Spatter fish that spits water: description, conditions

Spatter fish is very popular among aquarists. Her way of eating is unique and unusual. Rodents can prey on insects at some distance from the surface of the water. Keeping such fish at home is quite difficult. Only experienced aquarists can do this. What are the features of the sprayers? How to provide them with the right conditions in the aquarium? We will consider these issues in the article.


The body size of the spray fish is about 15 - 20 cm. They can achieve such dimensions at home. In the natural habitat, fish grow to 30 - 35 cm.

The sprays have a flat body, depressed from two sides. The stigma of a fish is long and elongated. The lower jaw protrudes slightly. The sides are grayish or silver, and the back is greenish or brown. Occasionally, yellow individuals are found. On the sides are dark stripes.

Appearance of a splashing fish

The dorsal and anal fins are located close to the tail. This feature is characteristic of most species that live near the surface of the water.

These striped fish have binocular vision, which they need for food. They are able to accurately estimate the distance and see the world in volume.

In vivo, sprinklers live in Southeast Asia, Oceania and Australia. They live in warm brackish waters. This must be taken into account when keeping fish at home.

Flock of wild animals

Wildlife Features

Which fish beat insects with spittle? This ability is possessed only by sprayers. Their oral apparatus is arranged in a special way. In the palatine part of the mouth there is a special gutter to which the fish presses the tongue during the hunt. A tube is formed, a splatter through it and shoots water at the insect. At this moment, the fish sharply compresses the gills. Water comes out under strong pressure and knocks down production.

The sprayer guides the jet with the tip of the tongue. During the hunt, the fish raises its stigma above the surface of the reservoir. Binocular vision allows you to hit the target. Fish can release a stream of water at a distance of 1 to 3 m. Thus, it knocks down insects sitting on plants near a reservoir.

The Natural Way to Feed a Sprayer

It’s far from always that the spider manages to knock down prey the first time. Fish can shoot about 7 times in a row, trying to hit the target. If the insect is close to the surface of the water, then the sprayers use a different method of hunting. They jump out and try to capture prey by mouth.

Due to its nutritional characteristics, the spider is known as a fish that spits with water. It is extremely interesting to watch these active and mobile inhabitants of the home reservoir. Bryzgun is also called a shooter fish.


To keep these fish, a tank volume of about 500 liters is needed. A tank of a smaller capacity is not suitable, as sprayers love the space. Of great importance is the liquid level. In nature, sprinklers jump out of a pond while hunting for food. They maintain this habit when kept at home.

Some aquarists cover the tank. However, it is better not to do this. After all, when you try to jump out, the spray can be injured. It is recommended to keep the aquarium open. But at the same time, the water level in the tank should be significantly lower than the top of the tank. It is necessary to fill the aquarium with liquid about two-thirds. This will help prevent jumping.

When keeping the sprayers in the aquarium, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The water temperature should be at least +25 - +30 degrees. As soon as the fish grow up to 10 - 12 cm, you need to create a brackish habitat for them. Otherwise, fungal diseases may occur in sprinklers. Aquarium salt should be added to the water, about 1 teaspoon per 4 liters of liquid. It is necessary for adult fish, fry can live in a fresh environment.
  2. Spatter fish are very sensitive to clean water. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure good filtration and regular replacement of water in the aquarium. As soil, sand or gravel is suitable.
  3. Aquarium decor should be minimal. These fish love to stay near the surface of the water, and foreign objects should not interfere with their movement. You can put small pebbles or snags at the bottom. It is necessary to choose such types of algae that can grow on the surface of the water. Their number should be small so that the sprayers can freely swim.
  4. The aquarium lamp must be protected by glass. Otherwise, the fish may shoot water at the incandescent lighting fixture, which will lead to its destruction.
  5. In nature, these fish live in packs. Therefore, at least 4 to 5 sprinklers must be launched into the aquarium. Under good conditions, they can live in captivity for about 6 to 10 years.
Low water aquarium


Spatterfish has a peaceful disposition and usually gets along well with other inhabitants of the home reservoir. However, in some cases, it can eat smaller individuals, taking them for prey. Therefore, all fish in the aquarium should have approximately the same dimensions.

The most suitable neighbors for these fish are monodactylus and argus. In nature, they live in the same conditions as sprayers.

In no case should you keep the sprinklers together with predatory and aggressive species of fish:

  • piranhas;
  • astronotuses;
  • trophies;
  • notranhus;
  • koi carps.

These aquarium dwellers can be a serious danger to peaceful sprayers.

Predators are incompatible with sprayers


It is recommended that sprayers give the following types of live food:

  • flour worms;
  • bloodworms;
  • coretre.
Live food for sprayers

So that the fish can realize their hunting instinct, it is recommended to place insects on the surface of the water. Crickets, flies, grasshoppers are suitable as food. This will simulate the natural way of feeding the sprayers in an aquarium. Such feeding is necessary for the normal development and well-being of the fish.


In these fish, it is very difficult to determine sex by appearance. Males and females look almost the same. At home, breeding sprayers is quite difficult. These fish spawn primarily in their natural habitat.

However, this does not mean that the sprayers do not breed in the aquarium. But for breeding, you need to run a fairly large number of fish into the tank. This increases the likelihood that the flock will be individuals of both male and female. Fish intended for breeding must be fed intensely.

Rodents lay about 3,000 eggs. Spawning occurs on the surface of the water. You need to immediately collect caviar and transfer it to another container.

After 12 hours, fry will be born. Small brine shrimp brine shrimp - the most suitable food for newborn sprayers. When the fish grow up, they can be given cereals or small insects as food. Transplantation into a common aquarium is possible only when juveniles reach the size of adults.

Interesting Facts

Until recently, scientists believed that the ability to recognize faces is characteristic only of mammals. The special brain structures of highly developed animals are responsible for this function.

The brain of a spray is much simpler than the central nervous system of mammals. However, studies have found that these fish can also recognize people's faces. In addition, they are able to distinguish from each other more than 40 objects.

Also, ichthyologists have found that sprinklers make more accurate shots with water when they hunt in a pack. If the fish gets food alone, then it often misses the target.

Sprayers are able to adjust the volume of fluid discharged in accordance with the dimensions of production. In a large insect, they shoot more water than in a small one. In addition, fish are able to fairly accurately estimate the distance. The choice of hunting method depends on this. If the insect is far away, then the spray will knock it down with a stream of liquid. If the prey is located near the surface of the reservoir, then the fish jump out and catch it with their mouth. It can be concluded that the cognitive abilities of sprayers are at a fairly high level.

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