Social education

The social education of the child was and is the most acute problem, the relevance of which is growing every year. Currently, in addition to the usual state organizations in the form of schools, kindergartens that provide direct assistance in resolving this issue, private ones have appeared that charge a separate fee for their services. But in fact, these are the same music schools, dance studios, various kinds of circles. Only for some reason, many are sure that for an additional fee the result will be much better.

First of all, social education involves the intellectual development of the child. The leading role in this matter, of course, is played by the school, which, in addition to accumulated knowledge, lays the foundations for the development of erudition, aesthetics, instilling a love for everything beautiful, for example, painting, theater, music. Gradually knowing this, the child himself seeks improvisation, to create something new. In parallel with intellectual development, physical development must also take place, that is, participation in sports sections, tourism, because life situations are very different, and you need to be prepared for everything.

Social education should be continuous, even during the school holidays. The ability to spend leisure time, organize holidays, engage in some kind of creative process - all these components form the future member of society.

There is a lot of debate about how to properly raise a child. There is no definite answer to this, because every baby is already a person who needs an individual approach, and therefore there are no general recommendations. Social education is yet to come, but one thing is for sure that from the first days a child is born, the foundation for his future development is laid.

The formation of a harmoniously developed personality depends on each member of the family. And immediately it is impossible to teach kindness, honesty, hard work, responsiveness, decency. All this is preceded by a long thorny path.

There are a number of methods for the proper education of children. But the main role belongs to parents, all those around are only an addition to this educational process. After all, only the closest people know the abilities of their child, his hobbies, individual characteristics. And do not try to forcefully change anything in the character or behavior of children. It is only necessary to skillfully and timely send all the best that they have in the right direction, and always remember that it is the parents, in the first place, who are examples for children.

In preschool age, many people in advance try to teach a child a foreign language, music, identify him in the sports section. All this disciplines and develops a sense of responsibility. But here it is important not to overdo it. Loads should be feasible for the baby. In no case should you blame him for failures or compare with a more successful child. It is necessary to try to support him and be sure to praise at least for a small achievement.

Education of schoolchildren is much easier and less painful with toddlers attending pre-school institutions than with "home" ones. Immediately affects the ability to be in a team and communicate with others. The child begins a new life, and at this moment he especially needs the support of his parents.

Do not shift the education of the child to school. Moms and dads should always be aware of his school life and solve any problematic issues. After all, in a team conflicts with classmates and even with teachers are inevitable. Therefore, you need to remain calm and fairly understand any situation.

A child should always feel support and protection in the face of parents and know that they will never leave him alone with a school problem. All these nuances and form the basis of proper parenting.

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