It would be nice if the woman knew about the first signs of pregnancy almost immediately after conception, and through obvious signals. In reality, the expectant mother has to rely on changes in the hormonal background. And since the characteristics of the female body are individual, the appearance of the first symptoms of motherhood can drag on for a while, up to a month.
Many women rely on the absence of menstruation, considering this a special and pleasant bell for a successful conception. In fact, this is not a solid guarantee, since the menstrual cycle of each woman passes with a certain and individual frequency. It is worth remembering that it can take place with a delay.
In any case, it is desirable to know about the characteristic signs of every lady who plans to have a baby or, conversely, tries to prevent his appearance until better times. But especially about the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, it is advisable to know all the young girls for whom pregnancy occurs for the first time.
Difficult diagnostics
The issue of determining pregnancy concerns every girl, especially with regard to young expectant mothers. However, finding an early date is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are signs, of course, they are not so pronounced as to precisely state that the “patient” is in position. Often, the symptoms of the so-called pregnancy can actually indicate malfunctioning of the endocrine glands, diseases on the nervous system and an overdose of drugs. Thus, this can be confusing not only for women themselves, but also for doctors.
The first signs of early pregnancy, or female intuition
As we know, there are no absolutely similar people, and each of us is distinguished by our own personality. According to the stories of some women, within a few hours after conception, they began to feel some kind of changes in themselves. Moreover, the ladies not only accurately revealed the fact of motherhood, but also were able to predict the gender of the child. Other women saw corresponding hints in their dreams.
But the vast majority of girls rely little on their own intuition or subconscious mind. They are more likely to believe the facts. That is, they monitor their weight, use tests, evaluate their appearance, comparing their real reflection in the mirror with old pictures. Only here in the early stages of pregnancy this will not help, because the woman does not stand out much: the weight remains as before, and it is too early for the stomach to appear.
HCG level
This can also be considered the first sign of pregnancy. As shown by numerous studies, fertilization of the egg occurs within 12 hours after it leaves the ovary. But at the same time no more than a day should pass, otherwise it dies. Symptoms of pregnancy can be seen only after the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, which usually occurs 7-10 days after ovulation. After this, the hCG hormone begins to be produced, which notifies the female body of the presence of a new life.
Moreover, it is constantly increasing. The woman herself does not need this hormone, since it serves as a building material for the future placenta. In this regard, the high content of hCG indicates a successful conception. For this reason, signs of pregnancy on the first day are unlikely to be detected.
And the longer a woman puts off (within reason, of course) the test, the clearer and clearer the strip on the indicator will be. As for the test itself, experts recommend conducting it, starting from the day when there should be menstruation, which is not there. However, this may speak of delayed menstruation, but the topic of our article is slightly different.
Yes or no?
There are a number of signs that may indicate pregnancy, but to be completely sure of this is impossible. These include the following cases:
- Periodic lack of appetite.
- The sense of smell has worsened.
- Fatigue and irritability are more pronounced than before.
- Headache.
- Drowsiness.
- Increased salivation.
- Change in blood pressure.
Yes, these first signs of pregnancy in the early stages may indicate pregnancy, however, to be completely sure, if they are detected, you should undergo an examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. In addition, sometimes a woman may feel pain in the bladder. With the outcome of urine, there is also a slight pain. Perhaps this indicates pregnancy, but may indicate some kind of inflammatory disease like cystitis. To confirm or refute the terrible diagnosis, it is better to pass urine for analysis. And by the time he is ready, other signs will appear in the event of a successful conception.
Signs of pregnancy
A successful conception can sometimes be reflected by external signs, saying that something is happening inside the female body. After a successful male reproductive cell (or gamete) has reached its goal, the egg begins to move down to the uterus. This can happen in the early days, and signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves in the form of changes in the well-being of the expectant mother.
After successful conception, the female genital organ needs to be properly prepared for bearing the fetus. Therefore, the uterus also undergoes changes: its structure adapts to prepare favorable conditions for the development of a new life. In this case, you can feel malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, rectum. These are clear signs of an early pregnancy - up to 7 days.
Let's look at a few more symptoms that may indicate pregnancy. Some of them are explicit, and there are those that only allow the fact of motherhood and therefore need additional confirmation with the help of relevant studies.
Short-term bleeding
We can say that this is one of the very first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. A week later, the egg has already reached its destination, picked up a cozy place and begins to attach to the uterine wall. As a result of this, the integrity of the uterus is violated, the nearest vessels are destroyed, which provokes small bleeding, which is then brought out. This can be confused with menstruation, but the discharge is not so plentiful, go to the break of the schedule and stop on the second day.
Such discharge is usually called implantation. They usually appear 8-12 days after conception, but can also be observed after a delay, so they do not always indicate the fact of motherhood. If any, vigilance is necessary in any case. If the discharge is abundant, you need to urgently seek medical help, because sometimes this is an alarming sign of a miscarriage.
The presence of another important hormone
Considering the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, this phenomenon cannot be avoided. After conception, another hormone is produced, which the child also needs - progesterone. Before conception, he was not, and it was with his appearance in the female body that cardinal hormonal restructuring occurs. Often, characteristic symptoms are observed:
- headache;
- weakness;
- temperature rise.
All this may resemble a cold. Moreover, some of the listed symptoms may not appear on the first day. And sometimes this can even indicate the approach of menstruation or be a reaction to a stressful situation. For this reason, many girls are in no hurry to visit a doctor.
Mood change
This, too, can be regarded as the first sign of pregnancy in the early weeks (1-2). As you know, in the event of a successful conception, a hormonal reorganization occurs in a woman’s body, and changes occur radically. This is well felt by all close people, especially parents and, in fact, the other half. While the woman herself may not even notice this.
The nature of the future mother is changing, and sometimes it can happen unexpectedly for everyone around. Sometimes a fit of rage can seize her for no reason, then everyone who is nearby is under attack. From the outside it seems that the woman has a nasty character, but in reality she is simply not able to control herself. She perfectly understands what pain brings her relatives, but she can not do anything. A similar first sign of pregnancy in the early stages (1-2 weeks) can manifest itself earlier than other symptoms. Therefore, relatives should be well prepared for future attacks and understand the situation.
New taste preferences
The female body, sensing in itself the birth of a new life, immediately tries to accumulate useful trace elements, and the more, the better for the child. This is manifested in the formation of new taste preferences. In other words, a woman can eat with pleasure everything that she could not bear before. Such eating behavior can hardly be overlooked. A woman tries to collect everything inconsistent in her plate, and any dish seems unrefined, so she tries to add salt to it. If everything was in her power, the expectant mother would have eaten a whole can of pickled cucumbers at one time.
For some women, when the first signs of pregnancy appear, at 1 week or a little later, unexpected addictions appear: an irresistible desire to taste chalk or sand. Increased appetite and a change in taste habits one way or another are the first symptoms of motherhood.
Breast change
In particular, we are talking about the following manifestations:
- Nipples begin to darken, their sensitivity increases, they become more tender.
- The glands themselves swell.
- The venous network becomes more noticeable.
- The circles around the nipples can also darken and increase in size.
During the first months of pregnancy, a woman may be constrained by chest discomfort. In addition, the appearance of Montgomery tubercles, small outgrowths that form on the circumference of the nipples after a successful conception, may be the first sign of pregnancy. Outwardly, they resemble warts, inside of which there is greasy substance. If available, a woman should not worry, since tubercles do not have any effect on the functioning of the mammary glands and do not pose a threat to the mother.
Characteristic external skin symptom
There is another external symptom that indicates pregnancy - the condition of the skin. On its surface, pigment spots may appear or inflammation may develop. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of the female body. As you can now guess, this process has a significant impact on a woman, so she just needs the support of loved ones, especially her husband.
A sharp fluctuation in hormones leads to the appearance of pigmented “jewelry” on the face, neck and chest. And this can also be regarded as the first sign of pregnancy in the early stages. This also applies to arms and legs, where you can find spider veins that resemble hematomas with their tint. But women and about this have nothing to worry about, since all these "jewelry" disappear, you just have to give birth to a child.
The sebaceous and sweat glands in the course of successful conception begin to work in an enhanced mode, in connection with which the faces of many mothers are additionally decorated with acne. With the arrival of about 12 weeks of pregnancy in a woman, a longitudinal pigment strip can be seen on the abdomen. You should not worry about this, since this first sign of pregnancy after childbirth also disappears.
Almost every person who is interested in the whole process knows about stretch marks. They appear on the sides and lower abdomen, but somewhere around 20 weeks. And the fuller the mother, the more pronounced they are.
Frequent urination
As a rule, frequent urination occurs in a woman late in pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a grown child exerts some pressure on the bladder and ureter. Nevertheless, a malfunction in the genitourinary system can happen earlier.
This can be caused by chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone secreted only by pregnant women. It helps to accelerate the blood circulation of the pelvic organs, which gives a false sensation of overflow of the bladder. Although in reality there is very little fluid. In the supine position, this is felt especially, and therefore almost every woman regards this as a sign of pregnancy in the first weeks.
It is worth noting that frequent urge to the toilet is not necessarily a sign of impending motherhood, sometimes it is a symptom of some disease of the genitourinary system like cystitis or urethritis. If a strong burning sensation occurs during urination, then this is definitely not a pregnancy, everything here indicates a disease. You should see a doctor as soon as possible.
Elevated Basal Temperature
Many women, by measuring basal temperature, determine the beginning of the ovulation process. Its increase in the genitals indicates the readiness of the egg for fertilization. But with the help of this, you can still learn about the successful outcome of conception. To do this, a thermometer is placed in the anus, since the temperature of the rectum and genitals is the same. Measurement should be carried out in the early morning, while still in bed.
Each woman is desirable to maintain their own schedule for measuring basal temperature. After 3-4 months, she will already be able to detect the first sign of pregnancy before menstruation. This is manifested as follows: 7 days before the onset of menstruation, the temperature indicator, instead of decreasing, remains unchanged, within 37 ° C. With a greater degree of probability, this indicates a successful conception.
Gastrointestinal tract and toxicosis
More precisely, we are talking about his disorder. This is a fairly common phenomenon, which is observed in most expectant mothers. And as medical practice shows, this is 2/3 of all cases of pregnancy. Flatulence and constipation can be considered a characteristic sign of hormonal adjustment. For such activities, progesterone is responsible, which in the early stages of pregnancy provokes a slowdown in the digestive tract. As a result of this, constipation occurs.
In addition, a woman in the morning may feel other signs of pregnancy in the early stages in the form of toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Moreover, this condition can be not only in the morning, but also in the evening. And vomiting can overtake after almost every meal. Although this phenomenon in most cases occurs only in the average period of bearing a child, when he is already quite grown and developed. Nevertheless, it is impossible to completely exclude their appearance in the early stages of motherhood. Doctors call this condition early toxicosis.
At the same time, nausea and vomiting do not always indicate pregnancy, sometimes toxicosis occurs with food poisoning. In addition, symptoms may indicate gastritis, enteritis, intestinal or stomach ulcers.
It is impossible to establish the absolute fact of motherhood using the first signs of pregnancy described in this article, since some of them may indicate the presence of a disease. Although there are those that clearly indicate this. However, to make an accurate diagnosis, an additional study is necessary, which will only be prescribed by the doctor after visiting the antenatal clinic.
For a full guarantee, a woman can be assigned an ultrasound scan (ultrasound), which is a reliable method for determining pregnancy. At the same time, if twins are expected, the device is not able to detect this at an early date. This fact can be determined only at the 5th or 6th week, when hearts will form in the embryos.
Well, a woman’s heart is unlikely to fail. In any case, it is better to seek medical help or as a last resort to do a pregnancy test. So the woman will be calm, and relatives will not worry ahead of time. And so that the entire process of bearing a child runs smoothly, a woman needs to be registered in a timely manner when the first signs of pregnancy appear. Conception can be fully considered successful when a healthy and full-fledged baby is born.