Pregnant women should be careful and attentive to their condition, as they are responsible for the life that develops within them. In order for the baby to be healthy, the expectant mother needs to control her feelings and understand which pains indicate danger, and which signal only about the restructuring of the female body.
Tingling in the lower abdomen is a common symptom in pregnant women. So that he does not take by surprise, you should know everything about this unpleasant feeling. Of course, with severe pain, you should immediately seek the help of doctors.
Non-obstetric tingling in the lower abdomen
The unpleasant sensations of a woman can not always be closely related to her position. Sometimes they are a sign of other natural processes that occur in the human body. If the pain or pain is not associated with the bearing and development of the baby, they are called non-obstetric. Sometimes light tingling occurs due to stretching of muscle tissue, which is designed to support the uterus during its growth. The larger the fruit, the greater the pressure on them. Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy in this case causes cutting or aching pain.
Discomfort occurs first on one side of the abdomen, and then builds up on the second. Pain can also appear in the groin, spreading along the hips and bikini line. These unpleasant sensations are short-term in nature and do not complicate the state of the future mother. You need to learn to tolerate a little discomfort associated with muscle fatigue. Of course, if the pain grows, you must immediately go to an appointment with your gynecologist.
Physiological causes of pain
Most expectant mothers perceive discomfort as a threat to the life of the child. In fact, it is the natural instinct of every woman to worry about the state of her baby. Sometimes light tingling can be a sign of a normal physiological rearrangement of the body. For example, a quick change of position. After that, every pregnant woman will feel a sharp pain in the lower abdomen. It can also arise from coughing, after getting out of bed, or from long walks.
Another physiological cause of tingling is associated with the position of the child in the womb at a later date. His head at this time descends into the cavity of the pelvis of a woman. From this, the lower abdomen begins to pull and whine. The ligaments around the pelvis are under heavy load, so you will have to endure these unpleasant sensations until the end of gestation.
Help with physiological pain
The muscle tissue supporting the growth of the uterus is very elastic. Therefore, do not worry about its stretching. During pregnancy, the female body produces a huge amount of the hormone relaxin. It has a beneficial effect on the state of muscles and the opening of the cervix during childbirth.
To prevent tingling, just provide yourself a good rest. No need to overwork, carry weights or walk for hours. For the full development of the child, as well as the health of the expectant mother, it is enough to allocate 1 hour for a walk in the fresh air. After consulting with your doctor, you can try to wear a bandage that will ease the load on the muscles of the back and pelvis.
Tingling in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy
Unpleasant sensations in the first trimester of pregnancy indicate that the uterus begins to change. This organ changes from the moment of fertilization and continues to do so until 6-8 weeks. At the end of this process, the uterus begins to grow. Growth lasts until the baby is fully ripe. These transformations indicate the normal physiological development of the fetus. Therefore, you should not worry. Tingling in the lower abdomen is a sign of pregnancy, confirming the changes in the female body.
The muscles of the uterus during the growth process begin to lengthen, provoking stitching and cutting pains. Doctors note that such symptoms occur in women at the very early stage of fertilization of the egg. They are more susceptible to those who before pregnancy suffered from severe menstrual pain. Also, pain can appear in women who have had inflammation of the appendages. Tingling in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy can remind you of this.
If aching pain appears periodically and subsides after an hour or two, a special scheme should be developed that will help eliminate symptoms as quickly as possible. You need to lie down and relax, and then walk through the fresh air and enjoy nature. If this does not help, and the pain lasts more than 2 hours, you need to urgently seek medical help.
Tingling in the second trimester
During this period, the child begins to grow and develop rapidly. Therefore, very often women can experience discomfort in the pelvic area. Urination becomes more frequent, and the lower abdomen aches from time to time from pain. Tingling in the lower abdomen in the second trimester of pregnancy can also signal pathological processes in the body, especially if severe swelling appears on the arms, legs and face. With these symptoms, you need to urgently go to the clinic and do tests. Perhaps the results will indicate renal failure.
A slight tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may appear after frequent trips to the toilet. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed. If aching or stitching pain develops into an acute one, you need to call an ambulance. The same should be done with the appearance of spotting. They can be a sign of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.
Tingling in the right side of the abdomen
Sometimes a woman may experience a tingling sensation in the lower right abdomen during pregnancy. It may be inflammation of the appendicitis. Stitching pain, which lasts more than 12 hours and is given in cramps to the umbilical region, indicates an inflamed appendix. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms, you can provoke suppuration in this organ. Being in position, one cannot ignore such serious signs given by the body. Inflammation and suppuration of the appendage can be a danger to the life of the child and mother.
Tingling in the right side of the abdomen often means an ectopic pregnancy. It is determined early, as it is accompanied by other symptoms: fainting, general malaise, bloody discharge, high fever.
Tingling in the left side of the abdomen
Unpleasant sensations in the form of cutting and aching pain can provoke:
- Cystitis.
- Sexually transmitted infections.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- The inflammatory process in the ovaries or other organs of the pelvis.
During pregnancy, the digestive tract is often disturbed. Hormonal restructuring of the body of the expectant mother begins to affect all organs and systems. The abdominal region is exposed to a particularly increased effect, as its organs begin to shift strongly, freeing up space for the growing embryo. Digestible food begins to slowly pass through the intestines, causing constipation. Due to the impossibility of regular emptying, aching pains and cramps appear.
Tingling of the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy can mean precisely a problem with intestinal patency. Doctors advise women to pay more attention to their diet. If you eat thoughtlessly, absorbing harmful foods, it will not turn out to be anything good for the stomach. Including fresh food in the daily menu, which is quickly and easily digested by the intestines, you can rid yourself of constant stomach discomfort. Fresh vegetables, fruits, cereal cereals, as well as dairy products should always be present in the diet.
Stitching pains in late pregnancy
The last months of gestation may be clouded by periodic tingling in the lower abdomen. With late pregnancy, this can only mean the growth of the baby in the womb. The fetus begins to strongly compress the bladder, so after emptying a woman often experiences aching pain.
Also, approximately from the middle of pregnancy, training contractions appear, which are accompanied by tingling and small pains. They can indicate the approach of labor. A gynecologist will tell you how to behave during training fights. The expectant mother should learn to distinguish them from the present.
Ripple in the lower abdomen
Sharp tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is often pulsating. After the second trimester, such pain can indicate placental abruption. This pathology threatens the condition of the fetus and requires medical attention. If there was a partial detachment of the placenta, it is still possible to save the life of the child. Even the presence of slight bleeding will not pose a serious problem for his life if you arrive at the hospital on time. A deadly threat is the separation of more than a quarter of the placenta. With throbbing pain, you must urgently call an ambulance and adhere to bed rest. If you do not take care of yourself after such hospitalization, you can provoke a miscarriage.
Recovery after placental abruption
This pathology poses a threat to the life of the child and mother, so doctors leave women under observation in a hospital. Preservation of pregnancy in this case is simply necessary. The same thing happens when detecting signs of a possible detachment.
After staying in the clinic, expectant mothers need to be especially careful about their situation, relax more, and also stop going to work if possible. Heavy mental activity can lead to stress and chronic fatigue.
Placental abruption often occurs in those women who prefer an active lifestyle and do not consider pregnancy a reason for its change. After the doctors eliminate the threat of miscarriage, you need to switch to bed rest, take time to think about the baby and his health. To avoid tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, you need to think only about good and not be afraid of the upcoming birth.
Pain in the lower abdomen before childbirth
After 37 weeks, a woman may be disturbed by strange aching pain. If the pain grows and becomes sharp, you need to urgently call an ambulance - perhaps the body gives a signal about the upcoming birth. Light tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy does not pose a threat, which can not be said about strong and acute painful sensations. Danger portends the pain, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- The appearance of spotting. This may mean a miscarriage or detachment of the placenta.
- Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Dangerous signs of a viral infection.
- Heat. Another good reason to call an ambulance.
- Painful urination. This condition is abnormal.
- Long pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which does not stop even after a few hours.
Before giving birth, a woman is exposed to many external factors that can accelerate the process of labor. In order not to be taken by surprise, you need to prepare a bag in the hospital and all personal documents. At the slightest hint of an impending birth, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital.