In order for the child to develop physically and mentally, parents should not let everything go by its own accord. The right selection of toys and activities during the games to explore the world and try your hand. In the article we will consider games for children of 9 months at home. We will also tell you what the arsenal of toys should be, the necessary gymnastics, and proper swimming training.
Baby skills
At this age, it is already interesting to spend time with the child, as his curiosity and skills develop every day. He is already responding to his mother’s words not only by intonation, he understands the essence of simple requests. He is also already trying to speak himself, clearly pronounces some syllables, possibly simple words.
The kid can no longer be left alone, he can try to get out of the crib, crawling, studying the apartment. It begins to move with support on legs along the wall, crib and other furniture. He is not interested in playing alone with a rattle - he needs a company. Simple games with more serious toys are possible.
At 9 months, the child shows curiosity to all subjects. At this time, games and activities with the baby should already be developing unobtrusive character. If the child does not like the game, then you should not put pressure on him. Games with a child of 8-9 months should be of interest primarily to the crumbs.
The importance of the word no
Prohibitions should be practically absent, but the baby should know the meaning of the word "no." For example, do not touch the outlet. And also it is necessary to secure the territory: the floor should be clean, should not be in the way of research of sharp and unstable standing objects. Nothing should limit educational games for children of 9 months.
Arsenal of toys
Before embarking on a training session with a child, you need to check whether all the necessary toys are in the house. Knowing which games a child at 9 months old is useful and interesting, you can choose the necessary arsenal.
An important rule: toys must be safe, high-quality and attract the attention of the child. But do not overwhelm the baby with them. Otherwise, he will be confused in the choice and will not be able to participate normally in the process.
List of required toys:
- Special children's paints for drawing with fingers.
- Pyramid May consist of round rings on a rod. It is possible from a rustling fabric to attract the attention of the baby.
- Children's plasticine. It has the consistency of the test and is completely harmless.
- Ball. May be normal or with small spikes. It is better to take rubber.
- Cubes. It is better to refuse wooden at this age. You can buy light and voluminous, made of foam rubber.
- Toys that move with a rope.
- Tumbler. The child will be surprised that the toy gets up on its own, and he will try to lay it down.
- Sorters with simple figures (round circles, small squares). With animals it is better to buy later.
- Rubber animals. It is possible with a squeaker. So the child can be taught the sounds made by certain animals.
- Durable and small dolls or cars. So that all parts are firmly fixed.
- Picture books.
These toys will be quite enough for the games and activities with a child of 9 months to be varied. Even with the help of the usual pyramid, you can come up with a whole series of interesting activities.
Games with a nine month old baby
Some parents believe that with a child at this age, the list of games is quite limited, and it is too early for a child to fill his head with activities. This is erroneous information. At this age, the child’s brain absorbs everything new and interesting like a sponge. And it is better if this is useful information.
List of games with a child of 9 months:
- Ball. This is the favorite toy for children of any age. You can roll it, throw it, toss it. And at 9 months it is useful to even just teach the baby to properly hold the ball in his hands.
- Pyramid It will be interesting for the child to hold in his hands the details from the pyramid, to disassemble the already assembled one. With it, you can begin to teach your child flowers. Provided that the pyramid is multi-colored. You can ask the baby to submit a detail from the toy. So he will know what the request is and how it is implemented. Do not wait for the baby to immediately disassemble and assemble the toy. He can ignore her. At this age, much is learned through the mouth (as teeth climb), so mom should be prepared for the fact that her baby will taste the toy.
- With the help of the sorter, the child will learn to choose figures in size and shape. Poking through holes will still be difficult for him. But you can show him how to do it right. There are also curious children who are already at that age trying to repeat what mother does.
- Cubes. From them you can build towers, houses, invite a child to the construction and collapse of the already built. With them you can also learn colors, learn the request "give." If the cubes are soft, then they can be thrown.
- The tools at hand can also be used to play with a child of 9 months. These are children's favorite spoons, pans, pans. To this can be added cereals and pasta. You can mix together two types of pasta and try to sort them out with your child. The kid can just pick them up and arrange them in pots. This is useful for developing fine motor skills. During the game, make sure that the child does not pull products in his mouth, does not stick in his ears or nose.
- Painting. You can draw using special paints, they are easily washed and washed. The child will just be interested in leaving their prints. You can only depict hand prints an interesting picture. It can be left as a keepsake, so that later it can be remembered and shown to an adult child what size his palm was. Colors of paints are desirable to sound. So at a subconscious level, the child will begin to remember them. If the mother is afraid of dirt from paints, then the coloring solution can be poured into a bag, it must then be tightly sealed. And the child, running his hand over the bag, will see the remaining traces. It’s pure and the child’s joy.
- Paper. Even with its help, you can arrange educational games for children of 9 months at home. It can be torn, wrinkled, tossed and caught. You can fantasize in different directions. This game develops motor skills well.
Other games
Now consider some more options for games:
- You can ride the baby on your feet. Make a kind of slide. Be sure to hold the baby. In this case, you need to voice all your actions and provisions of the crumbs: "now you are above" or "now you are below." Such a game will not leave a child indifferent even at the age of three.
- You can arrange excursions for the baby both in the apartment and on the street. At this time, you can show: "TV", "chair", "grass", "puddle", "tree" and so on. Be sure to comment on everything that happens around, name objects and allow the baby to touch them.
- Also, educational games for children of 9 months can develop strength. For example, tug of war, sticks, pillows. The main thing is that the movements should be smooth and so that the baby holds on tightly to the object being dragged.
- With the help of rubber toys, mothers can teach the child the names of animals. The cow (show the cow) says "mu", pussy - "meow". You can even make a kind of theater out of these toys. Such games with a child of 9 months can be varied with various details. “The bear is coming,” “the kitty has fallen,” “the bunny is jumping.” "Red fox", "white dog." "The bird sings," "the horse is hungry and eats." There are a lot of game options.
- You can put plastic toys in a bowl of water and catch them with your child. At the same time, also study what is caught, what color. These games can be held in the process of receiving water procedures.
- Everyone knows the game of hide and seek. You can hide one of the parents or hide toys. So that the child can find, you need to make the sounds of animals. So the child will quickly remember how the rooster cries, the kitty meows. And attention will also develop.
- It is important that the child can navigate well in space. You can put pillows on the floor, create a mountain. You can also crawl with your baby and show on your own example. The child must learn to avoid obstacles.
- The following game should be included in the list of games with a child of 9-10 months: "help assemble the toys." Mom puts them in a basket and asks for the help of a child. This helps to develop the ability to clean up after themselves. And also the child will learn to put things in a container.
During games, it is important to teach the child how to protect them. No need to take a lot of objects for classes at once, the child will not be able to concentrate. To hold games not only at home, but also on the street, in the bathroom. You should not constantly engage in learning, the child should rest and just play with his favorite toys.
Gymnastics at 9 months: what exercises should be done with the baby?
The simplest and most beloved (peculiar) gymnastics is the tickling of a child. All muscles are tensed at this time, and also the child develops lungs with his laughter. But do not spend too much time tickling.
If the child is sitting confidently, then you can raise his wand over him so that the baby can reach. You need to allow the baby to grab and slightly raise the wand while the baby is holding. Develops muscles of the arms and back.
Other gymnastics exercises
You can give your child hands, for example, rings from the pyramid. A child holds onto one edge, and a mother holds onto the second. It is necessary to bring and spread your arms, sipping on the rings. Be sure to make an account: one, two, three, four. Next, you can put the child on his feet, with one hand hold his knees, the other back. And at this time, ask the baby to pick up toys. It is advisable not to bend the legs.
You can just walk with the child, holding his hand. Motivate crawling on the floor. It is good to have special mats (massage) in stock. They prevent the development of flat feet and have a positive effect on muscle tone. With prolonged physical exertion, it is advisable to do massage. First warming up, then relaxing.
Swimming is a useful activity
This procedure is important to strengthen the immunity of the child, develops muscles and lungs. Strengthens blood vessels and heart. After water procedures, the child sleeps better. He should not be hungry or just after feeding. If the baby has contraindications to water procedures or the mother has doubts, then you need to consult a pediatrician.
Water temperature and duration of the procedure
If bathing is at home, then the bathroom should be pre-washed. Water is not lower than 38 degrees and not higher than 40. In the process of swimming, it can cool. Then add hot water carefully so as not to burn the baby. The first procedure should not exceed 15 minutes in time. It is strictly forbidden to leave the child in the bathroom alone, even with a lifebuoy.
Water exercises
- This exercise teaches a child to stay afloat. It is necessary to put the child’s head on the arm so that the baby is on his back. You may need to hold the buttocks of the child. This helps the neck muscles develop and makes a straight posture.
- Same thing, but face down. It develops neck muscles well.
- Baby face down or up. With his feet he should push off from the side of the bathtub. At this time, he may try to make swimming movements.
- Simple splashing water.
- Toys are put into the water, and the child is brought closer to them by water. Over time, the baby should help rapprochement, make swimming movements with arms and legs.
- Immersion in water and rise from the water. Gradually, it will be possible to lower it with your head.
For nine months, such activities in the bathroom are enough. But you can add your own exercises. If swimming takes place in the pool, then you need to ensure that the baby does not swallow chlorinated water.
Tips for mothers who want to educate their baby while playing
Before you start developing games with your baby at 9 months old, you need to make sure that the baby is full and calm. If he is overexcited, he will not be able to concentrate on the game. The room should be warm, ventilated and clean. All distracting items should be removed.
Little conclusion
The article listed the basic games with a child. At 9 months, boys and girls are already starting to develop in different ways. Therefore, this should be taken into account. During the games, communication with the baby is mandatory. If the mother follows all the recommendations, then the developmental games for children of 8-9 months will help the child to keep up with the development.