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Surely you have heard quite a few opinions that buying things for a baby before his birth is a bad omen. However, an increasing number of expectant mothers are skeptical of such moods. In the old days, high infant mortality during and immediately after childbirth was a common occurrence. But since then, medicine has stepped forward more than once. And now, the development of the child can be observed throughout pregnancy, doctors can cope with various complications during childbirth. Therefore, there are good reasons for the expectant mother to make a list for the newborn for the first time.

A list for a newborn for the first time

We collect the bag in the hospital

Even if you are not going to buy all the dowry in advance, be sure to prepare the things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. . , 8 . , , . . , 4 , 5-6 , . «» , . , , - . , . , , , .

List of clothes for the newborn

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Clothing for the child should be chosen relative to the season. In the cold season, you can not do without a warm envelope or overalls.

List for the newborn in the hospital

Knitted and crocheted suits, sleeping bags are also required. Do not forget about the warm hat and socks. The basic set of clothes is the same for any time of the year - it's thin vests and warm flannel and cotton romper. Too many items of clothing of each type are not worth buying, as the baby will grow rapidly. If you do not plan to wash clothes every day, 10 vests of each type and the same number of sliders are enough. Include in the list for the newborn for the first time supplies - baby bathing cosmetics and diaper rash cream, diapers, cotton swabs and umbilical wound care products.

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