Lesson in the senior group. Senior group drawing lesson on Autumn

In kindergarten, among others, special classes are held on the development of artistic abilities in children. A drawing lesson in the older group of kindergarten is held 2-3 times a week. It is built in such a way as to develop the necessary skills and improve the child's ability to fine art. This article is aimed at parents and educators who work with children from five to six years old.

senior group drawing lesson

At this age, the child can not be called very small, he already has the skills to create simple drawings, skills that need to be developed and improved in the future. It is important for a child to be able to express his feelings and feelings on paper. For this purpose, psychologists and educators often use painting. Occupation in the older group should be based on interest, since at this age the leading activity in children is the role-playing game.

"Funny ladybugs"

The child is given the task: to colorize the images of ladybugs in such a way that two identical colors are not nearby. The number of pictures should be more than the colors needed for coloring. Each child can color an unlimited number of drawings, but usually to preserve interest, it is enough to color 3-4 images.

senior group drawing lesson on fall

A drawing lesson in the senior group must be focused and well organized: the teacher instructs the children before starting work, gives a clear task, answers questions if necessary. At the same time, excessive regulation in the approach to the lesson should be avoided: remember that in front of you are not office workers, but children who want to fantasize, play, and invent their own plots. In order to make the lesson as interesting as possible, it is necessary to diversify it with fascinating stories, to provide the child with the opportunity to come up with his own fairy tale. For example, in the course of coloring, you can give the task to come up with a name for each ladybug, orally indicate how it differs from others, what kind of character it is, whether it has a dream. If possible, the child will compose his own story, which will accompany the pictorial activity.

"House for the Hare"

First, we gather a group of children together and tell any interesting story about a hare. It can be either a well-known Russian folk tale or a new story invented personally by a teacher or parent. Children are given a task: to draw a house for a hare. It’s clear that each child’s house will be different. Clear criteria need not be set: let the children themselves fantasize and imagine. In the end, ask each baby to voice his answer, to discuss the main points: why, in his opinion, such a house is necessary for the hare. Lesson in the senior group brings tangible benefits: it develops fine motor skills of fingers, teaches perseverance, organization, discipline.

The magic tree

It can be called a wish tree, because it fulfills big and small dreams. Children need to be given the right attitude: we draw a tree that, according to your ideas, would have magical properties - embody dreams. You will see how diverse the drawings of children turn out to be: some will draw a “money” tree that brings high income, others will gladly make a picture that embodies the joy and happiness of disinterested communication with loved ones. As a result of this exercise, you can identify the level of prevailing values ​​in children.

"Autumn mood"

It is no secret that each of us has his own idea of ​​autumn as a season. But still there are general criteria, signs by which we can determine that the summer is over.

drawing lesson in senior group

A drawing lesson in the senior group on the theme “Autumn” must necessarily be aimed at developing creative abilities, as well as an individual perception of the picture of the world. Have the children draw on paper how they understand this time of year. What happens in the fall? When the creative process of drawing is completed, let everyone present share their experience, tell what he depicted in the picture. A drawing lesson in the older group on the theme “Autumn” is focused on the development of imagination, creative thinking, the inclinations of children and the ability to fine art.

"Winter Winter"

Many miracles, beliefs and freethinking adventures have always been associated with this mysterious season of the year. In winter, the New Year comes, Santa Claus gives children the desired gifts. As you organize the lesson, ask the children what winter is associated with. Maybe with skiing, sledding, ice skating. A drawing lesson in the older group on the theme “Winter” can be built in different ways: to offer to create your own picture of a vision of snow-covered space or to ask children a specific direction: draw a slide, snowdrifts, Christmas tree, New Year's holiday.

winter group drawing lesson

Of course, it is better to leave room for children's imagination. The flight of thought stimulates the development of creativity. Let the child draw what he wants, reflect on paper his own unique perception of reality.

"Spring is Red"

With the advent of spring, everything in nature comes to life: flowers, trees, and grass. The birds begin to twitter, the air is filled with a fragrant aroma. Children very subtly notice the details of the environment and are able to appreciate the present moment of life. A drawing lesson in the older group on the theme of “Spring” needs to be built so that the children are interested and they have the opportunity to reveal their creative abilities. Invite them to draw the signs of spring and do not report what is happening in nature at this time of the year. Such an approach will allow the child to think a little, attract imagination and imagination, make sure of the correctness of his ideas or expand his knowledge of the world around him.

senior group drawing lesson on spring

Thus, a drawing lesson in the senior group is an integral element in the upbringing and development of children. Admittedly, the age of five to six years is very difficult and significant: it was at this time that the child begins to more or less consciously try his hand in different directions, but the game remains the leading activity. The task of parents and teachers is to create suitable conditions for harmonious development, to help expand the horizons and capabilities of the child.

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