A child fell ill in Turkey on vacation: what to do

In preparation for the fabulous long-awaited vacation in another country, everyone is set up only positively and there is no desire to assume that a child may get sick there at any time. Unfortunately, the statistics of childhood diseases on vacation is sad, especially abroad. So that your baby does not pick up various infections and viruses on vacation, you need to adhere to certain recommendations.


sick child in turkey

The thing is that the immunity of the baby, which has not yet been strengthened, reacts very sharply to any change in the usual way of life.

If a child falls ill in Turkey, the most likely cause is:

  • climate change;
  • unusual new food;
  • bad water to drink;
  • dirty pools;
  • extreme heat and other essential parts of holiday abroad.

An adult can get a digestive system disorder while on vacation, but he is more safe from infectious diseases. So that when a child falls ill on vacation in Turkey, on time and correctly help him, parents need to collect medicines from home as well.

First aid

Of course, this is an independent examination of the baby. Despite the fact that the country is famous for new viruses, it is possible that a child in Turkey got a common cold or got an upset stomach from unusual food. The baby should be asked about the symptoms, where and what hurts, examined. When it will be clear to parents that all the symptoms are familiar, it is necessary to begin independent treatment with the usual medicines brought with them. It is not necessary to call a doctor in such situations, because it can be very expensive.

It is incredibly important when traveling abroad with a small child, it is imperative to collect a complete first-aid kit for all occasions. It is better to bring a large suitcase with you and respond with lightning speed to a health threat if necessary, than to panic when the temperature rises. The fact is that pharmacies in Turkey do not work at night at all, but it will be difficult to acquire medicines even during the day, they simply don’t sell many of the drugs we are used to, and if they are on the shelves, then they are under different names.

Call specialist

what do children in Turkey get sick

If the baby’s symptoms are unusual and the child falls ill in Turkey, what should I do? Of course, call a doctor. Here, parents have a choice between a hotel doctor and a specialist who has concluded an agreement with an insurance company. The first option will always cost a lot of money, because even a call is paid, not to mention treatment. Especially expensive will be the treatment for those who neglected insurance.

If a child falls ill in Turkey with an insurance policy, then you should find the hotline number on him and call him. An operator will ask about the symptoms and send a specialist to the exact location. This option will significantly save money on treatment, but you still have to pay in cash for certain procedures. Medicine abroad is well developed and requires appropriate payment for labor.

Frequent infections

What do children in Turkey get sick except for common colds? Recently, cases of infection of babies with Coxsackie viruses and ECHO have become more frequent. These infections are varieties of enteroviruses, known to world medicine for a long time. Additionally, they can manifest as respiratory diseases, causing inflammation of the pharynx, larynx, and upper respiratory tract. Infections spread through gutters, dirty pool water, cockroaches and flies. The patient is a carrier of the disease and releases it into the air with the contents of the intestine, since all viruses live in it.

Types of Disease and Danger

the child got the virus in Turkey

If a child gets the Coxsackie virus in Turkey, you should immediately understand its varieties. This disease is divided into types that carry various symptoms and further consequences for the body. Most often, type A occurs, which is manifested by mild, blurred symptoms.

As a rule, this virus affects the skin and mucous membranes, among its possible complications:

  • throat infections;
  • meningitis;
  • enteroviral stomatitis;
  • hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.

Type B virus is more severe. It affects the liver, heart, pancreas. Among its complications are hepatitis, myocarditis, a degenerative change in the brain and its inflammation, impaired formation and function of the heart and skeletal muscles. All this is very serious and can lead to sudden death.

Infection mechanism

You can get infected with a widespread variety of enteroviruses in Turkey by the usual airborne droplet and fecal-oral route. The latter most often involves swallowing dirty water from pools. The country's climate contributes to the rapid spread of the virus, therefore, localized in the upper respiratory tract, it spreads through the air.

In addition, you can get an infection through:

  • dirty fruits and vegetables;
  • poorly purified drinking water;
  • dirty hands and non-compliance with other sanitary rules.

Signs of the disease

child fell ill in Turkey what to do

At first glance at the course of the disease, many parents think that the child has chickenpox in Turkey. In addition to the symptoms of this ailment, signs of flu and pharyngitis appear. The baby quickly gets a headache right away, fever up to 39 degrees, nausea, weakness, pain throughout the body and dizziness. The spread of infection in the intestines provokes vomiting and diarrhea, and the headache resembles meningitis. In addition to this set of symptoms, many note facial hyperemia and redness of the eye proteins. Often on the soles of the feet, palms and face, a small bubble rash appears, which causes maximum discomfort with constant itching. Sore throat does not allow the child to swallow calmly, sometimes a cough with a stuffy nose is added. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is often observed, but the disease can occur without them.


If a child falls ill in Turkey with all of these symptoms, then it is necessary to immediately inform the insurance company and the doctor. With timely assistance and proper therapy, no complications are observed. The risk of infection is inherent in children aged 2-10 years, and the disease is especially dangerous for babies up to three years. Cases of infection in infants and adults are very rare. The feverish state of the body lasts up to several days, depending on the form of the disease.

Emergency assistance before the doctor arrives

are there any sick children from turkey

Despite the fact that the disease has long been known to specialists, there is still no effective cure for it, as well as vaccines. All therapy is based on the relief of symptoms and stimulation of the immune system. That is why, before the specialist arrives, the child needs to be given an antipyretic from his first-aid kit. Itching can be relieved with antihistamines, and pain in the mouth with baby gel used for teething.

Danger from home

Many children who came from Turkey got the virus already at home, and parents immediately begin to blame foreign countries for everything. In fact, this is not worth doing, because diseases often spread in the most unexpected places and you can become infected with an exotic infection, even while within your city. Similarly, an infection can be brought to Turkey from your own country, without paying attention to the baby’s slight ailment during departure.

Precautionary measures

child got chickenpox in Turkey

In any resorts, every child is faced with a standard set of dangers.


  • injuries
  • intestinal infections;
  • colds.

It is interesting that you can get all this without going abroad, but it is there that everything becomes more serious. The intense heat of the resorts leads to rapid spoilage of food, a long stay of the baby in open areas - to burns and sunstroke, poor-quality drinking water - is another story altogether. Particularly negatively affects the body swimming in the pool, because the child uncontrollably swallows water from it, which during the day only is filled with various particles of skin, cosmetics, feces, sweat, hair and so on. In order to avoid infection, one should get out to the sea as often as possible and not ferment the baby in a collective swamp like a frog.

Many serious diseases are at first sight similar to common colds, therefore, it is difficult to determine whether there are sick children from Turkey on the plane or already at home. It is also difficult to correctly diagnose timely treatment. It is simply impossible to completely avoid childhood injuries on vacation, because the kids constantly move, play and run, as a result of which they fall and get bruises, abrasions and scratches. This phenomenon is not something out of the ordinary, children constantly receive such minor injuries in any conditions. Abroad, it is important to protect them from more serious injuries such as fractures, accidents or even gunshot wounds. The fact is that some hotels organize dashes for the entertainment of residents, staying close to which children are strictly prohibited for security purposes. Even if this is not indicated anywhere, parents should consider the possible consequences.


children from Turkey get the virus

To protect the child and himself on any vacation, you should follow the basic rule - everything in moderation. You can not overeat exotic food, even if it is very tasty, and spend too much time in the sun. It is important to give the baby as much water as possible and not force them to eat if there is no desire. Be sure to take all the necessary medicines that are suitable for your child on vacation.

I would like to hope that over time our tourists will become more responsible and susceptible to foreign diseases, but for now we only wish good luck and a pleasant stay! Keep track of your baby’s health always! You can travel every year, but recovering lost health is hard.

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