How to wash ink from clothes? Firstly, it depends on the pen itself. If you use cheap Chinese stationery , it is likely that the "ink" will be erased even after contact with ordinary washing powder. But if you prefer expensive, high-quality pens, everything becomes much more complicated - they will not fade over time and will not come down just like that. How to remove ink from clothes so that there is not the slightest trace? Here are a few methods that are sure to help you.
This is an old and proven way that our grandmothers used in their school years. First you need to hold the thing in milk (preferably warm), then rinse thoroughly and send it to the wash.
This option is suitable for those who are looking for a way to remove stains of dried ink from woolen fabrics. In a stained area, the fabric should be soaked with kerosene. Then it will be enough just to wash it.
Soda and alcohol
Another old and proven method is how to wipe ink from clothes. In 1 tsp alcohol is diluted with 2 tsp. soda. This slurry is dissolved in a glass with clean water. The ink stain needs to be treated with this solution.
Alcohol and Glycerin
Most problems arise if clothes made of multi-colored fabrics are stained. How to wash ink? They are removed from clothing with a mixture of alcohol and glycerol, which must be mixed in a ratio of 5: 2. We apply such a solution to the ink stain, leave it for a while. Rinse and wash.
Match sulfur is ideally suited for removing ink stains from various tissues. First, the place of contamination should be slightly moistened with water, and then rub it with a match head. Traces, after several such procedures, almost completely disappear.
Ammonia and turpentine
These two ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. This and rub the stain. As always after the cleaning procedure, rinse and wash the soiled thing as thoroughly as possible.
This is the best option for those who have managed to stain silk clothes with ink. However, instead of the usual store mustard in a bag, it is better to take the powder and dilute it yourself with water to the desired consistency. Mustard should remain on the ink stain for about a day. After that, you can wash it.
Hydrogen peroxide
Many people care about how to remove ink from white clothing. This recipe is not only able to cope with spots on light tissues, but is generally effective for any kind of contamination. To prepare the product, it is enough to mix hydrogen peroxide with water (1 teaspoon of peroxide goes to 1 glass of water).
Alcohol and acetone
Mix equal amounts of acetone and alcohol. The composition is applied to the stain, carefully rubbed into the material. Then the item can be washed. It is noteworthy that a solution of this type can be used for any tissue. If you are dealing with a stained stain, before washing your clothes, you need to iron the place of contamination with a previously applied composition.