How is the Canadian sphinx different from the Don? Breed comparison

All representatives of the cat family can be called cute and charming in their own way. People admire their pets regardless of how they look, even if some of them cannot boast of a luxurious furry fur coat. Sphynx cats are amazing and unusual creatures. When looking at them, an ignorant person gives the impression that nature joked with these animals, depriving them of hair. In fact, the sphinxes are an independent breed, bred at the end of the twentieth century. These cute hairless creatures are very popular with cat lovers.

how is the Canadian sphinx different from the Don

How is the Canadian sphinx different from the Don? This question cannot be answered simply. To have a hairless friend at home is very fashionable today. In addition, it is extremely convenient: you do not need to constantly clean the apartment and collect pieces of fluff. At first glance it may seem that all hairless cats are equally alike. Someone calls them terrible monsters, others admire their natural irresistibility. Meanwhile, even some experts do not always have an idea of ​​how the Canadian sphinx differs from the Don. And these are two different breeds, although very similar in appearance to each other. How to learn to distinguish between them? There are several characteristic features.


If you think about the question of how the Don Sphinx differs from the Canadian, you need to know the following. The origin of these rocks is different. The Canadian Sphinx appeared much earlier and gained popularity in the United States and its neighboring countries. The breed for a long time remained practically unknown, only leading world felinologists were interested in it. The Don Sphinx appeared in 1996. His homeland is Russia. A number of enthusiasts, keen on the idea of ​​creating a new breed, set to work. It took a lot of time and effort before the whole country could see the result.

Hair coat

How is the Canadian sphinx different from the Don? Of course, the quality of the wool! By the way, it would be a big mistake to consider that all sphinxes are born completely naked. In fact, this is only partially true. Since the Canadian brother appeared in society much earlier, he is known at the moment around the world. However, the Don Sphinx is very popular. It is his image that is taken for the present breed standard.

what is the difference between the Don Sphynx and the Canadian

What is the difference between the Don Sphynx and the Canadian? A photo of animals is unlikely to externally determine a significant difference. Meanwhile, it does exist. Specialists can examine the animal and rank it with one or another breed. The fact is that in the Don Sphinx the hair is completely absent, while in the Canadian Sphinx it can in some cases be present in the form of a small gun. Its length is not more than a few millimeters. To understand whether there is a coat of hair or not, it is sometimes difficult to do on the eye. It is required to stroke the animal, run a hand along its body.

what is the difference between the Don Sphinx and the Canadian photo

In the Canadian sphinx, it is customary to distinguish several varieties. The first look is a classic naked representative, reminiscent of velvet or suede leather to the touch. It’s very nice to pet such a cat, although it may seem slightly hot. The next view - “flock” - resembles a peach. On the skin there are subtle hairs that cannot be recognized by the eyes. "Velor" has a visible coat, reaching a length of no more than three to five millimeters. "Brush" is distinguished by tough and curly hair, which cannot be hidden from others. As a rule, the last representative of this breed is often rejected, cannot participate in exhibitions, is not intended for breeding.

Skull and eye shape

The "Donetsk" has a wedge-shaped head, cheekbones are clearly marked. "Canadians" have wide open eyes, they have no whiskers. Some are surprised by these details. This is the difference between the Don Sphinx and the Canadian.


If you look the sphinx directly in the eye, it does not look away. Such behavior in animals is considered quite rare, which emphasizes the natural mind and high intelligence of cats. Both the Canadian and the Don Sphinx will be happy to play with you, rushing around the apartment for a ball. However, at some point, the cat will calm down, find a suitable place to rest, sit on the subject and sit completely still.

what is the difference between the Don Sphinx and the Canadian character

At this very moment, others may get the impression that in front of them is the most equanimous animal in the world. No wonder the sphinxes are compared with crystal figurines - they sometimes prefer to sit for hours in their favorite position, without moving or moving. Donchaks are recognized by breeders as more affectionate and loyal pets.

Instead of a conclusion

If you seriously think about how the Canadian sphinx differs from the Don, then you should know that the difference is very subtle. Choose the pet that is closer to your heart. Remember: the fashion for cats comes and goes, and living with your pet under one roof will take at least ten to fifteen years.

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