How much do you spend on exchanging SMS messages with friends and family? This service of mobile operators has gradually turned into an expensive and not always convenient function. It is often easier to call and exchange a few phrases with the interlocutor than to send a couple of messages, having spent several times more time and money on this business. However, “live” communication is still unable to completely replace correspondence, and it is unlikely that it will ever be able (at lectures, in a movie theater or other public place where conversation will interfere and distract others, messaging helps out). In this case, you need to look for ways to reduce costs for SMS and MMS, and one of the most convenient and modern solutions is the Vots Up application. What is and how it works - these are the questions that this article will answer.
Why do we need WhatsApp and why is it better than regular SMS?
Skype, : WhatsApp SMS , Skype , . , - . , " "?
, . " " "", IOS, BlackBerry,Windows Phone . , , , - - ( Wi-Fi).
, - , . (GooglePlay, Apple Store .). " " "" ( IOS) . , 0,99 . , 99 ( , ).
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iPod iPad
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- iFunBox ( ) .
- AppStore WhatsApp, iTunes.
- IPA- .
- iFunBox, / .
- iFunBox Install App IPA- . " " . .
- WhatsApp ( ). Iphone Library Documents .
- iPod/iPad WhatsApp iFunBox Library Documents, , .
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