A newly mummy is always especially worried about the health of her baby. Attentive parents listen to every unusual sound. Many dads and mothers turn to the pediatrician with a complaint that the baby grunts, but there are no snot (and often spits up). Most often, such processes are absolutely normal - physiological. It is only important to know how to react to them correctly. Today's article will tell you about why the baby can make unusual squishy sounds with his little nose.
Often, upon returning from the maternity hospital, newly-minted parents notice that the baby grunts its nose, but there are no snot. Why it happens? Is this a pathology and what needs to be done?
If you contact a pediatrician with this problem, you will hear the term “physiological rhinitis”. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, not requiring medical treatment. Physiological accumulation of mucus occurs for several reasons. Throughout pregnancy, the baby is in fluid. The embryo swallows water, passes it through the nasal openings: this is how it prepares for the first breath. Part of the “mucus” “walking” through the respiratory tract accumulates in the sinuses. Immediately after birth, some babies are cleaned with special aspirators. But completely remove the mucus is not possible. The situation is aggravated by the imperfection of the nasal canals and their small size. As a result, a few days after birth, the mother can hear a characteristic grunt in the baby: the mucus began to liquefy and tend to exit. It is important at this moment to help the baby. Regularly clean the nasal passages with soft cotton swabs and if necessary moisturize the mucous surface.
Exposure to external factors
Often the environment affects the condition of the baby. Babies are very sensitive. If the nasal mucosa dries up, then the following symptoms appear: the baby grunts, but there are no snot, and coughs. Of course, the baby needs to be shown to the doctor to make sure that nothing serious is happening. Surely the doctor will recommend you to create the most comfortable conditions for the child. Within a few days you will notice obvious improvements.
- The room should not be hot: the optimum temperature is 18-23 degrees.
- Humidity not lower than 60%.
- A plentiful drink for the baby.
- Regular walks and airing the game room.
- If necessary, use saline solutions to moisturize and clean the baby's nasal passages.
Acute rhinitis
If the baby grunts, then the infection may be the reason. Most often, it has a viral origin. Do not worry too much, so the baby's immunity is formed. It is important to regularly clean and rinse the nasal passages, as well as use medicines recommended by your doctor.
The situation is more complicated if the infection is caused by bacteria. The kid is not able to cope with them himself. This pathology is characterized by the following symptoms: the baby grunts and wheezes, thick yellow or green mucus is released from the nose, the body temperature rises to subfebrile or febrile values. In such a situation, the use of antibiotics is necessary. Which ones - the doctor will tell you.
Adenoids and their inflammation
It happens that the baby grunts while waking, and in a dream begins to snore. These kids often sleep with their mouths open. What does it mean? Your baby probably has enlarged adenoids. These are nasopharyngeal tonsils, which begin to swell when an infection gets on them. The treatment of this symptom is quite complex and lengthy. Much depends on the condition of the baby and the degree of hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue.
If the baby gets sick and there are grunting sounds that persist for several weeks after recovery, this is normal. When the baby continues to make squelching sounds and after a month, this is an occasion to seem to the ENT specialist. Modern diagnostic methods allow you to establish the stage of the disease and choose the right tactics for its treatment. Often, exacerbation of adenoiditis occurs at the age of 3-7 years.
Allergic reaction
Why does the baby grunt, but there are no snot (5 months or at a different age - it doesn’t matter)? The cause of this symptom may be an allergic reaction. For treatment, it is important to correctly establish the pathogen. Now this can be done with laboratory tests. Allergies in a child can occur on pets (wool and feathers), bedding, synthetic fabrics, household chemicals (powders, shampoos). It is almost impossible to independently determine the causative agent of the ailment.
With an allergic reaction, the baby has edema in the nasal cavity, the mucous membrane is hypertrophied. Vasoconstrictor drugs alleviate this condition, but their effect is temporary, and it is impossible to use such drugs for more than 3-5 days. Also, conjunctivitis, skin rashes, itching can be added to grunts in a baby. Do not hesitate, allergies can be very dangerous!
Foreign body and the need for emergency care
If the baby grunts, then the cause may be the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory tract. In babies of the first months of life, the likelihood of this is very low, because they still do not move independently. When the baby begins to crawl and walk, he may well climb into the forbidden place and put a small bead or any other object in the nose.
If your baby felt fine just a few minutes ago, but now suddenly began to wheeze and grunt, urgently need to call an ambulance. Pay attention to what the child was playing. An examination by an otorhinolaryngologist always gives the correct result. If the baby has a foreign object in its nose, then it must be removed as soon as possible. Do not take any actions yourself, trust doctors!
Young children are prone to regurgitation due to imperfections in the digestive system. Eating food may also occur due to improper feeding, neurological abnormalities, birth injury. In the process of regurgitation, milk rushes along the esophagus in the opposite direction. Often food comes out through the nose. In this case, pieces of curdled milk remain in the upper respiratory tract. There is nothing to worry about. With this development of events, the baby grunts, but there are no snot. How to clean the nasal passages?
Use a special aspirator. If necessary, flush the upper airways with saline. Even if you do nothing in this situation, the worst will not happen. The baby’s nose will gradually clear itself, and the baby will breathe smoothly and easily.
From the article you could find out why the baby grunts. Not always parents can determine for themselves whether this symptom is the norm or pathology. To avoid guessing on the coffee grounds and not to expose the crumbs to health, consult a doctor. Remember that self-medication in these cases is unacceptable. After all, the improper use of medications can only aggravate the condition of the baby. Good luck to you!