As a rule, when you register a new Apple ID (or iTunes account), you must also provide details of the payment method (usually with your credit card). However, you can get around this. You will have to download the free application from the iTunes Store and create an Apple ID (a new iTunes account). This method avoids the need to enter any payment options at all.
How it's done?
Follow these steps to see how to create a new Apple ID directly on your iPod Touch without entering your credit card information.
- App Store IPod Touch. -, . , , App Store. , «25 », , «» .
, "Free", .
Apple ID:
. « Apple ID».
, . , . Apple. , «», .
, Apple ID, -, . , E-mail . «», . «». «Verify» «», .
, « ». , « ».
Apple ID . . - . . Itune , , «» 13 . «», .
, «». , , , ( , ..). «», .
- . , Ipod, , . «».
Apple ID , , ITunes Store. « ». Apple ID .
. , Apple, «», ITunes.