Can breasts hurt during pregnancy? Just like, and on different dates in different ways. Immediately after the conception of the baby, the mammary glands begin to actively prepare for the upcoming breastfeeding. The chest over the nine months has changed very significantly. What happens, on what terms, is it the norm?
Sensitive breasts as a sign of an interesting position
Does breast hurt at the beginning of pregnancy? The particular sensitivity of the mammary glands for many women was the first clear sign of an interesting situation. You may notice that the chest has become more elastic and increased in size. Sometimes, minor discomfort and discomfort associated with hormonal changes in the body due to pregnancy are added to these pleasant changes.
If breast hurts, is pregnancy possible? Of course, but if a woman is faced with such a phenomenon every month (before critical days), then the symptom is a general, non-specific, not indicating unambiguously that the conception took place. Treat a symptom only with other early signs of pregnancy.
Does breasts hurt during early pregnancy? Pregnancy is considered to be early, occurring at the age of 13 to 19 years. The main problem is that the girl’s body is not ready to physically bear a child at such a young age. At the same time, the pregnancy itself can proceed with complications, that is, the chest may hurt more, toxicosis will be more pronounced, edema can occur earlier than in the third trimester.
Active breast growth
Breasts grow under the influence of hormones. The mammary glands most actively increase in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the body is completely rebuilt, and in the third, that is, shortly before childbirth. In some women, pain and discomfort appear from time to time throughout the nine months. There is nothing wrong with that. This is a variant of the norm. So the breast prepares for the upcoming lactation period.
For six months of pregnancy, the breast increases by a whole size, or even one and a half. The mammary glands are added the same amount closer to childbirth and during breastfeeding. Due to a rush of blood and an increase in glands, the breast swells and becomes heavier, begins to retain excess fluid. The weight of the pregnancy bust increases by at least one kilogram.
Severity and sensitivity
Does breasts hurt in early pregnancy? Yes, pain occurs due to active growth, a rush of blood and fluid, an increase in glands. This is a side effect of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which the body of the future mother produces to maintain and successfully develop the pregnancy.
Noticeable nipple changes
Another important breast change becomes noticeable 5-6 weeks after conception. Gradually enlarge and darken the nipples. They become large and sensitive, the areola increases from the usual five centimeters to eight or more. The Montgomery glands that are located around begin to produce a special fluid that protects delicate skin from drying out and cracks.
A future mother may also notice unnatural pigmentation of the skin on her face. Usually a "pregnancy mask" appears on the forehead and cheeks, around the eyes. Closer to the middle of the term, a dark strip of skin from the pubis towards the chest, passing through the navel, may appear. In women prone to the appearance of moles and freckles, the number of such marks may increase.
Breeding Colostrum
Does breast hurt during pregnancy? Discomfort may appear shortly before colostrum is released - the first mother’s milk that the baby will try after birth. Nutrient fluid can be produced in women during pregnancy. This is a variant of the norm, as is the complete absence of colostrum before childbirth.
The chest may begin to leak in the second or third trimester. This is a kind of preparation for normal lactation. The liquid has a white or yellow hue, may be sticky, emitted by minor drops. As the date of birth approaches, colostrum becomes thinner and more transparent. In this case, the expectant mother may feel tingling, itching, discomfort and chest pain.
If there are a lot of secretions, then you can use special inserts that are produced specifically for nursing mothers. Such circles need to be changed often, because the nutrient fluid is an ideal medium for the reproduction of microbes. We must not forget to regularly conduct hygiene procedures, but do not use soap too often, because it dries out the skin.
It is impossible to express colostrum during pregnancy (even if the chest hurts). This can lead to premature release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes uterine contractions. When colostrum occurs, you should inform your doctor about this.
The appearance of stretch marks on the skin
Can breasts hurt during pregnancy? Pain usually occurs due to breast growth and stretching of the skin. Also, the breast can be very itchy. If the mammary glands grow too fast, the appearance of stretch marks is inevitable. “Fresh” stretch marks will be red, while old ones look like white stripes. The appearance of such marks is preceded by intense chest pain.
For prevention, you should take a contrast shower and treat the skin of the hips, abdomen and decollete with a fat cream from the first days of pregnancy. Natural cosmetic oils are also suitable for this purpose: wheat germ, coconut, peach or apricot. Before using such funds, it is better to consult a doctor. Be sure to check the sensitivity: first smear a small area of the skin, and after 12 hours to check for allergies. If no reaction has occurred, then cream or oil can be used without restriction.
Discomfort in the second trimester
At 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel that the mammary glands become more voluminous, and the discomfort reappears. In the second and third trimesters, in most pregnant women, the pain is not as intense as in the first. Usually unpleasant sensations occur in the morning, and by the evening they calm down and become invisible.
Does breast always hurt during pregnancy
Some women do not experience any unpleasant sensations associated with the enlargement of the mammary glands and their preparation for lactation. A future mother can feel sensitivity only for a couple of weeks after conception, before childbirth or not at all - any situation is a normal option.
Soreness can persist throughout the gestation period or only for one, three months. Some women forget about discomfort at 11-13 weeks, when the baby begins to provide the placenta. The shell in which the child develops actively absorbs progesterone. The concentration of the hormone in the blood decreases, as a result of which the discomfort disappears.
The absence of pain in the early stages is also not a deviation, but you should consult a doctor if the sensitivity of the mammary glands has suddenly disappeared. This may indicate a frozen pregnancy. With a decrease in the level of hormones, the mammary glands decrease, lose their elasticity and cease to hurt. The reason for consulting a doctor is too intense pain.
How sore breasts during pregnancy
What kind of sensations arise in the chest during pregnancy? Discomfort can be different in nature and intensity. In pregnant women, nipples and areoles may swell, tingling in the chest, burning and pressing feeling in the nipples, bursting pain that spreads to both glands, itching. All these are variants of the norm, if not other alarming symptoms.
How to relieve chest pain
Can breasts hurt during pregnancy? It is clear that discomfort (as its complete absence) is a variant of the norm. But you should not endure discomfort, the pain can be relieved. Pregnant women benefit from lemon and fennel, nipples reduce the sensitivity of nuts, leafy greens and legumes, soothe pain and improve blood circulation in the chest, flaxseeds or fresh ginger.
Do not give up sports, because moderate physical activity normalizes blood flow and tones up blood vessels. Walking in the fresh air, special exercises for training the mammary glands and morning exercises are useful for pregnant women. In order not to engage in solitude, you can sign up for yoga or swimming for expectant mothers.
Especially carefully during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you need to approach the choice of underwear. It is best to replace regular bras with special seamless tops made of natural materials. Most models have wide straps to support the chest and elastic bands, which are well fixed and do not disturb blood circulation.
For chest pain and hypersensitivity, you need to buy a bra for sleep. Such models are soft and comfortable, protect the mammary glands and nipples from excessive friction. From the beginning of the second trimester, it is worth giving preference to models for feeding and linen, in which there are special pockets for absorbent liners.
Cause for concern
Can breasts hurt during pregnancy from infection? In 95% of cases, intense pain is caused precisely by the inflammatory process. A consultation with a gynecologist and mammologist is necessary if discharge is observed from only one breast, the secret becomes light green and gets an unpleasant odor, one breast enlarges, and the other does not. You should also consult a doctor if there are seals, cavities inside the mammary glands, bloody patches appear in the discharge for several days, a general malaise is felt, and body temperature rises.