How to teach the team "Die!" dog: ways and practical recommendations

Some owners wonder how to teach the team “Die!” a dog. Why? It is difficult to say, it must be, the whole point is that this trick is very popular with the audience. This team is not included in the mandatory program of training courses, but the animal easily masters it in a playful way.

Four-legged friends see that the audience enjoys seeing the performance of the specified "number". Therefore, they are happy to entertain them, carrying out the commands of the owner.

Practical value

Oddly enough, but training dogs to the team "Die!" not implemented for practical benefits. With this trick of a four-legged friend, you can distract from something. During a stressful situation (long trip, exhibition, visiting guests, etc.), the dog hears the familiar fun team associated with the game and relaxes. A pet can be annoyed by a change of scenery, at home or the appearance of another animal in the family. You can relieve stress during the game, be sure to treat your pet with a familiar treat.

All the commands that an animal masters besides the obligatory ones (“give a paw”, “voice”, “lie down”, etc.) make it smarter, more disciplined and more obedient. Joint pastime helps to strengthen the friendship of man and dog and improve mutual understanding.

how to teach a team die a dog

When to start teaching

Asking the question "how to teach the team" die! " dog, "the owners are waiting for the right moment to start training. The first attempts to work with animals on this trick can be carried out from the age of three months. Success will be guaranteed when the puppy understands two points:

  • For the execution of the team relies treat.
  • After the performance, an interesting game will begin.

However, the training of older dogs is much faster. If the animal is already a year old and knows the basic commands, then training will not take much time. The adult dog has a higher desire for training, so the owner can only support him in this.

dog training

Securing desired behavior

How to teach the team "Die!" a dog? This can be done in two ways, the first of which is fixing the desired behavior of the dog. The method allows you to train the animal in a matter of weeks and even days. The principle of training is as follows:

  • Lying on its side, but not sleeping, the dog is given the command "Die!", Making a certain hand gesture. It can be arbitrary (at the discretion of the owner). The most important thing: it should be clear and precise. After a couple of seconds, the animal is given a treat and praised.
  • After a short pause, they happily say “Come alive!” Clap your hands during pronunciation. Jumping animals give a well-deserved reward.
  • The last command is repeated when the dog lies calmly. They act until the animal is aware of what it is given a treat for.
  • It may take more than a dozen repetitions until the four-legged friend begins to independently fulfill the requirement (consisting of a voice or gesture) from any position.

team lay

Conditioned reflex

There is another way to educate your pet. On orders "Die!" and "come to life!" he should develop a conditioned reflex. The basic command is “Lie!” After it is much easier to make the animal lie on its side. After pronouncing the command "Die!" the owner takes his hand away with a treat away from the dog. With a free hand, hold the dog, not letting it stand. The pet will reach for a treat and fall on its side. After that, he is allowed to take a reward and is praised.

A pause of a few seconds is held, and then clap your hands and make the command “Come alive!” In order to induce the animal to stand, you can slightly pull on the collar. For a trick of a four-legged friend, they are sure to be treated.

give paw

Features and frequent errors

The indicated commands are game, therefore they must be pronounced with the corresponding intonation: prompting, intriguing, fun. After the trick is perfected in one position, they move on to working out other positions: standing, sitting, on the move, away from the animal.

One of the worst mistakes is the owner’s action, forcing the dog to execute the command “Die!” and "come to life!" This leads to the fact that the dog loses all desire to cooperate with the owner and ignores training.

Often, the trainer allows the pet to get up, unable to stand a pause and not wait for the permit phrase. As a result, the animal on the command "Die!" will immediately require refreshments, without even trying to lie down.

Having learned how to teach the team "Die!" dog, you can start training. Do not be upset if the dog does not want to obey your orders. Perhaps he is not in a mood right now, he is not feeling well, or you have chosen the wrong time for classes (in particular, the pet has not reached the right age). Keep trying, and after some time the dog will happily perform this interesting trick. The most important thing is not to demand immediate execution of the team, so as not to lose the trust of your four-legged friend.

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