A puppy in the house is a serious responsibility. And first of all, in front of a living creature, which now completely depends on the owner. In addition, in front of neighbors who, if the animal remains ill-bred, will suffer. And certainly, this is a responsibility to family members who will suffer even more from an ill-bred pet. Therefore, on how to properly raise a puppy, you need to think long before he appears in the house. And it’s better not just to think, but to consult an experienced dog handler. In this article you will find some expert advice that will help you deal with the animal correctly from the very first days.
Puppy in the house
The first thing the owner should very clearly understand: no matter what titled parents his pet has, what kind of super-smart and super-obedient breed he chooses and no matter what fabulous amount he pays, obedience is not attached to any of the above. And the dog considers the person to be the owner not at all automatically. The rank of leader must be earned and maintained.
A dog is a social being. For thousands of years they lived in packs in which there was a strict hierarchy. And now the pet will be truly happy only when this hierarchy exists and is strictly observed in his own pack, which he considers your family. With this in mind, you can understand how to raise a puppy obedient and cheerful.
At the same time, it will not be superfluous to take into account the features of the selected breed. When deciding how to get a dog, pay attention not just to the appearance or, even worse, to the momentary popularity of the breed, caused by another successful feature film. Consider its characteristics and weigh whether you can meet the needs of your pet in your circumstances.
Puppy month: how to raise?
It is necessary to begin education from the very first appearance in the house of a new small family member. Remember that it is very important to be consistent in your actions. Then the dog will feel calm and confident. She will clearly understand what is expected of her.
Try to immediately determine how you will punish the puppy and how to encourage him. Do not hit the dog (even lightly) with your hands. Let your hands associate with her exclusively with protection and affection. A newspaper rolled up in a tube or something similar is perfect for punishment. When slapping, she makes a noise unpleasant for the puppy, but it is difficult to hurt the newspaper. Therefore, you can achieve the educational goal without risking harm to the baby.
Also, as a punishment, a strict discontented shout is quite suitable. But this should not be a melodramatic hysteria. The best teams are short and clear. Teach other family members how to raise a puppy. Your actions should be coordinated. Encouragement can serve as a useful treat, the puppy can be caressed and praised. Very soon he will be sensitive to any changes in your intonation.
Although the puppy is still not enough for full-fledged training, the main commands with it should be started immediately. But do not overwork the baby. Classes should be short, but frequent. Combine them with games and walks so that learning is associated with pleasant emotions.
First teams
The first thing a puppy needs to learn is its name. Call him while beckoning with a treat or a toy. By the way, immediately find out what is more important for your pet. There are dogs who for the sake of a piece of food are distracted from any game, and there are those who, even when hungry, will not leave their favorite toy. Determine which type your dog belongs to and use this in training.
One of the most frequent commands that a dog will hear is: "Fu!" Well, how to raise a puppy without prohibitions? And make sure that this is not: "Fu! Fu Fu! Did I tell anyone? Phew !!! ” The command is given once. Otherwise, the dog will get used to it, and you will subsequently have to repeat each order repeatedly. And this is more like persuasion. Weaning a puppy from this very bad habit is very, very difficult.
It is very important to train the puppy “To me!” Team as early as possible. This can save him from many dangers and even save his life. You can suspect him at any time, for example, from the road along which the car is traveling, another dog or food lying on the ground, which is intentionally poisoned.
Leader status
You can learn all the theoretical subtleties of training, but the dog will obey you only if it recognizes the leader. Among these animals, native alpha males and alpha females are found. They genetically incorporated a very strong desire to dominate. With such instances one must be even more persistent and invariably consistent in affirming one's will.
The leader always eats the first and eats the best. Never feed your puppy off the table. He will not be offended and will not feel hurt. Following his pity, a person makes a dog worse and undermines his authority. Think about how his mother brings up. She does not slip the best pieces to him and, if necessary, immediately puts them in place without undue sentiment.
Important little things
The leader sleeps in the best place. This means that your bed, even for the cutest puppy, is a forbidden territory. With no exceptions. If you want to play around, go down to it, but don’t raise it to you.
The leader passes first through the door and into other bottlenecks. Do not let the dog get ahead of you. Pull on a leash and go forward. Since it is important to raise a puppy consistently, do not make exceptions to this rule.
The leader wins the games. Do not try to make a dog nice, allowing her to excel in games. Do not let the puppy decide when to play. The initiative should always come from the owner. If the puppy is bothering with toys, ignore his flirtations, distract him with something, and only then offer the game yourself.
Different goals - different results
Different breeds of dogs - this is not just a different exterior (appearance), but also various prevailing character traits and needs. For example, a service dog is focused on the precise execution of commands and dependence on the instructions of the owner. And, say, the sled breed was bred with the ability to make decisions independently.
The leader in the team better than a man saw possible dangers on the road and was taught to avoid them himself. Therefore, these breeds are more independent and independent. For their training, you need a specialist who understands their features and needs. Companion dogs are able to lie quietly for hours at the owner’s feet while he is busy with his work. And hunting breeds cannot do without long and intensive walks.
All this must be taken into account at the stage of preparation for the appearance of a dog in the house. You, as the owner, should have a clear idea of, for example, how to raise a shepherd dog, whose puppy you take, and not try to make a lap dog or a circus poodle out of it. Consider some of the distinguishing features of different breeds of dogs.
How to raise a German Shepherd puppy
German shepherds belong to service dogs. This breed has excellent inclinations for training. They are efficient and obedient. The highest happiness for a German shepherd is to benefit its owner. However, they do not like idleness and quickly begin to get bored with nothing.
Therefore, immediately give the puppy enough time. Play a lot with him and teach the simplest teams in a playful way: “sit,” “lie,” “place.” German shepherds are attached to one person. It is important that this attachment develops from the very first days. Since these dogs are flexible and obedient, even a beginner will cope with their training.
Shepherd dogs
Consider the features of shepherd dogs on the example of how to raise a puppy Alabai. Unlike service breeds, they were bred in order to help the owner manage the herd. Shepherd dogs had to act at their discretion, being on the opposite side of the herd and not even seeing the owner.
Therefore, one must be prepared for the fact that even a small puppy will decide for himself what to chew on and what not. In addition, they are most active at night (it was at this time that it was necessary to actively guard the sheep), so you will have to work on the correct daily routine separately.
Representatives of this breed are fearless and quite aggressive towards other animals. Therefore, we must socialize them from early childhood. Try to make friends with other dogs during the walk and stop possible aggression on the vine.
Sled dogs
In recent years, it has become popular to have husky dogs. A lot of this contributed to feature films. And the appearance of this breed is really attractive. But not everyone can train these dogs. How to raise a husky puppy so that it brings joy, and does not turn into an ongoing headache?
Do not forget that they were brought out for hard work, so they need daily exercise and significant loads. It’s better not to get these dogs in the apartment. And even if there is a yard, the owner needs to monitor physical activity, otherwise over time, the husky will begin to wither.
Immediately come to terms with the fact that a guard from a sled dog will not work. They are extremely friendly to everyone. And only one owner will obey. Moreover, who exactly, the dog will choose on their own.
Good watchmen
The story is silent about who first argued that husky and husky are very similar. This is fundamentally wrong. Their similarity is that huskies are also difficult to train. Therefore, it is important to learn in advance how to raise a husky puppy in order to prevent mistakes in the early stages.
These dogs love to bully. At first, try to remove all valuables from your reach. Especially the shoes. Do not shout at the like. A scream negatively affects her behavior. And there will be no sense in terms of training from this.
Please note that these dogs are very fond of barking. And during the walk they will want to run far from the owner. This is normal for them. Just work out the “To me!” Command immediately. When the dog has acquired it, let it run freely.
Companion dogs
There are breeds that were bred not for work and special service, but for them to be good companions of man. These include labradors. Consider how to raise a Labrador puppy.
These dogs are very active and curious. They are happy to explore the world and are not averse to trying it for a tooth. A small labrador must be immediately accustomed to the place. You must not let him sleep wherever he pleases. A puppy can be easily transferred or transferred to its place. But with an adult dog, everything will be much more complicated.
It is necessary to ensure that the Labrador receives the necessary physical activity and does not overeat. Otherwise, instead of a moving dog, you will grow a fat bedside table with shortness of breath. These dogs will eat as much as they see. And then ask for more. Do not give in to unhappy looks and do not let the dog sit next to the table while you are eating.
Labradors should be socialized (accustomed to contacts with other dogs) as early as possible. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a big coward who in a panic will run away from any pocket dog. Taking into account the characteristics of the breed, the psychology of animals and showing patience and love, you can raise a great friend who will be devoted to you until the end of his days.