MSVCP110.dll is missing on the computer: what should I do? Restore dynamic libraries in 10 minutes

Today we’ll talk about one of the most common errors that occur when installing and running new programs on Windows. In this case, the application does not open at all, and a notification about a system error appears on the screen. Reason - MSVCP110.dll is missing on the computer. What to do and how to solve the problem?

Will reinstalling help?

As a solution, the system itself suggests trying to reinstall the program. However, as practice shows , this is just a waste of time. Even after reinstallation, you will see the same message on the screen.

The computer is missing MSVCP110.dll what to do

Why the error actually occurs

. Windows — .dll. , .

, " MSVCP110.Dll". - Windows. — , .

The program cannot be started.

, MSVCP110.Dll. ? — . .

#1: MSVCP110.dll

— , . , MSVCP110.dll. ?

  1. Windows .
  2. MSVCP110.dll System32 ( 64- — SysWOW64) Windows.
  3. Win+R, "".
  4. :

What does MSVCP110.dll are missing?

, "regsvr32". "" . , , .


, , , , . , . , Windows:

  1. DirectX — 2D 3D-.
  2. . , " " > "". , " ". , .
  3. .NET Framework — , Mircosoft, .
  4. Microsoft Visual C++ — , .

Install Microsoft Visual C ++

, 30 , .

1) — . , — Microsoft.

2) (32 64-), "" , " ". Windows 10 " ".

64-bit Windows

3) In rare cases, even after the above actions, the notification "MSVCP110.dll is missing on the computer" continues to appear. What to do in this case? Most likely, you are using broken Windows, and it’s not working. There is only one way out - reinstalling the system (by the way, when installing a normal system, library files will most likely be added automatically).

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