Ectopic pregnancy is the most insidious and unpredictable gynecological disease. A woman has practically no chance to predict its development or to carry out any prophylaxis. The only thing you can do is protect yourself. But if you are planning a baby, this method also becomes irrelevant.
A similar pathology is not so rare. Approximately 2.5% of all pregnancy cases are ectopic. In 98% of cases, the embryo is implanted in tubes that cannot withstand the pressure of the growing fetal egg. Therefore, after some time, a gap occurs. The situation is critical - an urgent operation is needed to save a woman's life. Today we’ll talk about how you can recognize the first symptoms of an approaching disaster and seek help in time.
Physiological processes
As we know from the physiology course, the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tubes, through which it slowly descends from the ovaries to the uterus. Normally, she overcomes her path without any problems. This is facilitated by the reduction of smooth muscles in the walls of the tubes, the movement of the cilia of the mucous membrane and the relaxation of the sphincter, which prevents the egg from entering the uterus until the organ is ready to receive it. However, everything can go completely wrong, and therefore it is important to know the early symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.
What is the reason?
If the fetal egg cannot get into the uterus, and the time is running out (a fertilized egg must be implanted within ten days), then he will have no choice but to penetrate the wall that is now available. And it turns out the fallopian tube.
By the way, if you are preparing for pregnancy and building temperature graphs, then you have every chance to notice deviations in time. The temperature during ectopic pregnancy rises much higher than with conventional embryo implantation. Therefore, you should not even wait for a second measurement the next day - immediately seek help from a doctor.
So, we have already found out that peristalsis disorders can cause abnormal implantation. Let's look at the main factors that can lead to similar consequences:
- Inflammation. A regular visit to the gynecologist is the best prevention of such disorders. But in advanced cases, they lead to neuroendocrine disorders. Then the situation grows like a snowball - the obstruction of the fallopian tubes develops. Most often, chlamydial infection leads to such violations.
- The early symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy must be known to women who use the ectopic spiral. In about 4% of cases, such contraception leads to similar consequences. And if the spiral has been used for five years, then the risk is even higher. Elevated basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy with regular measurements may be the first bell for you. In principle, not even the spiral itself is to blame for this, but the inflammatory processes that are caused by the presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity.
- Abortion is another serious risk factor. They contribute to the growth of inflammatory and adhesive processes.
- Smoking seriously increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.
An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology characterized by the fact that the embryo is located outside the uterus. Surprisingly, he can be deployed in various places. Gynecologists distinguish tubal, ovarian, abdominal, and also horny pregnancies (in the rudimentary uterine horn). Most often, it is the tube that is diagnosed, although the remaining varieties are even more difficult to identify.
The abdominal WB is divided into primary and secondary. In the first case, the embryo was initially fixed on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, for example, in the intestine. And in the second case, the ovum “ejected” from the fallopian tube, but it was attached in the abdominal cavity. The temperature during an ectopic pregnancy in any of these cases will be very high, which should immediately suggest an immediate medical attention.
Early diagnosis
A basal temperature chart for an ectopic pregnancy would be a very valuable source of information, but we do not always make such observations. So, what figures will we see if we monitor the temperature every day? In the first phase of the cycle, it usually fluctuates around 36.7. In the second, it rises by 0.4 degrees, most often the indicators reach 37.1 - 37.4 degrees. One day before menstruation, it falls to the limits of the norm. If this does not happen, then this is one of the signs of pregnancy.
But the temperature during ectopic pregnancy rises to around 38 degrees and above. This is a very alarming symptom, which the attending physician should be notified immediately. Do a pregnancy test at the same time. He will be positive anyway.
Main symptoms
How else can you suspect that you have a WB? In fact, the diagnosis is quite complicated. Sometimes even doctors cannot make the correct diagnosis until the tube bursts and severe pain causes an emergency call. The first thing you can note is the delay of the next menstruation or its difference from the usual course (scanty discharge). Mild or moderate pains of a pulling nature are observed. Bloody, spotting, signs of early toxicosis may appear. The mammary glands enlarge and become very sensitive.
Doctor examination
In fact, WB can be detected before the delay. Spotting, which is the result of an ectopic pregnancy, is often perceived as another menstruation. Therefore, the only way to correctly diagnose is to see a doctor. A gynecologist reveals cyanosis of the cervix, an increase in this organ. And with palpation, an increase or soreness of the tube or ovary can be detected.
These are the main signs that a doctor may notice during an examination on a chair during an ectopic pregnancy. What body temperature should be normal and with a deviation, we have already talked. If such measurements were carried out, then inform your doctor about them. However, the diagnosis cannot be built on this alone. The doctor will definitely prescribe tests for hCG, as well as ultrasound.
Features of the survey
An ectopic pregnancy with ultrasound is not diagnosed as clearly as we would like. Therefore, it is important to collect the entire anamnesis, analyze the basal temperature, own observations, the results of the examination of the gynecologist and a pregnancy test. Using these data, an ultrasound specialist will be able to make the most reliable conclusion. For example, if everything speaks of pregnancy, but there is no corpus luteum in the uterus, then you need to pay attention to the appendages. Possible abnormal localization of the fetus.
But it’s not so simple. It happens that specialists stop the examination when they find the fetus in the uterus. The woman is reassured that all her worries are in vain, and she feels the normal symptoms of pregnancy. And after a few days she was taken to a hospital with internal bleeding. Therefore, examination of the appendages is mandatory when undergoing an ultrasound procedure.
Additional evidence for WB is the detection of signs of a viable fetus in the fallopian tubes or abdominal cavity. In this case, the patient is immediately referred to the hospital. Timely help helps maintain the health of women.
In the hospital
Now the doctor must decide which type of intervention he can apply. Removing an ectopic pregnancy by laparoscopy is a microsurgical operation. This is the most effective and safe operation that allows you to save the fallopian tube.
Removing an ectopic pregnancy in this case is carried out under general anesthesia. During her, a woman makes three small incisions, after which there are no scars and scars. It begins with the fact that the doctor introduces a special chamber through a tiny incision and examines the organs of the small pelvis. This is done in order to finally make sure that there is an ectopic pregnancy, and not a cyst, which can be very similar in symptoms. If the initial diagnosis is confirmed, then the embryo attached to the tube is removed. If necessary, the adhesions are removed and the pipe passability is restored.
Emergency operation
If the patient was admitted in serious condition, another operation is performed to remove the ectopic pregnancy. It is called a laparotomy. The main indications for a rupture are a rupture of the fallopian tube and a large internal blood loss. There is an operation under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an abdominal incision and removes the tube along with the embryo. Of course, such an intervention is more serious, and it will take a lot of time for rehabilitation. However, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then chances are that you have a baby.
Rehabilitation therapy
One-pipe pregnancy is possible. The most important thing now is not to rush things. Approximately six months after the intervention, it will be required that all processes return to normal. Otherwise, there is a big risk of repeated WB. It's no secret that the probability of becoming a mother after removing one of the pipes is halved. However, if immediately after the operation to undergo a full course of treatment, then this is enough to have a normal pregnancy soon. After such an operation, a woman is recommended:
- Anti-inflammatory therapy is a very important point that needs to be given due attention.
- The use of enzyme preparations that promote resorption of adhesions.
- Physiotherapy.
- Light exercise.
- Mandatory oral contraceptives for a period of at least six months.
One-pipe pregnancy is possible. In the worst case, there is a chance to get pregnant with IVF, when the fertilized embryo is planted directly into the uterus.