All you need to know about paracetamol during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman, especially at an early stage, is better not to use medication at all. Although there are cases in which it is simply necessary to drink some kind of anesthetic or antipyretic. In such cases, paracetamol comes to the rescue, during pregnancy permitted in almost all indications.

Cases when paracetamol is necessary for pregnant women.

First of all, these are colds, accompanied by temperature. But at the same time, temperatures up to 38.5 should be removed by folk remedies, tea with honey or raspberry jam, or infusion of linden blossom. But if the temperature ran higher, then this can already become a danger to the pregnant woman, so you just need to drink an antipyretic.

Antipyretic drugs from the series - nurofen, aspirin, and others, are anti-inflammatory non-steroidal substances, and are contraindicated during pregnancy. And all because they give a lot of complications, both for the mother and the fetus. Paracetamol during pregnancy, although it is not a completely safe drug, but, nevertheless, there were no cases of complications after taking it in medicine. For example, when I was in the first trimester of pregnancy, I also had to use the “service” of paracetamol. I was admitted to the hospital with renal colic during pregnancy for 5-6 weeks. And, despite taking this medicine, my son was born healthy, and without any pathologies.

But sometimes paracetamol during pregnancy is also needed for less dangerous diseases such as toothache or headache. Of course, it is not worth taking it for a long time, but there will certainly not be harm from several times.

What is paracetamol and its effect.

Paracetamol is an antipyretic and analgesic that has a slight anti-inflammatory property. The anti - inflammatory effect of paracetamol is due to the fact that it inhibits the formation of prostaglandins (biologically active substances), which are involved in the inflammation. The antipyretic effect of this drug is due to its direct effect on the thermoregulation center located in the area of ​​the hypothalamus of the brain.

After administration, paracetamol is rapidly absorbed into the small intestine and rushes into the bloodstream, after which it is distributed in liquid media and in body tissues (except for cerebrospinal fluid and adipose tissue). But it also penetrates the fetus through the placental barrier, although it does no harm. Its destruction occurs in the liver, and the output occurs through the urinary canals (metabolic products - metabolites). Although some metabolites have the properties of toxins and can cause tissue damage, which gives some danger. That's why they advise all pregnant women to take medicine only as prescribed by the doctor.

Paracetamol is usually used for a variety of pains - headache, toothache, pain in muscles and nerves arising from neuralgia, burns or injuries. In addition, it is taken for infectious and inflammatory diseases of various origins, accompanied by high fever.

This medicine is released under a wide variety of names (calpol, paracetamol, panadol or efferalgan), in soluble tablets, tablets, in powder, in suspension for internal administration, in rectal suppositories and in syrup. During pregnancy, paracetamol is prescribed by a doctor no more than 1 tablet in 200 mg. But it is better to use a soluble form, so it will act faster.

A reasonable question arises - is it possible to pregnant women with paracetamol?

Although paracetamol is not a completely safe medicine, it is not contraindicated for pregnant women, following reasonable measures. But with an overdose of the drug, symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, stomach pain will immediately appear. There are also some contraindications for taking paracetamol. This is an increased sensitivity to the drug, severe kidney and liver diseases, some enzymatic congenital disorders and blood diseases. If you strictly adhere to the rules of admission and do not have contraindications to this, then you can use it during pregnancy.

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