How to trim the cat's claws correctly at home?

How to cut the claws of a cat, with what tools? Is it really necessary to do this? Is it possible to limit oneself to the acquisition of a claw-tip? These questions are asked by many inexperienced pet owners. Answers to them are contained in the article.

Is it really necessary

So, do claws cut cats? Experienced veterinarians recommend regular manicure. The reasons why this procedure is necessary are listed in the article.

do cats need to cut their claws

  • Overgrown claws can grow into the skin. The pet will have to undergo a painful operation to remove them.
  • Volumetric carpets, tight curtains - that just will not pose a threat to the legs of the animal! If the cat gets stuck, she will certainly try to free herself. As a result, the claws can break out completely, which will cause her severe pain.
  • The animal will have to forget about fast running. Also, the cat will be less willing to respond to the invitation to play.

When to start cutting

Can cats have their claws trimmed from birth? Veterinarians give a negative answer to this question. A pet who is not yet a month old should not be subjected to this procedure. Firstly, its tender claws do not need to be circumcised. Secondly, a kitten’s attempt to free itself can lead to damage to blood vessels.

how to prepare a cat for clipping

If the cat is already a month old, then it's time to accustom her to regular manicure. It’s not worth putting it off, because at the early stage of a pet’s development, it’s easiest to form a habit. Of course, claw trimming can also begin in adulthood, but in this case, the owners will have to be patient.

How often

How to cut a cat's claws, how often do it? Such questions invariably arise in inexperienced pet owners. The frequency of the procedure depends on a number of factors, which are discussed below.

when to cut cat's claws

  • The color of the nail plate. Studies have shown that dark claws grow faster than light ones.
  • Personal characteristics of the body.
  • Pet activity. Lazy cats prefer to spend time half asleep, so they constantly need the help of the owners. Their high-spirited brothers who play with pleasure in the house or beyond, regularly grind their claws.

On average, a pet may need a manicure two to three times a month. There are signs indicating that the claws have already grown. For example, a pet is less willing to play and frolic, moves more slowly, its paws produce a knock when walking on the bare floor. It is also worth paying attention to scratches on furniture, finishing materials, leather owners.

Tool selection

How to cut cat's claws at home? This will require a suitable tool, which should be prepared in advance.

how to cut cat's claws

  • In the assortment of pet stores you can see several types of claw cutters, all of them have a similar principle of operation.
  • The blade should be sharp, the only way to quickly and accurately get rid of overgrown tips. A dumb device will not only complicate and lengthen the process. The likelihood of touching a sensitive place at the base will increase, which will cause severe pain to the pet.
  • It is best for beginners to arm themselves with small claw clippers. They are also suitable when only the ends need to be cut. Large scissors should be chosen for work with old and rigid horn formations.
  • Guillotine claw cutters have a moving blade, which allows you to cut the claw while squeezing the handles. This is an ideal choice for working with thick and long claws, however, it is better to refrain from using them if the claws just have not been cut for a long time.
  • It is necessary not only to choose the right claw cutter, but also to ensure that it does not become dull with time. If during a manicure you have to exert more effort than usual, this indicates that the blade has become dull. The uneven edge of the cut also indicates this.

What else is needed

Even if the owner knows how to trim the cat's claws, no one is safe from accidents. Be sure to stock up with a hemostatic agent or antiseptic before proceeding with the procedure. Preference can be given to a styptic pencil. The substances present in its composition will stop the bleeding, burn blood vessels. A pencil is applied to the wound for one to two minutes.

in what position to trim the cat's nails

What else will you need? You should stock up in advance with a stiff nail file. This tool is necessary to correct the tips after cutting the nails. If the owner takes care of this, the pet will not catch its paws when walking, furniture and coverings will be safe. As an alternative to a file, you can consider sandpaper, a bar.

Preliminary inspection

How to cut the claws of a cat without harming the pet? First you should carefully examine them. The pink area is the live part of the claw, consisting of nerves and blood vessels. In no case can you touch it with a claw cutter, it will cause severe pain to the animal. It is necessary to cut only the upper part of the claw, cutting off the pointed edge.

The pet owner must understand how large the living area is. If the claw is transparent, it is easy to make out this area, which has the appearance of a pinkish triangle. If the animal has dark claws, extreme caution should be exercised.

How to cut cat's claws: step-by-step instruction

The instructions below will help owners easily cope with this task. So, how to trim the claws of a cat at home?

how to cut cat’s claws at home

  • What time to choose for a manicure? This is best done when the cat falls asleep, is quite rumbling, or has just eaten. The animal should not be subjected to the procedure if it wants to eat or is in an excited state. The cat will break out, which can lead to injury.
  • An important role is played by choosing the right posture. The cat should be planted with its back to itself. In the right hand you need to take a claw cutter, with your left hand you need to hold the paw of the pet.
  • You need to press on the paw in order to see the claws. Then determine the place where the live part ends, see the border.
  • Beginners should limit themselves to cutting off the tips. The experience gained over time will allow you to cut the claw closer to the sensitive area.
  • The nail clipper is best positioned so that the blade is between the live part and the tip. To avoid breaking the claws, it is better to cut from top to bottom.
  • During the procedure, it is important to maintain maximum calm. The animal can meow, break out, scratch. You can’t respond to this, as well as speed up the work. If the cat is very resistant, it is better to postpone the manicure until it comes to a more suitable mood.
  • The final stage is the processing of claws with a file.

Pleasant associations

The above describes how to cut the claws of a cat. It is unlikely that an animal will love this procedure, but it can be done so that it does not cause negative emotions. To do this, you need to offer your pet a treat whenever the manicure comes to an end. It’s great if this is what the cat loves, but rarely gets. Cheese, chicken, red fish, sour cream - each animal has its own predilections.

how to trim the cat's claws

Not only a treat can cause pleasant associations with clipping a cat. Be sure to praise the animal every time the procedure comes to an end.

About preparation

How to cut cat's claws? Photos and tips provided in the article will simplify this task. Correct preparation for the procedure will also help reduce the likelihood of an animal’s resistance.

Many cats do not like when someone touches their paws, so nature ordered. Therefore, the owners should be accustomed to this in advance. Gently stroking a pet's paws is best when it is full and relaxed. When the animal gets used to stroking, you can proceed to the next step - gently take the paws in your hands and hold them. When the pet begins to respond positively to touch, you can proceed to massage. Massage the paws carefully so that the animal does not have unpleasant memories.

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