Many breeders know that their pets, like people, suffer from allergic reactions. They can take very severe forms. Such a reaction can manifest itself intolerable itching when the animal combs the skin before wounds. Is there a means that can get rid of such manifestations? Yes, this is Exekan for dogs. The instructions enclosed with each package give fairly detailed recommendations regarding its administration. Nevertheless, we would like to talk more about this tool.
"Exekan" for dogs: instructions, description
A veterinary drug recommended for use in allergic reactions in dogs (and cats). The active substance is dexamethasone. This substance is hormonal, with anti-allergic, immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it contains vitamins B6 and PP, methionine. These components have a beneficial effect on the liver of the animal. Treatment with the drug is recommended for allergic processes accompanied by severe itching.
The drug consists of 8 sugar cubes closed in two sealed plastic blisters. They are packed in cardboard boxes. Each package must be labeled. It indicates the name, date of manufacture, purpose of the drug. In addition, the amount of active ingredients contained, the trademark of the manufacturer, series number, storage conditions, and shelf life must be indicated. Be sure to accompany the "Exekan" for dogs instruction. The price of the drug ranges from 650 to 700 rubles (in different regions).
"Execan" is recommended for use in the treatment of acute and chronic forms of dermatitis and eczema of non-bacterial etiology in dogs.
Exedan animals (for dogs) are not always eager to eat. In this case, the instruction recommends mixing it with your pet's favorite food. In the first four days, the dose is calculated as follows:
- dogs from thirty kilograms or more - two cubes per day;
- an animal weighing more than fifteen kilograms - one and a half cubes;
- small dogs (more than five kilograms) - one cube per day;
- dwarf animals (up to five kilograms) - 1/2 cube.
After this, treatment is continued in half doses for a week.
Allergy treatment
It is difficult to defeat this insidious disease. At the first manifestations of allergies in your pet, you need to contact a veterinary clinic in order to identify the cause of its appearance. After that, you will have to rebuild the entire lifestyle and nutrition of the animal so that the dog does not encounter an allergen. This is sometimes quite difficult to do.
Your next step should be a persistent and constant improvement. In this case, we are talking about cleansing the body. Usually, sorbents are used for this. Phytotherapeutic drugs can be added to them.
We talked about this so that you understand that Exekan (for dogs) cannot cope with allergies. The instruction of the drug describes the quick help to the animal when itching and scratching can cause additional skin diseases. Sometimes it is impossible to do without such help. But owners can not be sure that the symptoms of the disease will not return after the course.
Pharmacological action
As already mentioned, the active substance of the drug is dexamethasone. This is a synthetic glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory activity. It is able to stabilize the permeability of cell membranes and inhibit the development of the inflammatory process. Due to the special chemical structure, dexamethasone has a greater anti-inflammatory activity than natural glucocorticoids. It is rapidly absorbed in the intestines, then spreads in the tissues and excreted in the urine.
Vitamins PP, B6 are involved in redox reactions at the cellular level.
"Execan" for dogs (the instruction confirms this) contains methionine - a vital amino acid involved in biochemical reactions. Methionine is especially important for liver cells.
The drug has a number of contraindications, among which:
- viral infections;
- diabetes;
- pregnancy;
- individual intolerance to individual components.
Side effects, expert advice
The dexamethasone contained in the preparation is a long-acting corticosteroid. It really effectively fights itching, but with prolonged use, it can provoke various side effects, including quite serious ones - steroid diabetes, steroid hepatitis, Cushing's syndrome. With atopic dermatitis, the use of the drug is justified, but in this case it should be used with caution.
Owners of pets of different breeds used Exekan for dogs. Instructions (reviews confirm this) are often not followed. Since the drug is an effective tool that quickly relieves itching, dog owners stop giving the medicine immediately after the symptoms disappear. At the same time, they note that after a while (a month or two) they have to give “sugar” again. Experienced sabak breeders recommend not to self-medicate, but to examine your pet and conduct a full treatment.