What should be the folder for documents?

Folder - an item in which various documents, presentation and advertising materials are stored. Quite often in printing the name "folder" sounds.

How did the folder for documents

folder for documents

It is believed that the folder along with the hole punch was invented by Friedrich Sönnecken in 1886. The improvement of this product was continued by the Stuttgart company Leitz and the company ELBA Erich Kraut. It is well known that the first document folder appeared at the end of the 19th century. In 1896, one master from Germany, whose name was Louis Leitz, came up with a way to make a folder-recorder. , . 1930 . , . , , . 1959 , . , . 60 . , .


leather document folder

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leather document folders

Many companies are trying to make corporate folders for presentations, which are made of high-end cardboard. The inside of products often remains unsealed. In the event that the folder for documents has flaps inside, in the lower corner there are slots for business cards. Folder segregator is another type of stationery. It has an arched mechanism and is often used to store documents. Documents are archived in it in chronological order, thematically or alphabetically. In order to store documents in such a folder, the sheets must first be pierced with a hole punch, after which they are put on special steel rods that are part of the lock. Such a folder for documents often has a sticker with an inscription reflecting its contents. There is a round hole in its spine, which helps to get it out quite easily.The folder serves for rather quick collection of different documents. It is made of plastic or cardboard. In the folder, documents are protected not only from mechanical damage, but also from contamination. They are attached using special metal brackets.

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