When does a child begin to recognize mom? Age features

Many women are interested in the question when a child begins to recognize mom. This is a pretty exciting moment that cannot be taken indifferently. Most parents with special delight are waiting for the first smile of the baby. After all, it is she who testifies that the baby is developing safely, that a happy worldview is being formed in it.

When a happy event finally happens, all the relatives are happy. But nothing can compare with the great satisfaction that the mother feels. She feels herself simply filled with blissful delight and joy.

Revitalization complex

Thinking about at what age the child begins to recognize his mother, it should be noted that the so-called social smile does not appear earlier than in 2-3 months. By this time, the baby is already able to clearly distinguish between her and strangers. For him, at this stage of development, interaction with those who are able to give him selfless love is of great importance.

tiny baby

The revitalization complex is characterized by an emotional response to the actions of a significant adult. This explains why the baby smiles only to close relatives, and not to everyone. He willingly goes into the arms of his mother and father, but will react with a loud cry if someone completely outsider takes him. That is why it is so important to pay attention to his needs. The baby, first of all, needs emotional communication with his mother. When enough attention is paid to him in the family, on an intuitive level he feels that he is loved.

Response to appeal

It is at the age of eight to ten weeks that the baby begins to clearly respond to the word addressed to him. When the mother affectionately calls him by name, he is sure to turn the head in response to the sound of her voice. It becomes especially pleasant to watch if the baby smiles at you when you go into the room and lean over his crib.

mother and child

However, this is not difficult to achieve: you must be genuinely inclined to positive communication with a small son or daughter.

Reflecting on how many months a child begins to recognize mom, you need to make certain efforts yourself. Much depends on parental participation, including the emotional development of the baby.

The trust

A child who has reached the age of two months is actively learning to perceive the world. It is good when love and mutual understanding reign in the family. In this case, it will be easier for the baby to form a positive attitude towards those people who are constantly nearby. He will learn to trust everyone around him.

If you, in fact, are concerned about the issue when the child begins to recognize mom, you should definitely give him enough time and attention every day. It’s better not to rush to the moment of going to work. An infant child needs interaction with his mother so much that without a sufficient degree of this love, he will not be able to develop normally and form the necessary trust in himself in the world.

The need to be a member of the family

This is an important factor that you should definitely pay attention to. It is no secret that children feel best in full families. The more attention paid to them, the better. If there is such an opportunity, it is best that both parents approach the baby alternately during the day. The presence of grandparents will also never be superfluous.

happy family

The child cannot yet fully realize this, but intuitively perceives what kind of relations are developing between relatives, what place he takes in the family. It is great if adults have a desire to understand each other. When asking yourself a question when a child begins to recognize mom, you need to pay attention to this moment.

Conscious smile

Such a significant detail is simply impossible not to notice. She is also called a social smile, because it is first addressed to an adult. The baby is happy in response to the mother’s remark and in every possible way tries to show it outwardly. A conscious smile appears closer to three months. The child is still very small, but it is able to recognize the faces of loved ones and even the general atmosphere in the house.

social smile

Mom for him is the center of the universe: she gives warmth, protection, breastfeeding, motion sickness, sings songs. If the baby feels satisfied, it already cries less often, only when he needs something. When a child begins to recognize mom and smile, this means that he is developing safely.

Leading activity

Few people, besides the experts in the field of psychological science themselves, know that each age period corresponds to a certain need, which becomes the main one. The leading activity for a baby of two to three months is emotional communication with the mother. This is exactly the age at which a child begins to recognize his mother.

sleepy eyes

She should not only be nearby, but also strive to satisfy the significant needs of her child. The future well-being of a son or daughter depends entirely on how much warmth and affection they received from their parents in early childhood. When you do not have time to give love to children in due time, you will not be able to do this later.

Instead of a conclusion

Thinking about when the child begins to recognize mom, it should be noted that the basic feelings of trust and acceptance are very important. Noticing how the baby smiles in response to the addressed word or gesture, subsequent success in development should be encouraged in it. You should never fence yourself off from the baby when he especially needs you. Any business will wait, because after the birth of the baby, it is precisely his needs that come to the fore.

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