In our article we want to talk about the mysterious breed of cats with unusual bent ears. This is an American curl. A cat of this breed is distinguished by mental abilities and good character, which is why it has gained wide popularity among breeders.
Companion cat
Curl is a companion cat. In general, very often it is these animals that are considered the soul of the house. And for urban residents it is very important to have a small, but native living creature nearby. Some give birth to dogs, while others prefer cats. They are incredibly affectionate, funny, unpretentious. According to statistics, a mustachioed friend lives in every fourth city apartment.
But not all breeds are good in maintenance. Some representatives are too wayward, vindictive or demanding. Who can become a good friend, a companion for urban residents? This curl is a cat, which has gathered many positive features: a balanced character, good looks, excellent health, moderate appetite, tenderness and accuracy. Not every animal can boast of such wonderful qualities. The American curl is a cat that few people knew about in our country a couple of years ago, but now this breed has become not only famous, but also gained popularity.
Breed history
Why is the breed called "American Curl"? The cat (photos are given in the article) first appeared in California in 1981 in the most ordinary family. The animal had unusually bent ears. At first, the good-natured owners decided to simply feed a cute animal, and then the cat remained to live in their house. She was called Sulamith. Later, the animal brought its first offspring, the ears of the babies were completely normal, but in two of the four kittens ten days later they began to bend. It is these first creatures that are considered the standard, and all American curls are descended from Sulamifi.
After a few years, there were more cats with unusual ears in California. Such animals were admired and written about in the newspapers. They became interested in experts, trying to find out the nature of the phenomenon. As a result, in the late eighties, the breed was recognized and its standards established. The existence of two varieties of curls was officially recognized: long-haired and short-haired.
Currently, the American curl is a cat (photo - in front of you) of a very young breed, which is under development. Previously, these animals were crossed with almost all other breeds, but only half of the kittens had bent ears. In the 2000s, the Cat Lovers Association banned such experiments so that the breed could be kept clean. Currently, the curl is a cat (her photo will delight anyone), which is bred exclusively by the monobreed method. Animals are especially popular in Canada, America, Germany, Japan and France. But in Russia, these animals appeared only in the mid-nineties.
Curl (cat): breed description
It is not by chance that animals of this breed have gained enormous popularity among amateurs. They are incredibly intelligent and quick-witted. A curl is a cat (photos of an animal demonstrate its natural beauty), which can be easily trained. She masters any tricks. Animals are incredibly disciplined and go for a walk on a leash. Typically canine training methods can be used to train Curls. For the correct execution of commands, they can be encouraged with a treat. Animals have a steady temperament, but do not suffer from excessive delusions of grandeur. Therefore, they easily bring abandoned toys and balls to their owners.
Perhaps the breed of cats is an American curl and not the smartest in the world, at some point the animals are not smart enough, but nevertheless they are able to solve some problems with the help of their natural intuition. Cats are very calm and not prone to panic, so they are almost always in a positive mood.
Curl cat breed is completely unusual. Animals are very social. They gain all their knowledge in the process of communicating with a person. Even just watching the everyday work of a man, cats will learn a lot about their owners. The more time you spend with your beloved pet, the more knowledge the animal will receive. Soon it will be able to please you with completely unusual things. For example, help you pull the laundry out of the washing machine or turn on your laptop.
What is good curl (cat)? Reviews about this breed testify to a sweet and balanced temperament. Cats are incredibly playful, but also intelligent. They like to be near people, they are not afraid of even large, high-profile companies. Curls are always willing to respond to the affectionate attitude towards them. They get along well in large noisy families. Animals suffer from long loneliness, they may even have a breakdown of the nervous system, so pets can not be left alone for a long time.
Curls perfectly adapt to any conditions, so they perfectly transfer any travels and relocations to new apartments. They are reverent not to the external surroundings, but to the owners. But they appreciate homeliness. These unusual cats are incredibly patient, it is almost impossible to get them out of balance, they are always cheerful, playful and optimistic. The light temper of animals is used in the treatment of depression. Sometimes communication with them affects patients much more effectively than antidepressants. Curls are very clean by nature, they have no habit of skodding in the house.
Curl (cat): dimensions, weight
The main distinguishing feature of the curls is the back-twisted ears. Newborn babies are no different from kittens of other breeds. But after 3-7 days, their ears begin to twist. At the age of one and a half months, the animals already have tightly wrapped ears, which gradually begin to straighten, and in four months they will occupy the final position. Simple cats have soft ears, but curls have a cartilage that keeps their ears in shape. The breed standard implies the presence of moderately large ears open at the base. The angle of the curl should be 90-180 degrees, and ideally 135 degrees.
According to the standard, the animal should have a rectangular body, silky hair and expressive eyes. Wool can be both long and short. Curls shed little thanks to the undercoat. The weight of cats ranges from 2.5 to five kilograms. The forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind limbs. Animals are of medium height, they can be attributed to medium breeds rather than large ones. Color Curls can be absolutely anything.
American curl is a cat (size and weight, photos are of interest to everyone who wants to have such a pet), which was created for communication. An interesting fact is that animals are not afraid even of strangers. Such companion cats love their owners very reverently and are ready to follow them anywhere, like a faithful dog. The reason for this behavior is not obsession, but the desire to participate in all household chores. And at the same time, curls are never annoying, they very well feel the slightest changes in a person’s mood. Owners of such cats say that their beloved pets even bring them a newspaper after a hard working day. Thanks to these features, curl cats, whose photos surprise and delight, are considered the best companions.
They love to play with children, but at the same time they are incredibly calm. Particularly curls enjoy holidays with many guests and noisy parties, because animals need a grateful audience to demonstrate their amazing talents. In America, the nickname "clowns" was firmly entrenched in them.
Curls are incredibly social creatures, they easily get along with other cats. Surprisingly, they even find a common language with dogs and are willing to be friends with them. This is a very good quality for a pet, because in your absence he can play with other inhabitants of the house.
American curl is a cat (you already know the breed description), which can be easily brought up. For example, animals not only from an early age can learn to walk on the tray, but also learn the commands "not", "to me." The process of education should be accompanied by all sorts of rewards. For example, you can give a treat or praise. Punishing cats is not worth it. They are very sensitive, it is enough for them to express dissatisfaction with words. Curls are afraid to upset their masters and try to behave correctly.
In the process of education, in no case can you use rigidity and aggression. Animals can not only be incredibly upset, but it can adversely affect their psyche. American curls often perceive parenting as a game, so sometimes you need to be more persistent, while remaining soft.
Why is the American Curl cat breed good? Photos clearly demonstrate not only the beauty of these animals, but also their excellent physical and natural development. They maintain their form through daily games. Curl, on the one hand, does not need regular walks, and on the other hand, he can very well live in the backyard. For domestic cats, two walks in two weeks are enough. The cat will not be scared if you take her for a walk along a busy street. But it’s better to use a leash, as a curious creature may rush towards new objects.
Curls are preferable to walk on the grass or on soft ground. From time to time it is worth getting out with an animal to a park or garden to maintain its emotional mood. For a cat, this is a whole adventure, accompanied by a lot of positive impressions.
Animal care
Animals such as the American Curl are very easy to care for. And this applies not only to short-haired individuals, but also to long-haired. It’s easy to care for them. Shorthair cats are enough to comb out once a week, and long-haired cats - twice a week. To do this, you need to purchase a metal comb with curves.
The most difficult part of caring for your breed is keeping your claws in shape as they grow back quickly. You have to cut them every week with a special nail clipper. But you need to brush your teeth once every couple of days with the help of cat paste and a brush worn on a finger. To accustom cats to hygienic procedures should be from early childhood.
The ears are cleaned by the animals as they become soiled. To do this, use napkins, cotton pads and a good cleaner (they are sold in pet stores). During the procedure, you must be careful, as the ears of the Curls have cartilage. Professional breeders recommend feeding cats good dry food. The main condition for their nutrition is balance, so you should not give curls human food. Milk and too fatty foods are also not recommended.
Cats have a lifespan of up to eighteen years. However, their vulnerability is ears. They need not only to be looked after, but also to be watched so that the children do not touch them, because they are very gentle and can be easily damaged.
Curl in the apartment
Absolutely all curls perfectly adapt to any conditions. They feel great in urban apartments of any size. The noise from the windows does not scare them at all. They find a place for games even in small spaces. The owners only need to follow the safety precautions (remove, for example, wires).
For a cat, you can equip your personal space even at a meter height. For an animal, this is even useful, because it will constantly maintain itself in good physical shape. For a curl, an ordinary rug made of natural fiber, and a real house with a staircase and a roof are suitable. On the personal space of the animal should not be cold, wet, hot. Conditions must be acceptable. In addition, be sure to put a sharpener for claws. Curls are very fond of all kinds of toys (balls, bright cubes), they will help the animal to have fun in your absence.
How to choose a kitten?
If you plan to get yourself a real purebred curl, then you need to approach the process with all responsibility. To do this, find a bona fide breeder. The number of this breed is small, and therefore there are not so many people involved in their breeding. Real breeders have all the documents that confirm the pedigree of the animal, and they can also demonstrate the kitten's parents. You should definitely pay close attention to the condition of cats, this is an indicator of their future health. Animals should not be in cages, they should have their own toys.
Do not buy a kitten earlier than 12 weeks of age. Until this time, the baby has not yet been physically strengthened, and psychologically it is difficult for him to begin communication with the new owner.
You should pay attention to the fact that externally the animal must fit the standard, the nuances of which should be studied before purchase. As we already mentioned, all curls are born with straight ears. And they begin to spin on them on the 3rd-7th day of life. At six weeks, the ears turn out, and are fully formed by 12-16 weeks.
A healthy kitten at the age of 3-4 months is mobile and active. He willingly plays with his brothers. The animal should not be shy or aggressive. And his coat must certainly shine and be clean. Ears and eyes are an indicator of health (they should not have secretions).
After purchasing a curl, the breeder must give you the animal’s veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and deworming and a pedigree or card, where the pedigree is subsequently recorded in the club that registered the mating.
Instead of an afterword
The American Curl is a terrific animal that is a best friend and companion. Representatives of the breed have a number of indisputable advantages, thanks to which they have gained such vast popularity. However, the main advantage of such animals is their amazing nature. A kind, responsive creature with a cute appearance will easily win the hearts of even those people who are indifferent to representatives of a mustachioed family.