"Stop-itch" for dogs (suspension, spray): instructions, reviews

Our four-legged pets are sick no less than us. And no less than we, they need full-fledged care and qualified, timely medical care. Consider the drug "Stop-itch" for dogs and find out why it is used.

Stop itching for dogs

Stop Itch: Description

The use of the drug is advisable when allergic and inflammatory diseases, both acute and chronic, appear on the skin of the dog. The tool is used to combat dermatitis from bites of fleas and other insects, as well as allergic reactions. Often animals are sensitive to various allergens, such as plant pollen, house dust mites, medicines, mold spores, etc. Stop-itch (suspension for dogs) copes well with reactions to any of these allergens.

The composition of the funds

The composition of the "Stop-itch" for dogs includes:

  • Polcortolone containing fluoride - a component derived from prednisolone. It has powerful antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin PP All vitamins that are part of the drug have a restoring effect on the skin of the dog.
  • Methionine.
  • Succinic acid - heals, stimulates the protective functions of the animal’s body.
  • Additional components: tween-80, sodium benzoate, glycerin, CMC.

Stop itching suspension for dogs

Release form

"Stop-itch" - a suspension for dogs, which has a yellow color and a specific smell. The product is packaged in bottles of glass or polymer with a volume of 10 or 15 ml, supplemented with a syringe dispenser. Another form of Stop-itch is also available for sale - spray for dogs. In this case, the packaged suspension is discharged with a spray nozzle.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has powerful anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it has a desensitizing effect, due to which it not only fights skin irritation, but also completely restores the animal's skin.

Indications for use

It is used for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Allergic and atopic dermatitis. It is expressed in hypersensitivity to the bites of fleas and other insects. The course of the disease occurs with the formation on the skin of the dog itchy, causing discomfort of scabs and papules. In addition, the appearance of foci of baldness, including without obvious signs of inflammation, is possible.

Stop itching for dogs reviews

  • Urticaria is an acute allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin of small blisters. According to the “protruding” patches of hair on the dog’s body, the owner can easily determine this disease. Typically, the body reacts with a rash to the application of antiparasitic drugs. At first glance, harmless, urticaria can lead to Quincke's edema and death if timely assistance is not provided to the dog.

Stop itching for dogs Price

  • Neurodermatitis is a chronic disease that occurs for a number of reasons. Usually, the main role in the development of neurodermatitis is played by heredity, the living conditions of the dog, violation of the endocrine or nervous systems. At the initial stages, the animal experiences severe itching, which later leads to combs and, as a result, to redness of the skin and nodular eruptions with a characteristic sheen.
  • Eczema is an inflammation of the surface layer of an animal’s skin. There are several forms of the disease: acute, subacute, chronic eczema, each of which at the same time can be dry or weeping. The main symptoms of the disease are itching, scratching, fever and kidney damage, accompanied by weight loss in the dog. In the acute form, the neck or areas under the ears, as well as the areas at the base of the tail and the outer surface of the hips, are usually affected. The chronic form is localized most often on the back. The most difficult case for treatment is neuropathic eczema, accompanied by a vegetative disorder and damage to the nervous system. Older dogs are most susceptible to eczema.
  • Alopecia is a focal alopecia that can occur for a number of reasons. These include molting, malnutrition, hormonal failure, poor heredity, an allergic reaction, infectious lesions, and exposure to parasites.
  • Complicated bacterial infection.


The use of suspension "Stop-itch" is contraindicated in:

  • Increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy and lactation in females.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Viral infection.
  • Up to 1 year old.

Side effects

With an overdose or intolerance to the drug, the animal may experience side effects:

  • Vomiting
  • Impaired appetite.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • Irritation of the skin.
  • Slowing down the process of osteogenesis in young dogs.

The appearance of at least one side effect of the above is an alarm for the animal owner, urging you to immediately stop using the drug.

Stop itching spray for dogs

"Stop-itch" for dogs: instructions for use

The suspension should be given to the dog orally, preferably in the morning, with a small amount of food. If the animal smells and refuses to eat, it is necessary to enter "Stop-itch" forcibly, using a syringe.

Recommended Dosage:

  • For dogs weighing less than 10 kg - 0.5 ml of the drug.
  • For dogs weighing from 10 to 20 kg - 1 ml.
  • With a weight of 20 to 30 kg, 1.5 ml of the drug should be given.
  • Large dogs weighing 30-40 kg and very large, more than 40 kg, veterinarians recommend giving 2 and 3 ml, respectively.

The first four days, "Stop-itch" is given in the recommended dose, and in the next 8 days - two times less than the established norm.

The drug in the form of a spray should be applied to the previously cleaned skin of the dog from a distance of 15 cm twice a day for five to ten days.

You can not miss treatment, since in this case the effect passes very quickly.

Drug price

Despite the presence of analogues, veterinarians advise using precisely “Stop-itch” for dogs. The price of a suspension in veterinary and online pharmacies varies from 100 to 200 rubles. You will have to pay between 200 and 300 rubles for the spray.


Analogs of the drug with similar properties, but different in composition, are:

  • Antichous.
  • Exekan.

Stop-itch for dogs: customer and veterinarian reviews

Experienced veterinarians and breeders recommend "Stop-itch" as an effective tool to combat allergic rashes on the skin of dogs. Affordable price and powerful therapeutic effect allow the drug to be one of the most often bought to combat itching of various etiologies in pets.

Buyers note the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect: already in the first day of admission, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition. With severe itching (including the formation of wounds and combs), Stop-itch completely copes with one and a half to two weeks of admission.

However, there are less encouraging reviews about the tool. So, many buyers note that immediately after stopping the suspension or spray, the achieved therapeutic effect disappears. This allows us to judge that "Stop-itch" is better to use in combination with other drugs, only as an adjuvant.

stop itching for dogs instruction

So, I want to repeat again: pay attention to your pets. Even the most innocent at first glance, symptoms can signal the development of a serious disease in the dog. This is especially true for animals walking on the street on their own: stray dogs, in contact with whom your four-legged friend may be, are often carriers of dangerous diseases.

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