If you are a designer or webmaster, you most likely know how to incorporate CSS fonts. If you are the owner of a small blog and decided to decorate your resource and make it unique, then this knowledge should help you. But it’s better then to start from the very beginning, to understand what cascading style sheets are, where to get fonts and where to install them.
So, the answer to how to connect the CSS font to the site must begin with a description of the formal language itself. CSS is a cascading style sheet. This language is used as a description of the appearance of the document. It functions in tandem with the markup language.
CSS is working to point out the visual features of pages on the Internet. The latter should be based on special markup languages HTML or XHTML.
CSS? , , -, , . , . HTML , CSS «» , , .
, . .
, CSS, , . . CSS, . , .css. .
, . .
, CSS, , . . , , HTML. . , . .
CSS , <link>. <head> </head>. href, CSS.
- , - @import. <style> </style>. <style> , url, CSS. .
, CSS , «». <style> </style>. , style. , .
, – .
? , , , . , . .
. , - , «». , Flash. , Javascript. , , , . , CSS.
, – , , , . . , , , , . .
, , . ., . . .
, font-family. , , . - , .
. , family-name . generic-family .
font-style . , . . font-variant . font-weight . . .
, . , , . , javascript flash. @font-face. .
CSS OTF TTF. , . Internet Explorer. 1997 , .
, . , . .
, . . CSS TTF. -. Internet Explorer 8 , Opera Mini 5.0-8.0.
EOT IE. WOFF TTF. SVG Chrome 37 , Safari, iOS Safari, Android Browser. , TTF. , . .
, , @font-face, . , . font.ttf. , , .
, , . .
, . . @font-face. :
@font-face {
font-family: MyUniqueFont;
src: url('fonts/ font.ttf');
font-family , . , . . , , . , CSS .
, CSS, . . , . @font-face. , , .
WordPress, . , . « ». «» . .
Google Fonts. . . , .
. , , . , .
, CSS. . , , . HTML, <style> </style>.
. . , , . , . , , WordPress, , .