Details on how to register “VKontakte” without a phone

Everyone knows that you need a phone number to register a Vkontakte page . The starter pack is best used with a new one so as not to untie it from an existing account. Unfortunately, the procedure for unpinning a number is possible only a few times. And in order not to buy a new SIM card every time to create a page, we will now tell you how to register “In Contact” without a phone. The first method is completely legal. It’s called Facebook sign-up.

Method number 1: how to register "in contact" without a phone

how to register in contact without phone

In the usual project ration, the function for registration through a foreign social network is absent for users of Russia. It is available only to foreign visitors. Therefore, in order for Vkontakte to register without a number and use this method, you must make the project believe that you are not a Russian user. You will need to change the location information, thereby making the site think that you are a resident of some other country.


You can correct the data in various ways:

• Connect the proxy server in the browser settings that you use.

• Use a browser with built-in functionality for complete anonymity.

in contact register without a number

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I want to register in contact

Let's look at other options for resolving the issue of how to register in VK without a phone. There are many sites and applications with which you can trick a social network and get a new page. One such project is This system independently selects a mobile phone number with which you can create an account. So what is needed to get the data? To get started, go to the specified site and register. To do this, you will need an e-mail address and some information. From above we select the tab "Activation" and "Get number". Then we select the social network “In Contact”. They may write to you that now all the operators are busy, and you will need to wait. In one or two minutes we try again. After several unsuccessful attempts, you still get a number.You can use it at registration. The social network "In Contact" will send a code. After which you will need to go to the service again and click on the “Finish” button. In the field next to the number that you entered during registration, you can see the code. Copy it and paste it on the page for creating a new account.

Features of Choose IP Country

free registration vkontakte without SMS

There is an excellent program that will tell you how to register "in contact" without a phone.First you need to create an e-mail. Then open the Choose IP Country program and choose Turkey. Go to, click “Free Test” and select a phone number. You will see a sign to fill in the information, there you must enter your number, which the robot will call you when registering "In Contact". Then click Sign Up. Checking your e-mail, you should receive two messages. Open the first letter and press CUCK HERE. Click Add voice app, enter the name VK. Then copy the phone number. We go to the registration field "In Contact", enter the country of Israel and copy the phone number from the program. Then the robot will call your number and dictate the activation code. Enter this code, create a password and click "Login to the site." That's all, you have created a new page "In Contact".As an afterword, we note that among the Russian-language services that provide a virtual phone number, you can pay special attention to SMSC, since the services of this resource are provided free of charge. By the way, all stages of registration of "VK", not associated with the number, have a standard order.

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