Despite the huge selection of toys for children over 3 years old, many adults simply get lost in children's stores and cannot decide what to buy for a growing baby. Even parents do not always know what is best to buy for their child as a gift.
For children who are already ready to play with more serious toys, not to bite or lick them, you can try to buy a radio-controlled car. True, the child must have good coordination of movements and understand the cause-effect relationships. He will have to remember how to control such an aggregate, how is it connected that he presses a button or presses a lever, and the car rides.
Older children can already purchase more complex, but, accordingly, more exciting toys. These include, for example, a radio-controlled tank. True, he will like it only for those kids who love military equipment or dream of becoming military personnel when they grow up. The main advantage of this choice is the ability not only to roll a tank, like a machine, from side to side, but also to control a gun and shoot. The nature of the warfare will depend on the manufacturer of this product: some tanks just throw shells, others accompany it with a characteristic sound or light animation. Models differ not only in the color and shape of the control panel, some of them can shoot accurately at a distance of no more than 1 m, while others can throw a projectile several tens of meters forward.
Special attention deserves a radio-controlled tank that can float in water. So, on land, it looks like an ordinary one, but as soon as it approaches a stream, for example, using a special button on the go it can be converted into a boat. And he swims no worse than he rides. This will be an indispensable gift for children who live near rivers, lakes or go to the sea in summer. True, only older children can appreciate this unit.
Do not try to save money when you choose a tank for radio control. In high-quality toys, everything has been worked out to the smallest detail, they are a small copy of the original, which makes entertainment with them even more interesting. In more expensive models, good plastic is used, which does not fly apart the first time it encounters an obstacle; they have the ability to control the gun, shoot bullets, and ride on obstacles.
But do not think that a radio-controlled tank is an exclusively children's toy. Manufacturers have long been worried about adolescents and men who are not indifferent to such a technique. For them, special radio-controlled tanks with internal combustion engines were created
. Even adults will have to spend several hours to deal with them, because before the first operation it is necessary to inspect the case, start the engine, check the carburetor. All this must be done in a certain sequence described in the instructions. Take a little time to set up the excellent work of your tank with internal combustion engines. Only after that it is possible to take the toy out to the street and send it on a trip over rough terrain.