound of the abdomen.
These studies will help determine what caused inflammation of the intestinal tract. Remember that it is a correctly diagnosed diagnosis that is the key to a future recovery.
Disease treatment
How is colitis treated in cats? The main impact in this case is carried out from two sides - medications are prescribed and an individually composed diet is selected. Medicines are selected based on what caused the onset of the disease.
How to treat colitis in a cat? You can carry out therapy by various methods. Let's look at them:
- Complete deworming (in two or more stages).
- Reception of probiotics (for example, "Lactobifida"). These drugs can restore the full functioning of the intestine.
- With severe diarrhea, enveloping preparations such as Smecta are used.
- With bacterial colitis, antibiotics are used, for example, Tylosin.
- A diet is required for one to two months. In the diet should be foods that are rich in fiber. They have a positive effect on digestion.
- Vitamins A, B, E are used to restore immunity.
- Unfortunately, ulcerative colitis can be cured only by surgery.
- For a disease that is caused by an allergic reaction, the drug "Prednisolone" is used.
It is advisable not to treat colitis in cats at home. Only a qualified specialist will be able to choose the most appropriate therapy for each specific patient.
We have already figured out what constitutes colitis in cats. Symptoms and treatment above have been examined in detail. Now let's talk about preventive measures. These include the following:
- No stress in the life of the animal.
- Proper nutrition. Use only high quality feed. If you plan to feed "naturalka", then make a balanced diet. Add vegetables and offal to it. Do not change the usual me. A sharp change in diet leads to various intestinal disorders. The animal must have regular access to water.
- Be sure to conduct timely deworming and vaccination of the animal.
- Do not forget about the scheduled examination at the veterinarian.
Here's how to prevent colitis in cats. The above recommendations will help your cat stay healthy and strong. Thus, you can reduce the chances of such a disease.
Now you know what constitutes colitis in cats. Symptoms and treatment of this disease are two topics that we examined in detail in our article. We also gave useful recommendations for the prevention of this disease in cats.