Pregnancy temperature

The increased body temperature of each person always speaks of those or other changes that occur in the body. The same goes for a pregnant woman. If we exclude all possible causes (colds, inflammation, and others) of an increase in temperature during pregnancy, then it is likely that it is caused by a reaction to pregnancy. Therefore, if you have a low temperature for a long time and at the same time you have undergone a complete examination with your doctor who has not found any other causes of fever, then there are no serious reasons for excitement.

First trimester of pregnancy and temperature during pregnancy

It is a prolonged body temperature that is most often one of the main signs of pregnancy. In some cases, the total body temperature can be observed increased throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy, but it should not exceed 37.4 ° C. If the temperature reaches 38 ° C and above, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Why is there an increase in temperature in early pregnancy?

The most common cause of fever may be an increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the body of the expectant mother. Its amount is becoming more and more, thus affecting the thermoregulation of the whole body.

Also, an increased temperature during pregnancy may indicate that the defenses of the expectant mother's body are activated and it is cleansed of all kinds of, even the smallest, infections that the woman does not even know about. Thus, the body is as if preparing for a healthy bearing of the baby.

In addition, an increase in the temperature of a pregnant woman may be associated with small inflammations, which progress precisely when pregnancy occurs, when the body is weakened. Most often, these can be various dental diseases, caries, or the manifestation of any other chronic diseases.

It is possible that with a different Rhesus factor of the parents of the unborn baby, an increased temperature during pregnancy can be observed, since a conflict is observed in the woman's body. Such cases are quite rare, but are no exception.

In any case, with the first symptoms of fever, which can also be accompanied by severe headaches and malaise, you should consult a doctor. In this case, it will be necessary to pass all the tests, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the state of health. If all test results are normal, then you have no reason to worry.

Pregnancy temperature and headaches

If even a slightly elevated temperature is considered the norm in most cases, then the expectant mother will not go anywhere from headaches. Even a slight temperature can cause pain in all areas of the head.

If even small pains of this kind begin to bother you, you should consult the doctor with whom you are registered. Everyone knows that the use of any pain medication, including the most innocent aspirin, can adversely affect the development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother. But tolerating headaches is not recommended, since migraines can appear on their basis. To avoid this, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In this case, the doctor will prescribe harmless drugs that will help get rid of the headache.

It should be noted that increased body temperature in pregnant women is a fairly common phenomenon. Therefore, there are no serious reasons for excitement and panic. Normal temperature in pregnant women does not exceed 37.4 ° C. And if at the same time the pregnant woman feels well, then there is no need to visit a doctor.

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