Aquarium shark and catfish shark at home

We all know that the fish are very good at calming and relaxing. A variety of fish and aquariums allows you to choose absolutely any species, in size, methods of maintenance and feeding. Many of them get exotic pets, not sparing at the same time means and strength for their maintenance. These animals include the aquarium shark. The widespread belief that these are killing machines is not entirely relevant today. If you feed this fish constantly, its natural instinct is gradually dulled, and as a result, other types of fish can perfectly adjoin to it.

It is worth noting that the aquarium shark is characterized by a fearful character, and may well be frightened by sudden movements outside the aquarium. This fish does not attack objects that are larger than its size, so the owner may have unhindered access to stones and soil. And for feeding, it is better to use special forceps to avoid trouble. The teeth of these marine inhabitants are arranged in even rows, and the number of teeth can reach more than a thousand in only one row.

In general, aquarium sharks are divided into bottom and pelagic. Their content is quite different.

The aquarium bottom shark has a brown-striped color. It has a calm character, most often passive. In nature, these animals live in shallow water. They feed on crabs, various shrimps, sea urchins and other small marine inhabitants. Often they are called "mustachioed" because of the small but noticeable antennae near the nostrils. This is a fairly large shark, which in length can grow up to 100 cm or more. The best aquarium volume for its maintenance is 650 liters.

The second variety is the pelagic aquarium shark. A large shark can reach 180 cm, but this happens most often in nature. For home maintenance, you can choose a fish that grows up to 40-50 cm. Such species need to be constantly in motion, and, therefore, they need a spacious aquarium, in the best case, an annular one. The movement helps them stay afloat, due to the lack of a swimming bladder.

Some species of these fish can live 8-10 years, and the nurse shark - and 20 years. At the same time, it reproduces well.

Another interesting type of domestic fish are shark catfish or pangasius. These are quite mobile fishes, therefore it is better for them to select an aquarium large, preferably from 300 liters. These pets love warm water, and grow faster in it. And if the temperature drops, then stop taking food and go down to the bottom.

Shark catfish love to eat, although they are not particularly picky. They can be fed as small live fish, as well as dry food or ordinary bloodworms. But it is better to feed them in the evening, somewhat dimming the light.

At the same time, do not forget that these fish are used to schools, so you need to keep them a few pieces. And the best neighborhood will be with calm big fish, otherwise they can eat small ones.

Reproduction of pangasius at home is very rare. This will require a special temperature regime. In a favorable environment, they lay about 100,000 eggs at a time, and after a couple of days offspring appear.

Exotic fish species such as the aquarium shark are very popular today. Keeping them is not so difficult, and watching them is a real pleasure. These species include shark catfish. They come in different types and sizes, mobile and passive. The conditions of their detention are also different. And if you want to get any of these types of fish, you will need to get acquainted with all the additional information.

In a word, the diversity of exotic fish species is great today. You can choose a fish to your taste and color. There is a lot of information on the Internet, so there will be no problems with the content. And you can watch them forever.

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